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    Junior Member

    Which kind of Vaporizer do you have?

    I haven't try Cloutank M3 ,but my friend say it is so good,where to buy one?

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    Junior Member

    Which kind of Vaporizer do you have?

    I just got an ego-t (dry herb) and am somewhat happy w/ it .I go through way less herb and it seems stronger.I dont like that the 'bowl part' is so tiny and that every other hit i have to unscrew it and fiddle around with a toothpick cause it clogs (i broke my first heating coil the first day I got it by doing this).But what i really like about vaping (compared to smoke ) is that there is almost no odor.I am anxiously waiting for a magic flight launch box to arrive - have a feeling its going to be a better match for me.

    Junior Member

    Which kind of Vaporizer do you have?

    I try Cloutank M3, pretty cool,just 21.99!anyone know which company make it ?

    Junior Member

    I just bought one of those new Nucleus Vapes from Smoky Mountain. Pretty solid for the price but Arizer is good too. Here's a link if anyone wants to check it out

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