View Full Version : NJWEEDMAN.COM?

10-23-2006, 05:19 AM
i saw this posted on a cannabis legalization group on facebook.



My legal name is Edward Forchion but my public personia is NJWEEDMAN.COM Super-hero of the Potheads.

I'm a very vocal advocate for the legalization of marijuana in New Jersey and I'm running for US Senate in New Jersey. I'm a dissident and former Political Prisoner. Yes, I was jailed for "talking about marijuana legalization". I was actually charged by state officials for having my website: http://www.njweedman.com and making political ad's with "ADVOCATING CRIMINAL ACTIVITY' (there isn't really such a charge! It was a way of do-gooder state officials to try to shut me up because they didn't like what I talked about. (SEE: http://www.njweedman.com/censorship ) - I was jailed for my political/religious beliefs!


I'm serious I'm running for U.S. Senate and need your help - http://www.njweedman.com/raffle.htm -

I once tried to legally change my name to "NJWEEDMAN.COM" but the state of New Jersey refused to allow me because I was in thier minds Glorify "drug use". When in fact I was using it to express my dis-pleasure at Government policy. What this was was censorship. (See http://www.njweedman.com/namechange.htm )

Currently the state of New Jersey won't let me see my daughter becuase I'm veiwed by the County Judge's as a danger to my child because of what I advocate - http://www.njweedman.com/HYPOCRACY_OF_AM

In 2005 I ran for Governor and received almost 10,000 votes!!!

this guy seems like kind of an idiot. urging "potheads" to back him and he looks like a stereotypical stoner, not someone i would help elect into a government office. anyone else ever heard of this guy and is he actually legit?

Ol Schwaggy Bastard
10-23-2006, 06:28 AM
I'd rather have him in senate than most legit politicians.

10-23-2006, 01:00 PM
So you think I'm a IDIOT huh - dejayou30

Why because I speak-out about this "WAR on US" while "potheads" like you hide. "Ms Blank Profile"

10-23-2006, 01:07 PM
So you think I'm a IDIOT huh - dejayou30

Why because I speak-out about this "WAR on US" while "potheads" like you hide. "Ms Blank Profile"

"I'm sure some-one will call the police about this "Raffle" so for the record: Fuck the Police!"

That's certainly one way to draw attention to yourself...

If you were seriously in politics.. you wouldn't be doing what you are doing.:thumbsup:

10-23-2006, 02:17 PM
No wonder you spent time in jail?

There's protesting
There's activism
And then there's Civil disobedience... which you can be arrested for.

It's one thing to make a stand and let yourself be heard...but you're only asking for trouble.