View Full Version : anywherei can learn to draw graffiti

09-19-2006, 01:06 AM
any1 know anywhere that a kid could learn to draw graffiti on paper? a good tutorial

09-19-2006, 01:30 AM
Personally I'd find someone in the city(if you live in a city) that's been doing graffiti for a while. Alot of graffiti artists around my city are always willing to meet with people who do graffiti or are trying to learn it. They will take you under their wing and help you create your own style and teach you the ways of the spray paint. Alot of them also will show you some good walls in the city to use as your canvas to learn on.

09-19-2006, 01:31 AM
It's really hard to teach someone how to graffiti well. Most people usually develop their own styles and techniques over time, much like rolling a joint... which is a lot easier to teach

09-19-2006, 01:36 AM
Pull out a piece of paper and a pen. Go crazy. Don't listen to any other styles, you'll find yourself looking exactly like them and that's not what you want. Draw whatever: characters, pieces, murals, anything. If you have a permission wall in your area (there's about three or four I can name off here in LA) it's a great place to practice.

Don't tag. That's just vandalism, and takes away from graffiti as a whole. Learn to make big, huge murals. The biggest one I've ever done took me two full days to complete. It's the only way you'll get respect.

But respect isn't what you're looking for, or it shouldn't be. Do it for the art, anything more and you're asking for trouble. Wait years before you put something on a wall, know beforehand that it's the best you can do. Look for yards in your area, and actually ASK for permission first. Have your blackbook on hand to show your idea. If you're good, like you should be if you're putting something on a wall, and it's not gang-related, they'll usually give you the okay. Back when I first started out, I'd do pieces on walls unaware that if you just ask, it's a helluva lot easier. I'm not sure about where you live or your area, but here in LA anywhere in or near venice or the former belmont are pretty open to graffiti as an art. One day, you'll be able to make a career out of it.

That's what I did.

09-19-2006, 01:42 AM
Graph, will you marry me?

09-19-2006, 01:49 AM
Why yes. Yes I will.

09-20-2006, 03:55 AM
"If you have a permission wall in your area (there's about three or four I can name off here in LA) it's a great place to practice."

A legal wall isnt graf its a mural. Earn your stripes doing illegal stuff and when you get good enough you can do a legal wall and call it graf. If all you do is legal shit, you dont do graf, you do murals. Its about illegal stuff, thats what it is, vandalism.

"Don't tag. That's just vandalism, and takes away from graffiti as a whole."

Tagging is a part of graf, many people consider it the most important part. You make the word vandalism sound bad or something. There are people who only do tags, legendary taggers, go buy the book all city or bomb the suburbs or the art of getting over. You hate on tags because you cant do it well, pure and simple. As long as you dont hit churchs cemetaries memorials or houses you are following the true code. I hate seeing your legal wall with a bunch of shitty tags, it shows you havent paid your dues. Your legal walls take away from graf, its supposed to be illegal. Not painting flowers on side of daycare. Call that what you want, and get paid sure, but its not graffiti. Kids should learn about the history of the art, go buy style wars, go get subway art. Go to websites like art crimes and bombing science. But dont think listening to this guy will make your art better or that you will be better graffiti artist after because you wont. The only way to get good is go out bombing, illegally. No one respects people who havent paid their dues, around here if a guy like that showed up at legal wall he would get his cans took.

"It's the only way you'll get respect."

The only way to get respect is to get up. Everywhere. Hit every spot, the more out in the open the better. If you are a toy go practice under bridge so you get good 1st. I am not even getting into the true essence of graf, ie you should rack everything, and it should be on trains, you should learn it yourself, if someone goes over you knock them out etc. Its not about making a dime either. Be in it for the love because there isnt much money.

09-20-2006, 10:25 PM
Ignore everyone else who did exactly what I said. Like, you know, Saber, Meer, Seen, pretty much anyone who has a studio. I'd go on, but I'm sure you haven't heard of them. Oh, and have you ever asked? See, when I walk into a store, pull out my blackbook, say "I'm gonna go paint this on your back wall, is that alright?" I don't get turned down very often.

I don't get how anyone can argue with me about this. I've actually met Seen and Saber, they're both pretty cool guys. Both started out throwing up tags, I never did. I didn't wanna seem like a little wannabe gangster, and that's not how I come out. I've paid my dues, I don't go to permission walls anymore. I didn't throw up shitty tags though, I was too busy spending days on pieces.

Sounds like you wanna be a gangster, which is cool with me because I don't know you and come from a different piece of the earth. Graffiti's about art, not vandalism. If you see differently then that's cool, but don't expect to ever make it big.

09-21-2006, 01:02 AM
Do exactly what graph says!, he definitly knows what hes on about.Get stoned and get inspired!

09-21-2006, 04:47 AM
Ignore everyone else who did exactly what I said. Like, you know, Saber, Meer, Seen, pretty much anyone who has a studio. I'd go on, but I'm sure you haven't heard of them. Oh, and have you ever asked? See, when I walk into a store, pull out my blackbook, say "I'm gonna go paint this on your back wall, is that alright?" I don't get turned down very often.

I don't get how anyone can argue with me about this. I've actually met Seen and Saber, they're both pretty cool guys. Both started out throwing up tags, I never did. I didn't wanna seem like a little wannabe gangster, and that's not how I come out. I've paid my dues, I don't go to permission walls anymore. I didn't throw up shitty tags though, I was too busy spending days on pieces.

Sounds like you wanna be a gangster, which is cool with me because I don't know you and come from a different piece of the earth. Graffiti's about art, not vandalism. If you see differently then that's cool, but don't expect to ever make it big.

Its not about making money or getting big. Anyone can do a legal wall it doesnt count for shit. If you dont thinks tags aren'y important, you are ignoring the history, no matter how many names you drop son. Its not about about a being wigger or anything else half the people out there listen to metal. If you want to make money off canvas or tats or murals anything else thats fine. Just dont get into graf for money, because thats not what its about. Its about vandalism or dont call it graf because its not. Go make above post on 12oz prophet and see what they think toy

09-21-2006, 05:04 AM
I find the fun of it is trying to do it fast and stealthy at night. About asking people, it's a good way to get a nice piece in a prominent place, but it's not graffiti, it's just a mural.
And about learning it, just try writing a word large on a piece of paper. Then with a pencil, start to thicken and change the letters. Add new lines, add new shapes, twist old ones. Eventually, you just hit on something that's comfortable and easy for you, and of course looks good.

09-21-2006, 05:07 AM
You know what the cool part is? I don't have to prove shit to you. Isn't that awesome?

I never said I got in it for the money. I got into graffiti because I wanted to be a little gangster. Then I went "oh holy shit, this is stupid". I haven't been to a permission wall for a long ass time. It worked for me when I was a beginner, it taught me a lot about how to hold a can and use it. Murals and bombs are like apples and oranges, you have to learn both.

I wasn't trying to drop names if that's what that sounded like. If I was dropping names, I'd pull out some of my old blackbooks and start going off, but it's pointless. I've painted with a lot of cool people who see things the way I do, including people who, like me, are able to make a living doing what they love to do. But hey, maybe that's the difference between california and canada. If I wanted to do some vandalism, I'd break some mailboxes. When I want to speak from my soul, I visit a local yard.

It's wierd to me hearing someone say graffiti's about vandalism. I don't think I've ever heard that down here. It's always "Graffiti is Art". Then again, I come from a different time. The whole face of graffiti has changed over the past five years. Have you ever heard of belmont? I was there the day they tore it down. Brought a tear to my eye.

09-26-2006, 03:47 AM
i tag everyonce in a while with my friends...ya know get blazed and spray, its fun and if you wanna practice just take out a pencil and paper.

10-08-2006, 06:23 PM
Graffiti isnt something you can teach some one, i am a dedicated grapher and its one of the most important things to me, you have to just do it. some people do it for anti-politics, some for gangs, some for art, some for vandalism, and some do it just to get a rep. it is one of the easiest ways for the average town nobody to get some fame, even front page or on tv, respect from others, or acceptance. if you want to start doing graffiti pick a word that means something to you, this will be your name, and come twist with the styles. your first stuff and even your first year will be horrible but your skills will increase. it is a highly reccomended hobby and addiction. Dont bite (copy) other peoples styles and you will get recognized a lot quicker. do it for your self, what ever the reason is and never give up. here are some pics from start to finish for me.

10-08-2006, 06:27 PM
Oh yeah, much respect graph, you should get at me, but if you only do legal art it aint considerd graffiti. Dont get me wrong, its always nice to get paid, but a piece on the side of the highway or on a roof top is much more skillfull then doing one during the day on a legalwall for hours. you should practice under tunnels or bridges till you feel legit and then take to the streets. legal graffiti gives us some acceptance from the public, but to much acceptance would defeat the purpose.

10-08-2006, 06:37 PM
heres some more pics, whats your name on 12oz canucktoker?