View Full Version : Hey, What the HELL. Send 20K more troops!

12-29-2006, 05:50 AM
The following is my last post from this thread:

and P4B, watch some interviews with Iraqis in Baghdad and the villages, if you can find (try freespeech tv-direct tv; or inn news report), journalists in iraq say in villages, militia run housing on any given street. In EVERY city, block by block it is controlled by either Sunni or Shia. In the beggining (and still occuring today): The Shia and Sunni each obtain new areas from enemys or new growth (militia going to a part of the city unocuppied by no1 but residents), and if they find a person living in a home on the newly obtained block that is a Sect different then theirs, they kill them. THEIR houses (those killed) are then used to for either 1) Militia housing or 2) Housing for a family of their Sect. ANY other houses on newly obtained blocks which belong to a family of the SAME sect is allowed to stay and lives under the militia's rule (usually qur'anic rule, understandably). So the DESTINY of the AVERAGE CITIZENS in iraq depends solely on which militia obtains their BLOCK. So let's say theres a 50/50 chance you could get killed by a militia that is different from your sect, ADD in the percent that you could get killed by a US Soldier-who constantly raid neighborhoods, and in fire w/ BOTH militias-and I'd say an AVERAGE CITIZEN has about an 80% chance of being killed during this war. With everyday life like this: not being able to go to the market (what fucking market), flip of a coin chances getting killed by a citizen of my own country (militia), 30% chance of getting killed by a foreigner (US Soldier), A PROCESSING PLANT doesn't mean jack shit in respect to it being or not being a CIVIL WAR.
I can tell you what this war is about:
divide and conquer, it has always been the STRATEGY: the US soldiers will continue to stay in Iraq until enough deaths happen, and of course to hoard the precious oil while we're at it. Killing people and taking natural resources is a fundamental principle in our history and will be in our future.

The US is going to send 20k more help liberate the Iraqi people. STAY THE COURSE

12-29-2006, 06:28 AM
help liberate? Is that what we've been doing since we removed Sadaam? What for? So more young men can continue to fight a lost cause..we're not going to improve things for them, as you can see by things being just as bad if not worse now as they were when we went in there. It's time to leave, we've done all that we can do. :thumbsup:

12-29-2006, 06:33 AM
"ETNIC CLEANSING...divide and conquer" part of the statagy stated by Al-Quada and I'm sure that is why Iran is backing Al-Sadr and the Syrians are backing the Bathists.

Since we, U.S. soldiers, are "hording" oil there must be some figures on this. What are they in relationship to barrels/day? There must be some roving reporter on the seen since this information is out.......can't wait to see the link!:D

Welcome back and as always.........

Have a good one!:jointsmile:

12-29-2006, 03:53 PM
"ETNIC CLEANSING...divide and conquer" part of the statagy stated by Al-Quada and I'm sure that is why Iran is backing Al-Sadr and the Syrians are backing the Bathists.

Since we, U.S. soldiers, are "hording" oil there must be some figures on this. What are they in relationship to barrels/day? There must be some roving reporter on the seen since this information is out.......can't wait to see the link!:D

Welcome back and as always.........

Have a good one!:jointsmile:

Well, THE UNITED STATES FUNDED AL QAEDA (and the US also funded militia throughout portions of this Iraq War to do "covert" operations), so IT WAS actually the US behind the ethnic cleansing (they just let mercenaries do the work).

No need for figures, but best believe that w/o US Soldiers guarding the oil reserves, no oil would be able to get secreted by the companies.