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    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?

    Never had an excess of both, so can't really say.
    At this moment in time though; I'd take money.
    Probably due to youth, but when I'm an old man; I doubt piles of money will stay by my side, if you understand

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?

    Wiser people contemplate things longer, the more you think on a certain matter; the more potential problems will arise.

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?

    Greed, by far. By that's my opinion
    But in today's society I suppose pride. I mean, there's no place for it in the eyes of the general population, and the law. Someone who is greedy will probably have a lot more peaceful life.

    Why do all good things come to an end?

    Anything that has a beginning has an end.
    Would you want all the good things in your life never to end?

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?

    haha, without a doubt, play with boobies

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?

    Depends on the one person, and the thousand who would die.
    Some people, in my eyes, have more worth than three thousand

    What does death feel like?

    What does life feel like?
    Answer me that, and I'll tell what death is like

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?

    I have a strong belief in personal experience, no matter how much people warn you of, or tell you of their own accumulated wisdom; I think somethings you just have to learn on your own.

    Is it wrong to love yourself?

    In general yes. If you love yourself no matter what, then how do you better yourself?

    Are you important? Do you really matter?

    I suppose in my circle of friends, my family etc
    But outside of that; who really is?

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?

    Of course we are, again; how would we better it if we weren't?

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?

    Depends upon which life is eternal

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?

    Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do
    The ends do not justify the means

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?

    No. Who says we have a given right to anything? We earn these so called 'rights'

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?

    Not all fear unknown. The majority probably do, hence why the majority of people wouldn't climb Everest

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?

    Pushed; I'd say no. Other wise we'd probably be miserable all our lives. I think some people need moments of immaturity just to level them out. Some people grow up too quick

    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?

    Of course we have evil in us, who doesn't? I'm not talking about Lex Luthor evil, just little things. And what is evil anyway? I'd like to see someone define it

    What is preferable truth or compassion?

    Compassion. If everyone went around telling the truth all the time; there'd probably be about 40 wars a day

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?

    Majority are told. I'm one of them. I didn't choose my religion, I was brought up on it by my parents choice. I'm not complaining; I enjoy my religion. Although some beliefs I have questioned, as well as admiring some aspects of other religions. Like I said earlier, the majority of people won't question what they have/are given. If we did; we'd all be philosophers.

    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?


    Is life serious?

    It is what you make of it

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?

    No. Otherwise every country would be at war, constantly.

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?

    You mean no repercussions?
    As in, none of the persons family members coming after me?
    Not being shunned by society?
    No guilt?
    If so; then yes

    Senior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?
    Love, once you've found it, you'll know why

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?
    Good question

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?


    Why do all good things come to an end?
    You can always load another bowl..

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?
    Just to check it out

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    Makes sense..

    What does death feel like?
    We'll find out eventually

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?
    Through experiences

    Is it wrong to love yourself?


    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    Do I really matter to humanity as a whole? no, but to the people around me i do..

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    Ya, wrong things usually feel so right lol

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?
    It would be cool to live for a while, but eventually would get tiring

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?
    Depends on the situation but do what makes you happy, as long as you aren't hurting others

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?
    No, pursue

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    Not sure

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?

    Is life serious?
    Sometimes, but i try to have a good time no matter what

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?
    I don't really know what the opposite of the sky is? theres a couple weird ones, but for the most part ya

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?
    nah, i don't think so

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    Senior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?
    Love. People who choose money are doing it out of love for money, so really love wins in both cases.

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?
    Because fools/fanatics see 1 dimension to every problem, whereas wise people have foresight and can determine different outcomes - so doubts surface about what steps to take in order to reach the desired outcome.

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed? Pride in it's best case scenario can create the most beautiful art, but greed in it's best days only serves to accumulate more worth attributed to yourself or your cause. So I say greed is worse

    Why do all good things come to an end?
    Why do all bad things come to an end? Because with time everything changes.

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?
    Yeah it might be a really great insight to the psyche of the female mind, whether out of interest or to be used to one's advantage.

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    That is the same thing as saying "Would you kill 1000 people to save 1?" I would not kill 1000 to save 1, and I would not save 1 to kill 1000.

    What does death feel like?
    What? Being dead? It feels like nothing, because feelings are emotions, and when you're brain cannot create emotions, you cannot feel. So death has no feeling.

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?

    Is it wrong to love yourself?
    It is wrong NOT to love yourself. If you don't, find things about yourself to embrace. Egotism is not a sin

    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    I matter to those who love me, and that is what is important.

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    Yes, unfortunately. We should be like the Pope when he said: "I will never attend an anti-war rally, but I will show up to every pro-peace function."

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?
    If those you love do not live forever, then it is a curse.

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?
    Maximizing happiness but not doing the right thing is like stealing oil from a nation to please your needs but slaughtering their citizens in the process. The right thing is ALWAYS the right thing, no matter if it makes you happy or not.

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?
    "Rights" seem to be things that are allowed to us by a higher power or group. Happiness starts within ourselves, and nowhere else. So while we technically don't have a "right" to be happy, there is no way it should be classified as a "right" in the first place. It is a neccessary emotion to live fully.

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    Not realising potential consequences.

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?
    Good question. It depends in what areas really, but in an overall scheme I'd actually prefer to be innocent again. It was much more appeasing, the ignorant bliss...

    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?
    Yes. Sometimes.

    What is preferable truth or compassion?
    Compassion. If a cancer patient is fighting his hardest and the doctor learns he has a 10% chance to live - I would not tell the patient that. It may dampen their spirits and cause them to give up the fight. If they believed they had a better chance they may fight harder - so in this case compassion wins

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?
    Everything someone knows is because that's the way they have perceived it, quite simply

    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?
    Personally? It doesn't matter

    Is life serious?
    It's forced to feel that way as you age. Society does it to you.

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?
    Scientifically speaking I guess. But literally - most likely not. What's the opposite of blue? What's the opposite of 4?

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?
    If it was a common occurance, then alot of people would do it, probably myself included. If it wasn't a common occurance, then no.

    Junior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?
    I think I love both.

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?
    Because these people are slowly realising life is a lot more complex than what it seems.

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?
    Greed for sure.

    Why do all good things come to an end?
    All things come to an end, not just good things.

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?
    Yeah I guess I would try it.

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    Depends on the situation. If it's to kill one dude I don't know to save 1,000 people I do know then I am so doing it. If the situation is vice versa then fuck that.

    What does death feel like?
    I hope I can't answer this question any time soon.

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?
    The people around me and also greatly from my experiences.

    Is it wrong to love yourself?
    Not if you do it in a healthy way.

    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    Maybe to those around you who care most, but at the end of the day most of us don't really mean much.

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    It has come to the point where I think we might be.

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?
    Curse for sure. There is a time for everyone.

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?
    I find my self switching back and forth on that one a lot.

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?
    No, I don't think so.

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    An optimists view on the "unknown".

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?
    Yeah why not.

    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?
    I think that everyone has the potential to become bad and with enough built up anger they will snap, but some people don't built up a lot of anger.

    What is preferable truth or compassion?

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?
    I believe that no one chooses for themselves these days. People follow trends like they are drones and it is just awful. I think the reason for it is just most people, especially at a certain age, can be very impressionable.

    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?

    Is life serious?
    I'd like to think it's not.

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?

    Senior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?
    Love. money is the source of, if not all, then most of human problem. if it were up to me there'd be no such thing.

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?
    Fools lack clarity to doubt, fanatics are too stubborn, and the wise learn.

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?
    greed. pride is something very good to have in my opinion (to a certain extent, cause it could border on racism, haha)

    Why do all good things come to an end?
    They don't. We seem to believe when they end for a moment, that they are gone, but in actuality theres many more to be had :thumbsup:.

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?'
    For sure. Ive always wondered how life differed for women and men. That is in terms of how your treated, etiquette, daily happenings, and the orgasm.

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    That's tough. If i HAD to kill the person to save the thousand then yes. If there was a chance they could be spared... i dont know, no one DESERVES to die. (except child molesters, they can all rot)

    What does death feel like?
    Depends on how you go into it. It could feel wonderful, or it could be the scariest moment in your life.

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?
    I study happenings around me. I try to react to them as best as possible, learn, and experiment as much as i can to get the proper formula.

    Is it wrong to love yourself?
    Definitely not, but we must learn to love others first.

    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    I like to think everyone matters.

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    Yes and no. Yes because the wrong things are what people crave to know for some odd reason. No because some of us aren't obsessed with the wrong things, were obsessed in seeing them corrected and resovled.

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?
    Curse. Death is part of life, as crappy as that may seem to some.

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?
    Definitely the doing the right thing. Ill admit im being kind of hypocritical, but there truly is no greater joy then in helping another person.

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?
    Thats tough. I like to think everyone who deserves it is happy, but sadly most of us CHOOSE to be unhappy. There is always something to be happy about... your alive, sun is shining, everyone has that.

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    We dont fear the unknown persay in my opinion. I think its merely the fact that the unknown wont turn out the way we would like it to, or might otherwise dis prove our way of life?

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?
    Cant answer that, thats like asking me to exchange an arm for a leg.

    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?
    Everyone has evil. Some dont have the strength of mind to keep it at bay. It is very easy to hate, and very hard to forgive, but once we understand WHY we forgive, then it doesn't seem so hard.

    What is preferable truth or compassion?
    ARGH! these are hard! both needed! Id go with compassion, but truth is close! We must always have compassion.

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?
    It's always a mixture of what we are told with what we believe, or otherwise think. Only the ones who truly branch off are labeled fanatics.

    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?
    only what you are so graciously given. sadly we cannot choose what we are given in life, so we must make the best with what we have.

    Is life serious?
    Yes and no. It must be taken seriously to an extent.

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?
    Honestly, i dont know. I would like to think theres something out there thats pristine, and original.

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?
    I cant say for sure, but i certainly hope not... no one deserves to die, other than child molesters.


    Senior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?
    Love. Money is waaaay overrated.

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?
    Doesn't that imply that you are certain, that fools and fanatics are certain of themselves? So which one are you?

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?
    I'd be more inclined to believe that thinking pride and greed are bad things, is a fundamental flaw.

    Why do all good things come to an end?
    Bad things come to an end, just as often. But, good things ending are more obvious, because good things are missed, whereas bad things are not.

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?
    Yeah, but I'd spend the whole day trying to pick up chicks, so there'd really be no difference.

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    It depends on who the one is, and who the thousand is. If you mean random people, then yes. It is for the greater good. Tough question, though. Not something I could say I'd never change my mind on, either.

    What does death feel like?
    Death doesn't feel like anything. It's dying that hurts like a beeyotch.

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?
    Wisdom = reason + experience... Knowledge = a book, t.v., internet

    Is it wrong to love yourself?
    No, but I also have things that I can't stand about myself, just like any other relationship I have.

    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    To my family and I, yes. Same answer.

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    The people like what the people like, because the people like it. There is no rhyme or reason behind it.

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?
    Blessing, as long as I'm not physically aging, and impervious to all harm. I definitely might end up regretting it, but if given the choice, I'd choose "YES."

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?
    It is better to be good, than to be happy.

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    To be human, is to be curious. It is intrinsic.

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?
    Yes. 'Innocence' is just a cute way of saying ignorant and naive.

    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?
    Mine is not dormant.

    What is preferable truth or compassion?

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?
    Keep it pithy.

    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?

    Is life serious?
    Some of it is. Some of it isn't.

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?
    I don't think hair does. At least, I can't think of one.

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?
    That is an assumption that I haven't, yet.

    Senior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?

    Love is nice but cash is more dependable.

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?

    the wise recognise how little they know, the fool is satisfied with how much they know.

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?

    neither, I am not a social darwinist

    Why do all good things come to an end?

    All things come to an end, the good, the bad and the indifferent, it's just that we mourn the passing of the good.

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?

    Probably scratch me balls and spend the day wanking

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?

    Couldn't say before the situation arose

    What does death feel like?

    As above

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?

    sitting at the feet of my elders

    Is it wrong to love yourself?


    Are you important? Do you really matter?

    Only in as much as all living creatures can be considered important

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?

    I dont know who you mean by we?

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?


    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?

    I have found doing the right thing is what brings the most happiness

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?

    No, I don't believe we have a right, as such, to any particular mood state. i believe we strive to be happy, this may lead some to believe thaey have a right of some sort.

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?

    a most delicious form of masochism

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?

    that would depend on whose innocence was to be sacrificed.

    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?


    What is preferable truth or compassion?

    Compassion, truth too many times turns out to falacy. Compassion is always compassion.

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?

    i really dont care, i think i'm getting tired

    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?

    I feel I should be able to live quietly in my own land, without government interference simply because I am an indigenous person.

    Is life serious?

    Only if you make it so

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?


    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?

    Typing does not equal activism.

    Senior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?
    If all society was based on love rather than the love of money the world would be a much more huggable place.

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?
    Fools have a limited view of the world.

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?
    I don't know. They are both destructive for different reasons.

    Why do all good things come to an end?
    The only constant is change. Although you could say that all good things could become better if we knew how.

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?
    I would rip up all my credit cards first.

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    No. I wouldn't kill anyone.

    What does death feel like?
    No idea.

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?

    Is it wrong to love yourself?
    No. Being capable of love means you can spread it around.

    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    Of course. Everyone is the most important person on the planet.

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    Far too much. Obsessed with crime and punishment instead of getting to the root cause and steering us towards a better world.

    To live forever; a blessing or curse?
    Depends on the person. I would much rather be reincarnated for new experiences.

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?
    Doing the right thing. And I decide what the right thing is.

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?
    Everyone does.

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    I love the unknown. And I want to know everything if it's possible.

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?
    If everyone had innocence life would be grand. Too many people like to take advantage of those who don't know.

    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?
    No. I think people make decisions based on what they know and what we learn. I like to think everyone can be a good person through good teaching.

    What is preferable truth or compassion?
    I would say compassion. I bring up my huggable society again.

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?
    Good brainwashing techniques can make almost anyone believe. As children grow into adults it gets a little more unpredictable.

    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?
    Everyone is entitled to Bliss.

    Is life serious?
    Far too much.

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?
    Not sure. I haven't thought about 'everything'.

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?
    Highly unlikely because I would probably have been killed for being such a cunt

    Senior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?


    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?

    they want to know more

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?


    Why do all good things come to an end?
    They only seem to

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?
    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    What does death feel like?
    It hurts.
    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?
    Never stop learning
    Is it wrong to love yourself?
    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    Yes. Yes.
    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    To live forever; a blessing or curse?
    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing?
    Maximizing happiness

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?
    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?
    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?
    no evil lies dormant, no one remains unscathed by others
    What is preferable truth or compassion?
    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?
    majority of the people believe what they want because the elderly population is growing
    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?
    Is life serious?
    Does everything in the world have an opposite?
    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?no

    Junior Member

    Philosophy Questions

    Love or money which is better?
    i say love. you could live on a deserted island with only the one you love and be happy. if you were to love completely alone and be rich with no love, you would be unhappy.

    Why are fools and fanatics always so certain of themselves, but wiser people are full of doubts?
    i can relate to this one. not trying to toot my own horn, and I don't consider myself wise but i am full of doubts and there are only a handfull of things I am sure of. i don't know why. i can only speak for myself on this one. i am very slow to form an opinion. i question everything and everyone. i don't beleive everything i see, hear, read, etc...

    What is the fundamental flaw in human nature? Pride - or greed?
    i beleive it is greed. both cause man to do crazy things but I believe greed to be worse.

    Why do all good things come to an end?
    i beleive all things change, nothing ends. painful as it may be.

    If you could change gender for one day, would you do it?
    hoenstly - no.

    Would you kill one person to save a thousand?
    yes, and I would kill a thousand to save a loved one.

    What does death feel like?
    freedom - like opening your eyes for the first time.

    How do you gain wisdom and knowledge?
    through lifes experiences.

    Is it wrong to love yourself?

    Are you important? Do you really matter?
    i do.

    Are we obsessed with all the wrong things in this world?
    i beleive some people are, but I surely can't say everyone is.

    To live forever; a blessing or curse? a curse

    What is more important to you: Doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do, or maximizing happiness, even though that may not involve doing the right thing? i have done both and the first one definitely gives a much more gratifying feeling than the second.

    Do we have a "right" to be happy?
    no. we have a choice to be 'happy'.

    If people fear the unknown, then what is curiosity?
    I don't really understand this question. Without curiosity, I don't know what I would do.

    If given the choice, would you sacrifice innocence in exchange for wisdom?
    Deep down, do you think everyone has evil inside them, laying dormant? Does it just come out through our actions, perhaps triggered by others?

    What is preferable truth or compassion?
    truth always.

    Do you believe that the majority of people in the world form their beliefs for themselves based upon what they feel, know, and experience, or do most people just believe based on what they want to believe or are told to believe? Either way, why?
    i have the feeling that most people beleive things blindly. i don't know why. i can't understand why. maybe it stems back to religion. i'm not saying it's wrong to practice any particular religion, but why is it so looked down upon to question the existence of god? Maybe these same people accept things blindly from those in power. Galileo said I do not feel obligated to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reasons, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use
    What do you feel you are entitled to in life?
    only what I have worked for

    Is life serious?
    at times, but for the most part i enjoy it with a light heart.

    Does everything in the world have an opposite?
    hmmm. that's a good. i've never really put much thought into that one.

    If it was never illegal, would you have killed someone by now?no.

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