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    Junior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    Quote Originally Posted by stinkyattic
    Hey peeps,

    Lots of 'my plant is sick' questions as always... and I realize that a lot of new growers aren't even fully aware of the types of things that they need to take into consideration when asking for advice, so I made a list of the common ones.

    If you have a problem, go ahead and cut-and-paste this list into your post to make it easier for the growers here to help you.

    Don't worry about answering every question, but the more information you give, the faster and more accurately we can help solve your problems!

    Happy growin'.


    H=Answer if you grow hydro or aero
    C=Answer if you grow coco
    S=Answer if you grow traditional soil
    L=Answer if you grow soilless other than coco (Promix, Hyponex, SunshineMix)
    R=Answer if you grow in RockWool
    T=Answer if you grow in HydroTon
    D=Answer if you run any type of automatic drip system, including into soil or soilless
    E= EVERYONE needs to answer lol!

    E-indoor or outdoor
    E-soil, soilless, coco, aero, or hydroponic
    E-specific medium
    CSL-Soil type/brand
    HCL-Hydro/aero/soilless system type
    SCL-Anything you have added to the soil
    SCLR-Soil or slab runoff pH
    E-Water source
    E-Source water pH
    HRT-Source water EC (if hydro)
    E-Age of plant
    E-Type of fertilizer
    E-Rate of application (if hydro, this is your PPM number, preferably after each component is added)
    E-Lighting source and distance from plant
    E-Air temperature (both day and night if you are running a dark period)
    HD-Reservoir temperature
    E-Air % Relative humidity
    E-Lighting schedule
    E-Type of ventilation your room has
    TR-Did you pre-soak your media in pH corrected solution?

    test- this is IN PROGRESS and will shortly include a dichotomous key! (22 April 2008)
    Hello out there I am a first time hydro grower. I need some advice. My bottom branches on my plant are drying turning pail and yellow I believe it was caused by a nute overdose when I moved my girl to flowering. Since then I have trimmed rusty brown roots added hydrogen peroxide. I was only 2 weeks into flowering at that time so I bumped it back to veggie stage for 2 more weeks now this is what I have see pics. As you can see the bottom branches are drooping but the top is thribing any suggestions?

    Senior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    You should have posted this as a new thread in plant problems. People won't see it here.

    Senior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    Thanks for the assist folks, it's appreciated. :thumbsup:'s this one? I think I included everything mentioned.

    The only way for me to accurately post one for outdoors, is to look online and steal some ideas to construct one, or, if someone here has a few spare moments and would like to participate by outlining what the content should include...All appropriate credit will be given, or, y'all can post it y'alls self, lol. (but I'd practice here first for additional imputs):

    Soil Grows - Peat Based

    What is your experience level? (first timer, novice, experienced...)

    Your Equipment:
    .1) Type and wattage of lights. (MH, HPS, CFL's, tube fluorescents, LED's)
    .2) Distance from tops?
    .3) Reflector type? (cool tube set-up, bat wing, enclosed reflector, bare bulb...)
    .4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?
    .5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan?
    .6) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule?

    Your medium:
    .7) Specific brand and type of soil, (coco, peat based soilless...) and anything you've added to it. (vermiculite, perlite, worm castings...)
    .8) Size of container.
    .9) Did you use peat pucks (or similar) to root clones or germinate seedlings?

    Your nutrients and water:
    10) Source of water? (tap, bottled or filtered) What's it's ph before adjusting?
    11) Method of checking water ph. (ph pen, test strips, aquarium test kit...)
    12) Method of adjusting water ph. (phosphoric acid, white vinegar, hydrated lime, PH Up...)
    13) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule.
    14) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering?
    15) Any additives or tea's? (Superthrive, CalMag, molasses, Mother's Earth...)
    16) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate?
    17) What is your ingoing water's ph? ...your runoff ph?
    18) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray?

    Your growroom:
    19) Indoors or outdoors?
    20) What size of closet, room or hut?
    21) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? ...With lights off?
    22) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom?

    Your strain:
    23) What strain are you growing? (Indica dominate or Sativa dom?)
    24) From seeds or clones?
    25) Is this an autoflower strain?

    Hydro Grows - NFT, Aeroponic, Hempy Bucket, Flood-n-Drain...Coco

    What is your experience level? (first timer, novice, experienced...)
    What type of hydro set-up are you running?

    Your Equipment:
    A) Type and wattage of lights. (MH, HPS, CFL's, tube fluorescents, LED's)
    B) Distance from tops?
    C) Reflector type? (cool tube set-up, bat wing, enclosed reflector, bare bulb...)
    D) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule?
    E) Is there a consistent fresh air supply?
    F) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan?
    G) Size of reservoir?
    H) What medium if applicable.

    Your nutrients and water:
    I) If using rockwoll for clones or seedlings, did you rinse the cubes well, with properly ph'd water?
    J) Source of water. (tap or filtered) What's it's ph?
    K) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule.
    L) What is the ec/ppm of your unadjusted tap (or filtered) water?
    M) What is the ec/ppm of your nutrient solution?
    N) What is the temperature of your nutrient solution? (reservoir high and low temps)
    O) Does your ec/ppm show a rise or fall when you do your daily PPM check?
    P) Does the ph fluctuate?
    Q) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you
    spray? (Just after lights come on, just before they go out...)
    R) How often do you replace reservoir water/nutes? What does it look like before changes? (clear, foamy, green, brown...)

    Your growroom:
    S) What size of closet, room or hut?
    T) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? ...With lights off?
    U) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom?
    V) Are the roots long and white, or brown and slimy?

    Your strain:
    W) What strain are you growing? (Indica dominate or Sativa dom?)
    X) From seeds or clones?[/QUOTE]
    Y) Is this an autoflower strain?[/QUOTE]

    I could copy and post each method as it's own thread, (with instructions for copying, pasting and answering) and hopefully we can close the thread if FBR agrees, so no errant postings will confuse it's intent or purpose. Perhaps the last chance for changes...

    Junior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    new to growing problem is plants r outside on porch 4 ft doing very good then started dyeing from bottom up now starting 2 grow on bottom still dyeing going up but tops r doing good but dyeing in middle please help losing battel

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    Junior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    My plants have been up for 4 days now growing in normal sunlight indoor theyve been growing what seems realy fast is it a good or bad thing. (first grow no experience at all)
    Attachment 283537

    Senior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    cant figure out why these leaves are turning and what the spotting is from..if anyone has any advice thanks for your time btw its mostly on the smaller ones

    H=Answer if you grow hydro or aero
    C=Answer if you grow coco
    S=Answer if you grow traditional soil
    L=Answer if you grow soilless other than coco (Promix, Hyponex, SunshineMix)
    R=Answer if you grow in RockWool
    T=Answer if you grow in HydroTon
    D=Answer if you run any type of automatic drip system, including into soil or soilless
    E= EVERYONE needs to answer lol!

    CSL-Soil roots organic
    HCL-Hydro/aero/soilless system type
    SCL-bit of malibu compost, bit of microhhyzzae
    E-tap (let it sit with water conditioner for bout 10-20min usually before adding nutes)
    HRT-Source water EC (if hydro)
    E-6 wks flower...prob vegged 4 wks
    E-house and garden cocos a & b, also compost tea every once in awhile, along with house and garden additives like bud xl and top shooter, also giving sugaree from cutting edge here n there
    E-moderate feeding ppm sometimes as low as 300 but sometimes highest like 1200...500-1000ppm is normal
    E-4x600hps 2x1000hps
    E-Air temperature (both day 72-78 and night 60-65)
    HD-Reservoir temperature
    E-40% but spikes up to 80...i think right after lights go off..still working on this problem also sometimes goes down to like 29
    E-12 on 12 off
    E-10in max fan with 10x48 carbon filter, 10 inch intake fan
    TR-Did you pre-soak your media in pH corrected solution?

    Junior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    I am having a hard time finding the troubleshooting thread to fill out the form, so I will try my question here (and if anyone knows where I can find the troubleshooting form, plz let me know) We are starting to get concerned with our seeds and clones. Over the last 2 years we have not really had a problem with seeds or clones, until recently. We put them under the dome and once we place into the tub (we grow hydroponics) they just seem to stop growing. The clones just seem to stay small and wimpy looking. The seeds stretch for the light, and most of the seeds pull themselves up and grow nicely. We follow all the step when cutting clones, but I am wondering if the change in tempuratures from day to night could cause this? We do have air/heat control in the rooms but I just can't figure out why the clones aren't growing and why the seeds grow so slow. Thanks to all those that read and those that give any suggestions. Thanks

    Junior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    What is your experience level? (first timer, novice, experienced...) NOVICE
    Your Equipment:
    .1) Type and wattage of lights. (MH, HPS, CFL's, tube fluorescents, LED's) MH 600W
    .2) Distance from tops? 4-6 INCHES
    .3) Reflector type? (cool tube set-up, bat wing, enclosed reflector, bare bulb...)COOL TUBE
    .4) Is there a consistent fresh air supply? YES
    .5) Do you have an exhaust fan and a circulation fan? YES
    .6) What are the bulb wattages, kelvin ratings, and schedule? 600W, 24HOUR LIGHTS

    Your medium:
    .7) Specific brand and type of soil, (coco, peat based soilless...) and anything you've added to it. (vermiculite, perlite, worm castings...) ROCKWOOL
    .8) Size of container. 6X6 CUBES, 20 GALLON RESERVOIRS
    .9) Did you use peat pucks (or similar) to root clones or germinate seedlings? YES

    Your nutrients and water:
    10) Source of water? (tap, bottled or filtered) What's it's ph before adjusting? WELL WATER
    11) Method of checking water ph. (ph pen, test strips, aquarium test kit...) TEST STRIPS
    12) Method of adjusting water ph. (phosphoric acid, white vinegar, hydrated lime, PH Up...) PH DOWN
    13) Specific brand and N-P-K ratio for each bottle. List dosages (quantity per gallon) and current feeding schedule. BOTANICARE 3-2-4
    14) How often are you watering between feedings, and how much per watering? WATER PUMPS COME ON 4 TIMES A DAY (IN 24 HOURS)
    15) Any additives or tea's? (Superthrive, CalMag, molasses, Mother's Earth...) CAL-MAG
    16) Are your ph levels stable, or do they fluctuate? FLUCTUATE
    17) What is your ingoing water's ph? ...your runoff ph? INGOING - 7.5 RUN OFF - 7.0
    18) Do you foliar feed? If so, with what, how often, and at what time do you spray? NO

    Your growroom:
    19) Indoors or outdoors? INDOOR
    20) What size of closet, room or hut? 10 X 12 (12 FOOT CEILINGS)
    21) What are the temps and humidity levels while lights are on? ...With lights off? LIGHT ON: TEMP 82 DEGREES, HUMIDITY 35% (LIGHTS ARE ON 24HOURS IN VEG)
    22) Have you seen signs of insects in the growroom? SOME GNATS, BUT THATS ALL

    Your strain:
    23) What strain are you growing? (Indica dominate or Sativa dom?) BOTH
    24) From seeds or clones? BOTH
    25) Is this an autoflower strain?NO

    Here is the info for my grow room. the problem is with our clones or seeds just being wimpy. I answered all that I could, but if you need more info PLEASE let me know. Thanks

    Junior Member

    A Troubleshooting form! Yay! You know you wanted one!

    my plant is dying on one limb. leaves are turning yellow and brown only on one limb. all the rest of the plant is doing great. what to do?

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