View Full Version : Tanning anyone?

02-28-2007, 08:30 PM
I know i shouldn't tan because my cancer doctor might just kill me if he finds out but I am in love with my tanning salon by my house. I just think it makes me look thinner and it makes me feel dare I say, sexy? Anyone else tan?

02-28-2007, 08:36 PM
I tan in the summer, (definitly makes me feel sexy) but I can't bring myself to go actual tanning...I want to though but I think my friends would laugh in my face. kinda like I really want those ugg boots but if I wore them I'd be hysterically laughed at lmao.

it IS terrible for you tho, so maybe it's a good thing I don't go.

02-28-2007, 08:37 PM
OMG I love my ugg boots haha especially since its all snowey and shit. Plus they look so cute and they look great with jeans.

02-28-2007, 09:01 PM
tan in a can, baby!
beats foundation hands-down... the Olay moisturizer with spf15 and self-tanners... wOOOOOOOt

02-28-2007, 10:48 PM
I've never gone. I'm the type of girl that is one of 2 colors, white or red. I have never been able to get a tan. Plus skin cancer runs in my family. Best not to tempt fate.

03-01-2007, 12:19 AM
i went last year before i went to prom but i didnt go too much ... there r some girls who go wayyyy over board with it ... like its winter ... in philly ... u rnt supposed to look like u live in brazil ... although i do want to start going befroe i go to florida to get a good base so i wont burn quickly

i love tannning in the summer though ... it makes me feel happy :)

03-01-2007, 12:27 AM
no, im naturally tan,

03-01-2007, 12:29 AM
no, im naturally tan,

lucky ... everyone in my family is non of them have to go tanning ... my mom goes outside in winter and gets tan ... im jewish and they all look so tan and israeli ... then there is me ... im dirty blonde and i have green eyes and sort of pale skin ... everyone thinks i was adopted

03-01-2007, 12:34 AM
One of my customers is a tanning salon... peeps come out of them machines sooo unhealthy looking... I was offered freebies and did not take it...

Chronic Chrissy
03-01-2007, 03:07 AM
I am so against tanning beds it's not even funny. I do however love to bake in the sun during the summer and read(with sunscreen of course). I can always pick out a fakebaker and their tans look so bad because they are so even. With a natural tan your faces shadows create slimming illusions that complement your facial, and body structure, that's why tanning makes you look slimmer, you just can recreate those results in a bed, I have a stubborn tanning family so I see what they go through to be dark.

03-01-2007, 03:13 PM
I won't tan but if I had a tanning salon, like, across the street from my house, I would do the Mystic Tan year-round. I love that shit. Takes like five minutes to do and it lasts for a week and no streaks!

surreys princess
03-01-2007, 04:13 PM
i do not tan at the moment, but until 6 months ago, i was a tanning addict...yes, it is not good for you, but really, i dont think it is any dangerous than anything else, if done in moderation.....at least that is what i tell myself...i return to tanning in 4 days, and cant wait..with the weather here, always rainy and dark, it peps me up some as well...

03-01-2007, 04:16 PM
with the weather here, always rainy and dark, it peps me up some as well...
Time to put a lawn chair in your grow room, hon!
Nothing spells winter cheer like sitting under 5000w of HPS lighting with a trashy novel and sunglasses, surrounded by a luch tropical cannajungle!

03-01-2007, 04:32 PM
hope u read this rebgirl. how are you,apart from being gorgeous and a toker :jointsmile: get in touch, as for tan, i dont really care i live in england so a man with a tan, hes either been on holiday and probably got a disease, or hes been on a tan bed, and the blokes more womanly than you :)

Chronic Chrissy
03-02-2007, 02:28 AM
i do not tan at the moment, but until 6 months ago, i was a tanning addict...yes, it is not good for you, but really, i dont think it is any dangerous than anything else, if done in moderation.....at least that is what i tell myself...i return to tanning in 4 days, and cant wait..with the weather here, always rainy and dark, it peps me up some as well...

Sorry to jack this thread but Surrey why is my rep disabled I don't understand and am very confused. Did I do something wrong?

03-02-2007, 02:37 AM
Sorry to jack this thread but Surrey why is my rep disabled I don't understand and am very confused. Did I do something wrong?

go to User CP, Options, and turn it back on

03-02-2007, 12:22 PM
hmmmm I need new tanning lotion grrrrrrr Its gonna cost me like 20 bucks too...wtf man wtf!

03-02-2007, 06:28 PM
ive never used a tanning bed, and never will. not only will over-tanning lead to skin cancer, it also ages you terribly! you will be 35 and have the skin of a 70 year old woman! ewwwwww (something about mary comes to mind)....

i tan in the summer, but i always use sunscreen. in fact, every day in the summer i put on sunscreen on at least my face regardless of whether im planning on going outside.

03-03-2007, 06:16 PM
Tanning ruins your skin!!!! You won't realize how much until it starts to show and then you will freak out. The best way to counteract earlier tanning binges (I spent many years in Hawaii and California) is radical use of retin-A and sunscreen. And remember, as I did not, that your neck is connected to your face, so whatever you do for your face, do for the neck as well.
Take the advice of a woman who learned in the nick of time!:D

03-03-2007, 08:47 PM
Time to put a lawn chair in your grow room, hon!
Nothing spells winter cheer like sitting under 5000w of HPS lighting with a trashy novel and sunglasses, surrounded by a luch tropical cannajungle!

oo i like how that sounds

03-04-2007, 12:17 PM
Never got into tanning myself, i just look stupid with a tan because i'm naturally so pale :/ Irish skin for ya.
My sister on the other hand is actually obsessed with tan. (Fake tan from the bottle that is).
I think it's actually an addiction for her at this stage, she will not leave the house without having tan on, infact, no one outside the family has seen her not tanned in about six years :eek: :eek:

03-06-2007, 02:28 PM
so hard over you rebgirl 420 :s3: :s3:

03-06-2007, 05:41 PM
^you know...some people define cheating simply as something you wouldn't want your significant other (your wife) seeing.

surreys princess
03-06-2007, 05:45 PM
well said dutch...

doesnt say much about someones character, does it?

tsk tsk....

03-06-2007, 05:48 PM
no it really doesn't. I don't mean to mind someone's business, but to be honest the guy is being so blatantly desperate it is annoying me. Especially to be in his wife's shoes....

03-06-2007, 08:22 PM
Wow, you're in this thread too typing with one hand. ;)

You reek of desperation. You should try putting that much care into your "wife and kids" (if that's even true).

03-06-2007, 08:36 PM
so hard over you rebgirl 420 :s3: :s3:

Dude seriously, give it up, you're turning into an annoying spammer, and you're pissing me off big time with all this crap. You aren't happy with your wife, shit, get a divorce... but do it BEFORE chasing around after high school aged girls who can perfectly well find a good man close to home... seriously...

03-17-2007, 05:02 AM
Tanning, especially in salons, is so utterly phony that I just cannot fathom partaking in it. I also want wrinkle and cancer free skin for as long as possible.

03-17-2007, 05:54 AM
i'd never consider going... i like my ghostly white skin..

03-18-2007, 08:57 AM
Dude seriously, give it up, you're turning into an annoying spammer, and you're pissing me off big time with all this crap. You aren't happy with your wife, shit, get a divorce... but do it BEFORE chasing around after high school aged girls who can perfectly well find a good man close to home... seriously...

Its...something. He's a nice guy but if he does have a wife and such thats pretty bad. I bet if she found out she'd be furious. I know I would be.

03-18-2007, 05:44 PM
Everyone around here tans guys too, but personaly Im Chicano so Im natualy tan, I know alot of people that tan but do it natualy no booths and lots of SPF cause those Booths do make people look strange after about 10-15 years of use. This is especialy the case for hot little white girls so watch out reb. Your natualy sexxy you dont wana mess wit that.:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

budsmoker only
03-18-2007, 05:55 PM
never done it, is it hot on those beds? cuz it seems like itd be hot as fuck... and i tan nicely just from being the sun... i rarely get burned...

05-07-2007, 08:11 AM
It doesnt burn, the worst thing is that you sweat your ass off. But ive been going again and im getting pretty dark :thumbsup:

05-07-2007, 11:53 AM
i think girls that use tanning beds look fake ( at least most of them ). And acting / looking fake is one of the biggest turn offs for me.

05-07-2007, 02:00 PM
whats fake about wanting to be tan? It makes me feel more confident and whats sexier than confidence?

surreys princess
05-07-2007, 03:14 PM
humility.....and being educated...poise.....those come to mind...

05-07-2007, 03:18 PM
Well ive already got that so who cares if I tan?

surreys princess
05-07-2007, 03:21 PM
i certaintly dont......

i was just responding to your smart comment about what is sexier than confidence....

05-07-2007, 03:25 PM
No im sure you have those traits you mentioned. Hell your like the one of the main disks in the spine of this whole place! Don't sell yourself short!

05-07-2007, 06:48 PM
shes not read the post again dah

05-07-2007, 06:50 PM
i would like to say princess is one sexy lady;)

surreys princess
05-07-2007, 06:54 PM
you..are silly x

Its a Plant
05-07-2007, 07:29 PM
Tanning is fine by me, and certainly not "fake" by any means. It makes most women look and feel better from what's been said here, but I've seen a few that are TOO tan, and that is where I have a problem with it lol. They look like an over loved leather handbag or something. Too dark is just so not attractive, I dunno that's just me...

05-07-2007, 07:31 PM
^ I agree, and if you re-read my post, i said tans from a tanning bed looks "fake" in most cases.

06-08-2007, 12:21 PM
i would love to be able to Tan, i just turn red peal and go straight back to white DAMN THESE IRISH GENES

06-09-2007, 05:29 PM
Amazon.com: Hawaiian Tropic Tan Amplifier Bronzing Spray, Hot Tropic Fragrance 8 fl oz (237 ml): Health & Personal Care (http://www.amazon.com/Hawaiian-Tropic-Amplifier-Bronzing-Fragrance/dp/B0009F3MU6)
^this stuff, a bronzing spray, i use this from time to time and it works very well. my girlfriend is half cuban, half puerto rican, and she gets VERY tan in the summer, so this summer if i'm gonna spend a weekend with her, i'll usually spray this bronzer and go outside and lay out maybe twice before. it works quite well.

06-09-2007, 06:25 PM
:thumbsup: thank you

06-10-2007, 08:10 AM
Ladies... just please be careful alright? Anybody can get skin cancer.

To be honest I went to a bed twice. I wanted to do something nice for my ex when we were dating so I took here to the tanning salon and got her some sessions in the Matrix, then figured Im paying that much for it, might as well do it too. That fuckin thing was sick... like a time chamber... and since the harmful spectrum of the UVa and UVb lights are filtered out they look like black lights. God am I tired... but tanning in a bed sucks. Its fuckin hot.