View Full Version : chicken crap pellets

01-31-2007, 07:33 PM
like little pellets look a bit like bird/fish food (like a centimeter long at most) are they any good for growing outdoors like to put in before soil?

or mix with soil?

or on top of soil?

thanks :D

02-09-2007, 07:11 PM
yea ive used them i think they are high in phospherous what i do with um is cut the top off of a milk jug and fill with like 1/2cup of chicken shit pellets and the rest water let it disolve and pour on the plant btw dont use to much it will burn the plants roots


03-31-2007, 11:50 PM
I have used not chiken shit pallets but chicken shit mixed with saw dust i started with just soil had nothing in it at all i mixed in all at the same time before i started planting sheep shit pallets, chicken shit mixed with saw dust, compost and some lime amazing results my plant grew around 6foot high i cant put a pic up in here but its under my profile its not just the chicken shit u use mix in a few things to give the soil the needed properties and go from there good luck:thumbsup:

Abattoir Dream
04-01-2007, 11:24 PM
i used to get a crappy old metal grinder, and just grind them up and mix them into the soil.. old grinders are great for shit like that...

04-02-2007, 10:11 PM
lol i mixed them whole with the soil and came back a couple of days later to find the whol;e thing undug :S

i was like wtf!!

(this is a gorrila grow by the way)

i cam down to the conclusion that fox's smelled the chiucken crap and dug in hopes of finding a chicken :P lol anyway so i am gonna go in another direction lol, sad as well as i had a good big bucket full of chicken crap mixed with saw dust sticks.