When I was 16ish, 2 friends and I went up a canyon to smoke. We got to the trailhead parking lot and while unloading our bong, a stanger on a 10 speed said, hey can i hit that. We all looked around and said hit what? I mean the guy was around 50, so we figured what the hell, and we said sure. So we hike up about 1mile and started smoking. Shortly after we started, he asked us if he could paint a picture of us. Shocked and confused we said why not.

He grabbed his old backpack and grabbed some water paint, small cup and water and went to town. We smoked for about 30 minutes,
he painted all 3 of us in a circle chillin. And i must say it was a HELL of a picture.

We finshed up, said thanks and the dude biked off into the sunset.

couple hrs after, we all stopped and asked ourselfs, did that really just happen?
Wish i still had the painting..:joint1:
illnillinois Reviewed by illnillinois on . what is your oddest encounter while high? When I was 16ish, 2 friends and I went up a canyon to smoke. We got to the trailhead parking lot and while unloading our bong, a stanger on a 10 speed said, hey can i hit that. We all looked around and said hit what? I mean the guy was around 50, so we figured what the hell, and we said sure. So we hike up about 1mile and started smoking. Shortly after we started, he asked us if he could paint a picture of us. Shocked and confused we said why not. He grabbed his old backpack and grabbed Rating: 5