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Page 26 of 26 FirstFirst ... 16242526
Results 251 to 258 of 258
    Senior Member

    You know you're high when...

    you know you're high when you realizes your car's lights are out while driving


    You know you're high when...

    you know your high when you can feel your hair growing


    as your playing call of duty, your just spining in circles and everyone notices but you


    You know you're high when...

    you know you high when you zone out midway in every sentence

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    Senior Member

    You know you're high when...

    I know i'm so stoned when im eating a tub of ice cream and smoking a joint.
    Thats all good but when your ashing your joint in the tub whilst still being completely happy to eat the ash on the ice cream.

    Thats when its time to put the joint down LOL

    or another example, im watching t.v smoking a joint so high, there are no lights on in the room except the light from the t.v and you put the joint down and try turn off the lamp light next to you not realizing that its not on and its the light from the t.v.

    Its the stupid little things that tell you.....................

    keep toking, keep smiling, keep burning

    :rasta: :rastasmoke:


    You know you're high when...

    ...when during every commercial you ask your friend what show you're watching

    Junior Member

    You know you're high when...

    when a blunt is being passed outside at night and your vision is so blurry you can't tell which side to hit... "O shit. Wrong side."

    Senior Member

    You know you're high when...

    You know your high when you accidently burn 10 pieces of toast in the toaster.

    Senior Member

    You know you're high when...

    when u walk to the shops in your dressing gown

    keep toking, keep smiling, keep burning


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