'Can someone identify this?' is an almost daily question here and I'd like to give some info about strain ID.

It's very difficult to even GUESS what strain something is by a picture, and nearly impossible to get it right. Beware anyone who claims they can look at a picture of a plant or bud and say confidently that is 'fire ass purple haze dro yo'. It just can't be done.

Bud ID:
This is the hardest of all. Frankly, most buds look like... buds!!! Bricked weed is COMPLETELY impossible to ID, and the strains that are run on a large scale in tropical brick producing areas are just not going to be readily available to the public as seed, and may not even bear a name at all. Non- bricked weed is also impossible to ID; while sometimes it's easy to say what it ISN'T, saying what it IS is jsut not going to happen! Knowing color, flavor, structure, and effect can sometimes narrow down the possibilities, but that's as far as it goes.

Plant ID:
While there are some strains that grow in very distinctive ways, like ducksfoot, Aussie Bastard Hemp, OGK 'abusive', Soma's Rock Bud and Lavender, Maple Leafed Indica, and a very short list of others, most plants are impossible to identify beyond saying 'that plant has an indica-leaning structure' or 'that looks like a landrace sativa'. To even get to the point where you can say this, the plant must be solidly vegging, at least a month old. Even then, there's little point.

So FYI before you post a thread asking to ID a strain by a blurry picture of some crumbled buds... don't be so hung up on strain names. Be happy that you have some nice cannabis to smoke and enjoy!

stinkyattic Reviewed by stinkyattic on . Identifying a strain by bud or plant pics 'Can someone identify this?' is an almost daily question here and I'd like to give some info about strain ID. It's very difficult to even GUESS what strain something is by a picture, and nearly impossible to get it right. Beware anyone who claims they can look at a picture of a plant or bud and say confidently that is 'fire ass purple haze dro yo'. It just can't be done. Bud ID: This is the hardest of all. Frankly, most buds look like... buds!!! Bricked weed is COMPLETELY impossible to Rating: 5