View Full Version : Who would you vote for?

01-24-2007, 06:45 AM
Seriously. Imagine a candidate that is your mostly typical Joe USA. He's a bit smarter than most and a little better educated, but obviously not bought nor interested in getting bought. He is big on personal liberty and wants to legalize pot. He doesn't like the idea of the USA playing global police and would rather have us focus our attention domestically, but he is willing to use military force when needed.

1) Would you want to vote for the guy, as opposed to marginalizing him? I mean would you REALLY trust that guy to run your county.

2) Would you actually go down and vote, not just talk about voting?

01-24-2007, 08:09 AM
jack herer ran for president.....twice.....and he lost...both times....
i think the majority of america would vote for somebody else simply because an average joe that wasnt bought couldnt come up with the funding to ge his name out
when i turn 18 i'll always vote for the grassroots party

02-26-2007, 03:55 AM
If voting made a difference, it would be ILLEGAL.