View Full Version : watch out for the pigs

09-26-2006, 05:24 AM
heard on the news that over the next two weeks the pigs have mounted an opperation to catch weed growers in the uk, b extra carefull my friends. y dont the barstards try and catch propper crims, like the scum sex offenders,

09-26-2006, 04:54 PM
the already bustin em tooo.. :mad:


09-27-2006, 07:11 AM
heard on the news that over the next two weeks the pigs have mounted an opperation to catch weed growers in the uk, b extra carefull my friends. y dont the barstards try and catch propper crims, like the scum sex offenders,

It's easy for them! A bit like the speed camera - supposedly all speed cameras are at accident blackspots whereas we know that's bollox! Law and order is all about league tables and politics - ring 999 at 2am and tell them you've been burgled - chances are theywon't show for hours. There was a rape at the weekend of a student at my local university Police didn't turn up for 3 hours so the victim spent those 3 hours in the company of several male security guards (uncomfotable for them and horrific for her I'd imagine). The police were probably busting someone growing a few herbs or parked on a dual carriageway flyover snapping people for going 5 miles over the limit!

09-27-2006, 07:23 PM
heard on the news that over the next two weeks the pigs have mounted an opperation to catch weed growers in the uk, b extra carefull my friends. y dont the barstards try and catch propper crims, like the scum sex offenders,

bang on the money mate :thumbsup: :thumbsup: justice system shows its true face as usual:confused: but it will change were getting stronger:thumbsup:

lil josh
09-28-2006, 09:27 PM
fucking piggs!!!!!! i h8 em y do they have to be so fucking grrr!!!! all we wana do is grow some bud smoke some bud and sell some bud not hurting any1 legalise it and the little crime surrounded by cannabis would stop other than people robbing the shops lol im a bit stoned n sorta drifted of in2 anuva convo lol nvm cya

Abattoir Dream
09-29-2006, 09:08 AM
k then, if you dont grow weed, cover your windows with something and leave gardening tools outside and just let the fuckin pigs waste their time knocking on ur door, if theres nothing to find.....

10-07-2006, 03:08 PM
it is pathetic.i can go down the town and get heroin or coke but i cant get dope.doesnt make sense does it?

King Amdo
10-08-2006, 09:18 PM
heard on the news that over the next two weeks the pigs have mounted an opperation to catch weed growers in the uk, b extra carefull my friends. y dont the barstards try and catch propper crims, like the scum sex offenders,

...thats because they are the sex offenders...or at least it seems pretty certain that 'the power' is riding on ritual abuse including child sexual abuse. Its a long story and awareness that can only really be realised having transcended (it)..thus the Exodus type trip. Blagging evil government scumpower.

Jah Love.

10-16-2006, 02:45 PM
you got it spot on my friend,they should be spending there time catchin proper criminals,a mean come on!does any stoner feel like being violent after a nice splifferino??i think not,the only thing il be murdering is another joint!:thumbsup:

roly mo
10-17-2006, 10:35 AM
heard on the news that over the next two weeks the pigs have mounted an opperation to catch weed growers in the uk, b extra carefull my friends. y dont the barstards try and catch propper crims, like the scum sex offenders,


I need a master to show me the way.

Mo xx

roly mo
10-17-2006, 10:51 AM
Effing gits the lot of em all on the take, I know. I got caught up in some crap and cos of what they done to me, I got 2 of em booted out, guess their stacking shelves in some poky hole now with luck.

You kno and i really dont care who I say this to, if a pig was on fire I wouldnt even piss on em to put em out. Mind you I think calling them pigs is all wrong, they is worse than animals, you dont see animals shafting each other do ya?

Are they going to take aspirin off the shelves cos it came from the bark of some tree? Corse not cos the big guns are making zillions knocking it out as little white headache tabs. These aspirins make you feel better, so why cant i have my herbs, they make me feel better?

Our time will come, peeps wanted to shop on a sunday, and all were eventually forced into opening on a sunday. I dont see the shareholders moaning!

I saw some graffiti on a wall and it said "If voting changed anything, it would be illegal" How true is that!

Sorry on me soap box again, my motto for today is "fcuk em and their law"

Take care, be good if not better, cos we are.

Mo xx

10-18-2006, 06:49 AM
i agree with you weedmaster- people who smoke pot arent criminals!!! my poor boyfriend has been in prison for 5 months for getting caught with 3 nine bars shame its not fair!!!!

10-30-2006, 09:53 AM
your bang on there mate, i remember afew years ago wen england was playing holland harf the hooligans was to stoned to want a fight lol:rasta:

you got it spot on my friend,they should be spending there time catchin proper criminals,a mean come on!does any stoner feel like being violent after a nice splifferino??i think not,the only thing il be murdering is another joint!:thumbsup: