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    Senior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    Me and my two other friends were sitting on a bench at a local park/lake when a lady who was speed walking, around the age of 55, stops and asks us timidly if she can ask us a question, so we say why not and wait for the question. She proceeds to tell us about her phone and how she has gone through three of them in the past year because of a white screen that has popped up on everyone of her phones. Then she tells us "she got a new battery" and talks to us like we were Verizon experts. You probably had to be there to find this humorous but it was just still ridiculous and out of control.

    Senior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    Oh, I forgot to mention I left one of my baggies of weed on the rocks, and it was gone when I looked for it the next morning

    Another good story was when I traveled to St. Augustine, Florida, with one of my friends from home. We drove over to stay with some of his relatives and his mom, but we were determined to smoke. We were both still sorta new at the smoking thing. For some reason, he didn't want to smoke in his car (probably cause it was really busy in the city). For those of you who don't know it, St. Augustine is a really, really old city started originally by the Spanish. Its completely developed with no where good to get off the road and smoke. At least where we were. So we eventually stopped at a gas station. We sketchily go behind some building (maybe it was the bathroom) and smoke and we have absolutely no cover except for a direct line of sight from the gas station. Luckily nothing happened. We ended up going to Ripley's believe it or not. We got to a point where it looked like a bunch of people were taking a picture so we waited... and waited... and realized they were fake! It was a gag... whenever you walked by, a flash would go off as if you ruined the picture. We were sooo freaked out and worried that it was obvious we were high because we waited so long! Well we eventually made it back to the house and as we were walking around back, the biggest snake I've ever seen starts rattling its tail! It was a black snake and we were so high! It was just one thing after another that day...


    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    On the first day I had my license, me and about 4 of my buddies were driving around in my dads truck at about 2 in the morning. We were passing around a few blunts so we were lit. Somehow we got into a conversation about haunted places of Michigan. One of my friends starts talking about this haunted park.

    The story goes as follows...A few years back a couple of people were sitting in thier car at the park. It was late. At about 2:55 in the morning they go to leave. Since they didnt want anyone to alert anyone to thier presense they choose to drive w/o headlights until they get out of the park. They start driving down the road out of the park and out of no where a black figure runs out in front of them and they hit it. They get out to see what they hit, but found nothing. They then get back in the car. Right before pulling away, something jumps on the hood and starts pounding. Then it stopped arruptly. After it stopped, they drove off as quick as possible. Legend has it that sometimes at about 3am at the same park, you will see this black figure moving throughout the park.

    Anywho, back to the story. We all knew the story was fake, but we were high as hell so we just all said fuck it and went anyways. We get to the park its about 2:30. We roll up a couple of joints and start smoking. Sometime within the next few minutes one of my friends started banging on the rook of the truck scaring the shit out of the rest of us.

    That gave us a good laugh. At exactly 3am, remember thats when the said black figure is supposed to come out, a car pulls into the park with its headlights off. We all panic thinking its cops. But the car just parked on the opposite side of the lot from us. And sits there. So thinkin it was just a few people like us that needed a place to smoke or they were fuckin, we decided to just sit tight and keep smoking. We end up finishing the joints and go to leave. As we drove past the car, it starts up and goes to leave the park too. I started driving down the road out of the park, and the cars still behind me. It didnt really draw my attention yet because we hadnt gone far. But after driving maybe 3 miles through side streets the car is still behind me so I realize he is following me.

    I try to loose him by quickly turning into a subdivision. The car follows. As we were driving through the subdivision my friend chris starts talking about if the subdivion ends in a dead end and didnt have another exit. And since being high, we all started to freak about it. Because the other car would have us cornered. As we kept driving the car ended up parking on the side of the road. So we all think everythings dandy. About a minute later, we come to a dead end. Just our luck, my friend jinxed us. Anywho, we turned around and started driving back out. The car was still parked on the side of the road. As we drove past it, it started following us again! But when we left the subdivision, the car turned the opposite way.

    That series of events scared the shit outta me and my friends. Makes me scared to smoke down at parks in the middle of the night now.

    Junior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    me and a couple of buddies went to my big pasture north of my town one night to smoke. we had a couple of joints and a few bowl and we had just hot boxed the truck so we were fucked up and the truck looked like there had just been a fire in it there was so much smoke. we eventually got it all cleared out and went to town to get something to eat. as we were heading back to the to my house we went through a road block.... the whole truck smelled of weed and we knew that anyone that peered into the vehicle would instantly know wat was up, and we still had about an ounce on us. the girl cop asked my buddy for his license and registration and he obliged, me and my other buddy just sat there and tried to look innocent, just waiting for the cop to smell the scent. she gave my buddy back his stuff and told us to have a safe night. as we passed the road block we all were dead silent from the thought of what just happend and how lucky we were. then my buddy said, "not a fuckin word" lol. it was easily the most scared ive been when cops and weed were concerned.

    Senior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    Got really baked with a friend and went to see a movie at a theater on campus. The girl inside the ticket window sells us our tickets, then smiles and winks and says, "Would you like a marshmallow?" She holds out a marshmallow to me.

    "Yes. Yes I would like a marshmallow." I take my marshmallow and go into the movie.

    More of the same: Renger\'s Rantings

    Senior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    Got really baked and also drank a bunch of beers with a friend of mine and went to a Mexican restaurant. When we came out, a guy in the parking lot asked us to help push-start his car. We got behind and start pushing. This was the heaviest fucking car in the world! We were pushing with all our strentgh and he kept saying, "Faster! Faster! Just a little bit faster!" He popped the clutch a few times before it started, and each time we had to go from a dead stop back up to speed. Finally it started, and by this point we must have pushed it a hundred yards.

    My legs started feeling very wierd and tingly. Then they start to shake and tremble and I had to sit down. I stumbled over to the curb and just sat there with my legss quivering and buzzing. My friend had the same thing happen too. We had to sit there for a half hour before we could stagger off, and even the next day my legs felt wierd.

    I guess we were just too wasted know we were pushing too hard.
    More of the same: Renger\'s Rantings

    Junior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    Back when I was like 16 or 17 me and a bunch of my friends got done smoking we decided to go into town to get some food. Well it was past curfew (It was like 2 in the morning) and we were walking down this path to the store. We were getting close to the main road of the town and I had all the weed and the pipes and stuff. My one friend said, "Dude, wouldn't it be hilarious if a cop came to town today? I mean, the cops only come here like once a year if that, just for the car show and I just think it would be funny if they came today out of all days just because were high and passed curfew." And we were just like yeah dude that would be funny but the cops never come here. Then like literally 5 seconds later as were about to step onto the road a freaking cop came! He slowed down too and looked at us cuz he knew we were too young to be be out that late. We turned around and ran. We wouldn't of ran if it weren't the fact I had some weed on me. Luckily he didn't bother chasing us and we got home safely... but we were super hungry and never got anything to eat:wtf:
    But it was pretty dang weird tho


    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    Once a year dude? Damn i wish that was my area. In my part of town i can honestly find a cop every 3 minutes. Worst part, my town cops are notorious for being the biggest dicks. Fuck da police!

    Senior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    here a few birthdays ago, my friend and i went up to the city smokin all the way up, and while were up there we meet up with this girl, well we dontknow it, but we go to this softball game with her, and her sisters come up too, and her mom. well the one sister is a cop in our town, so we were sitting there blazed out of our minds talking to one of our local cops off duty. that same trip, i went to get my license renewed i walk into the DMV stoned out of my mind and i go to the second floor like the sign said, i ask the lady at the counter what door it is, and she tells me its down stairs, so i said ok, and go back down stairs, wait in line for 15 mins to find out that it was just for licenseplates, so they tell me to go back upstairs, i go up there, and find the door, but it was locked, so me being high, knock on the door, and this lady comes out and i told her my little story, and she hurrys me in, and i do the little eye test, and fail it miserably, to stoned to see, and shes just like, we wil forget about that. so i take my picture and head out grinning my ass off. then on the way home, we just got done with a bowl, and all of a sudden, the windows roll down, the horn honks, the lights turn off, and then everythings turns back to normal. my firned that was driving was like what the hell was that. and i know he didnt do anything because both of his hands were on the wheel..

    then here last week, i was driving and smokin with another friend, and we see a car comin so i slow down a bit, and dim my lights, all of a sudden we see tail lights, then headlights again. we drive past, and see this guy hopping out of his car, and the front ends in a fence. i call one of my friends from town and start telling her what happene,d and she said the ambilence just got called out... so we take off down a dirt road to get out of there.

    this didnt happen to me, but here it goes, 2 of my friends were sitting up in one of their rooms, and they just get done smoking, and then they hear someone up the stairs, so they hide the piece, and one picks up his bass guitar and starts strummin on it, the other picks up a gameboy thats turns off, and the guy whos playing hte bass's mom walks in and says she smells smoke, so dan smells his shirt, and tells her the nieghbors are havin a BBQ, and daines just sitting there going to town playing the gameboy thats off. i wish i could of been there to see it.

    Senior Member

    what is your oddest encounter while high?

    sorry but i got one more for you

    back when i was about 15 me and 2 of my friends got stoned and decided to walk around town, well we walk down to the school and see the cop coming up the rode, so we hide behind some pulls as he drives by, well we start walking again and i pick up a bag of parts from behind the car dealership and we start walking again, start circling back to my house, and we find this little mini tramp, so we pick it up and start rolling it down the street, then we find this cool 3 wheeled bike and start riding that, we are about 2 blocks from my house, and see the cop come down the road a block from my house, and he sees us, so my friend on the bike flips it, and i drop my shit, and the tramp and start running, and the cops come flying up the road, and bail out. we slit up and the cops are right behind us, im standing behind a shed by the street having an asthma attack, one of my friends was hiding under a bush, the other was currled up in his sweatshirt in someones yard. one cop comes to the shed i was at, and i just keep walking around as she was coming on the other side, and as soon as she started going back, i take off running through the streetlight and down the street, and wearing flatsoled shoes they could hear me big time, i dive into some bushes, and wait for a min, then dan, the one in the bush comes running right after me, and i see the cops lights right behind him trying to shine down the sound. he dives in the same bush, and we sit there for a second and both tell eachother that the cops about seen us, then we take off running and run through an appartment building and up the hill in my back yard to my house, we wait there for a second for daine the 3'd friend to come but he never does, so we wait til the cops leave and go back trying to find him, never did so we just know were busted.. we walk back to my house expecting the worst, and heres daine laying on the couch waiting for us....

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