View Full Version : Feds Bust more 'dispensaries'

01-18-2007, 06:29 PM
link here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,244559,00.html

once again, the Feds have come into California, and busted some cannabis dispensaries, and will surely trigger a lot of protests, - nobody with a brain will condone so-called "dispensaries" that stockpile guns, and charge street-prices for weed - there is an obvious difference between "medical, compassionate" efforts to supply sick patients with a healing herb, and these obvious drug-dealers posing as dispensaries - dont waste your sympathies with these types, they are hurting, not helping, the efforts of those who devote time and money to FREE the Weed

01-18-2007, 06:56 PM


01-18-2007, 08:24 PM
lol@ they were raided, people detained, but no arrests made. Sounds like the DEA was running low to me. On another note, if I owned/ran a med marijuana dispensary, I would have guns on the premises..The marijuana's sold inside the dispensary, and I can't seem to see where the DEA gets that these dispensaries are putting marijuana into the neighborhoods and schools...Fuck the DEA.

Matt the Funk
01-18-2007, 08:26 PM
Dealers around here actually sell the weed from the clubs....

01-18-2007, 08:27 PM
ok you pro pot people...explain what WEAPONS were doing at these Pot clubs....hmmm...anyone?

01-18-2007, 08:53 PM
ok you pro pot people...explain what WEAPONS were doing at these Pot clubs....hmmm...anyone?

Are you aware how much marijuana costs and how much money and marijuana is exchanged in one day at one of these? I'm not either, but I know it's definately a large sum of money. Would you want someone to be able to walk in and steal it from you..just like that? Btw, I don't like you.

01-18-2007, 10:48 PM
Are you aware how much marijuana costs and how much money and marijuana is exchanged in one day at one of these? I'm not either, but I know it's definately a large sum of money. Would you want someone to be able to walk in and steal it from you..just like that? Btw, I don't like you.

following that logic: do you realize how much money goes into the cash registers at your neighborhood grocery store ?? - I've never seen an armed cashier there, yet (and I doubt if anyone cares who you like, or don't like)

01-18-2007, 10:53 PM
OK let's get something straight here...I'm an MMJ patinet with no fucking way to grow and no other supplier...you fuckin' mouths have alot to say about this without knowing dick about it!!! These clinics have guns because most are cash/carry out...I went to one who used credit cards...so what!!! How is illegal street dealing helping the cause??? I belong to a number of forums and donate to almost all the organizations who want to reform the laws and not one has condemned these coop/clinics...so think on that while you light your next one!!! We do need regulations which would protect patients from high prices...how do you fucking geniuses propose to legalize it...this is a movement people...stop attacking your brothers and start doing something constructive, like educating your parents, coworkers and anyone who will listen.VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Stay up w/ this stuff and get in the fight, don't sit on the side and wag yer tongue!

01-18-2007, 11:49 PM
Damn Zed, up the dosage on the meds man, you're a bit high strung.

Anyhow, I can certainly see why legit clubs would want to have a gun on premises. Sure a grocery store has a lot of cash too, but 99% of groceries sold in this country aren't done so illegally. Get the picture? Not everyone in the pot business is a happy hippy. When you look at the chain of those involved, from grower to the street, there are a lot of pretty shady characters involved. People do get killed for weed, people don't get killed over a box of twinkies. Well...at least not too often.

Another thing is, at least up here in the SF Bay area, many clubs are forced into pretty iffy parts of town. Can you imagine how tempting a pot club would be to a meth or heroin addict in need of money for a fix? Seriously, it's no wonder they have guns.

That being said, organized crime has found it's way into the medicarl marijuana business. I think that this has the most potential to harm the medical marijuana movement. Last year the Feds raided a few clubs up here in SF too. The SF police, who are more likely to smoke a joint with you than bust you for one, aided in the raids. Why? Because the DEA had given them sufficient proof that organized crime was behind those places. It's truly sad that organized crime has gotten into these places too.

01-19-2007, 12:02 AM
man im anti volence but guns are a def must have the sad truth is people in these places cant think like us they have to constantly think about getting there shit nicked by scum of course they need guns! ever see lock stock and two smoking barrels! there weed wud'nt of been nicked if he had a real gun instead of a bb gun lol

01-19-2007, 12:07 AM
Damn Zed, up the dosage on the meds man, you're a bit high strung.

HAHAHAHHA. My laugh of the day.

01-19-2007, 05:37 PM
We are clearly undermining this issue.

01-19-2007, 05:42 PM
This has a terrible impact on the patients. The DEA has taken a page from the terrorists. Simultaneous raids like this are meant to intimidate the med users in california. This is truly sad. Only one arrest comfirmed and it's outrageous that 5 out of the 11 dispenseries are in West Hollywood where they are the most assertive in protecting patients rights and establishing regs and operating with city permits. The local county sherriff only received a half-hour notice or the raids from the DEA. This is the federal government operating with impunity! This is terrorism of the American people and it must stop. This will send people to the black market throughout California and undermine the effort other states are making with med mj!


01-19-2007, 10:25 PM
This has a terrible impact on the patients. The DEA has taken a page from the terrorists. Simultaneous raids like this are meant to intimidate the med users in california. This is truly sad. Only one arrest comfirmed and it's outrageous that 5 out of the 11 dispenseries are in West Hollywood where they are the most assertive in protecting patients rights and establishing regs and operating with city permits. The local county sherriff only received a half-hour notice or the raids from the DEA. This is the federal government operating with impunity! This is terrorism of the American people and it must stop. This will send people to the black market throughout California and undermine the effort other states are making with med mj!


I totally agree with you on every single plane. My dad has vertebrae in his back that are fusing together. It is extremely painful and he is directly effected by these raids (my family is from L.A.). Unfortunately I'm not currently in CA to protest such a disgrace. Those in CA please do your part to support the poor folks who will suffer at the hands of this disgusting agency.

funky not a junky
01-21-2007, 10:15 PM
This is crap, i know that this is exactly what our forefathers didnt want. This is why there is seperation between state and federal law. Drug laws should be state laws. Clubs and clinics need to constantly open up, there need to be more clinics so the DEA can not raid them all. And as for the guns, look at shady areas, most people carry some sort of weapon to prevent hold ups and robberies. Who wouldnt want to rob a cannabis club, its weed and money. Peace and cooperation will be the only two things that can get this leagalized, think Ghandi.

Keep smokin great quantities of great quality

01-26-2007, 01:20 AM
its a shame, but my friend with a card said that pretty much all of the sketchy clubs got busted.

01-26-2007, 03:03 PM
Boy would I like to see a new headline "Dispensary owners bust FBI building"
Hundreds of FBI agents were detained and raided of their marijuana virginity.
No long-term stoners were made, however most officers made a plea bargain that as long as the evil hippies ordered them dominoes they would smoke for the rest of the day. Thousands of registered weapons were found amongst the Feds, and all were seized and used as smoking utensils.
After 6 hours of binge eating and intense philosophical debate, both parties wandered outside to "check out the clouds".

01-27-2007, 02:36 AM
I see grocery store owners pull pistols all the time on COPS.

01-29-2007, 04:11 AM
Boy would I like to see a new headline "Dispensary owners bust FBI building"
Hundreds of FBI agents were detained and raided of their marijuana virginity.
No long-term stoners were made, however most officers made a plea bargain that as long as the evil hippies ordered them dominoes they would smoke for the rest of the day. Thousands of registered weapons were found amongst the Feds, and all were seized and used as smoking utensils.
After 6 hours of binge eating and intense philosophical debate, both parties wandered outside to "check out the clouds".


that would be great.

except we would prolly find more weed than at the dispensaries. haha.


06-20-2007, 01:53 PM
following that logic: do you realize how much money goes into the cash registers at your neighborhood grocery store ?? - I've never seen an armed cashier there, yet (and I doubt if anyone cares who you like, or don't like)

how many small grocery stores or convenience store owners do you think have a pistol or sawed off 12 gauge under their counter? I know a guy in OKC that goes into the back and pops shots from his .32 into phone books...his store is in the ghetto.

06-20-2007, 06:31 PM
Most dealers i have meet that deal with large Quantities in the past all have carried for there protection. when dealing with that amount of money people change and get crazy.

Also i have a co worker who mom works at a Disp in W.hollywood that has been raided 2x always take her in bu never charge her.

06-20-2007, 08:39 PM
You'd actually be surprised how many smaller grocery/liquor/convenient stores actually have pistols/shotguns behind the counters in MI. I'm talking in the nicer suburbs outside of Detroit too. They have a business they're running and they don't want to take the chance of losing what they just worked all day for and I don't blame them. The only thing I do think would be smarter than all these places being strapped is to have those bulletproof glass walls like some gas stations have. The one's that can slide and be opened up to make it not feel like you're in the hood or they can be shut and locked to protect you.

06-20-2007, 11:36 PM
Are you aware that every Pawn Shop, Gold & Silver Shops. All have weapons on the premises. Why? Because we live in a society today, That all but forces those of us whom are legitimate in Business, or whatever the case may be. That we have a lot of Cash transfered from Customer to Vendor. And there is still, Beleive it or not. People who actually Plot and Plan, way's to steal or Rob Others hard earned cash. So it shouldnt matter what the business is as long as It's legal. We do have the right to Bare Arms!! And i have no sympathy for any Scumbag Robber or Theif. Who get's shot while doing his dirty work.:thumbsup:

Adrenaline Rush
06-20-2007, 11:58 PM
My 2 cents.

I am all for the medical clinics no doubt. But I have to admit it's a bit scary to know these dispensaries are packing weapons. Most of the dispensaries i've been to have armed gaurds working their. Therefore, i really don't see the necessity for the clinics to have weapons themselves.

Alot of money does go into these dispenseries, but that's why you hire armed security guards. No need for the dispenseries to be loaded.

06-21-2007, 12:01 AM
ok you pro pot people...explain what WEAPONS were doing at these Pot clubs....hmmm...anyone?
to keep dope fiens like yourself from walking in and holding up a place stocked with weed.
keeps you from trying it cuz you would get a cap in your ass.

06-21-2007, 12:53 AM
WORD!! Gatekeeper777:jointsmile:

06-21-2007, 12:55 AM

06-21-2007, 07:16 PM
Well, the large scale grow ops are not legal. ppl can grow their own stuff, but I think they are afraid that it will get ripped off by little bastard thieves. they would probably sell it for crack.

just legalize and regulate.

06-22-2007, 05:17 PM
ya my dad works in a 7-11 in the one block ghetto of seattle lol but the owner has a desert eagle that always stays on the premesis (personally i think a .50 is over kill bu w/e) what im trying to say is every store in crappy neighborhoods is strapped

Don Don
06-22-2007, 05:42 PM
I know this might be late but... Myth shut the fuck up.:mad:

06-22-2007, 05:46 PM
following that logic: do you realize how much money goes into the cash registers at your neighborhood grocery store ?? - I've never seen an armed cashier there, yet (and I doubt if anyone cares who you like, or don't like)

Mark still OWNES ur ass. Haha

06-27-2007, 02:44 AM
just for the record, the clinic I went into here in CA had an armed police officer manning the door. Problem solved.