Yea I tried the dilution method but ended up not passing. I've read that papain stimulates THC metabolizing and decreases detectable levels as much as 50% (according to the randomized control study.) I tried it, didn't smoke for like 40 hours, but nope. I've passed using the dilution method before after 2 days and after staying clean for a week.
carlosjj Reviewed by carlosjj on . pass piss test evrytime. (Not Really but a good discussion on Certo/Pectin) Where I went to high school they drug tested all Varsity football players. I got tested one time about evry 2-3 weeks for 3 years strait. I smoked a good amount at the time.. maybe like 5 or 6 cigarilos a day, and i am fat so i store thc like a mug. Go to your local grocery store and go to were the jello is. look for CERTO jeleton mix... it is in a blue box. buy 2 0r 3 pack as they are only 75cents or so.. Each pack has 2 bags of this nasty ass smellin shit. drink one strait the night befor Rating: 5