View Full Version : York Fair

09-08-2006, 02:20 AM
My good friend Shawn House will be selling his hemp pretzels called Hempzels at the York Fair. He usually gives out free samples too so check him out. My brother, Jim Stark will be there with him for a few days but I will not be able to attend. Check him out there and tell him Les Stark sent you. If you do try his pretzels, post here what you think of them. I think they're great, especially with his own hemp/horseradish mustard. I'm not sure if he's going to be selling my book Hempstone Heritage there or not...

09-12-2006, 01:38 AM
Cool. When's the York fair?

09-14-2006, 10:01 PM
Cool. When's the York fair?

The York Fair started Saturday Sept. 9th and will run until this Sunday the 17th.

09-18-2006, 05:53 AM
Last Sunday while I was at the York Fair I got to meet Governor Ed Rendell. I shook his hand and gave him a copy of my book Hempstone Heritage. I explained to him that it was about the history of the hemp industry in Pennsylvania and showed him the page where I autographed it for him. He seemed very appreciative and thanked me for the book. I explained to him that hemp can be used as biomass for alternative fuel sorces. He said "Hey, we're all for that!" Then he was off to shake hands and kiss babies. I hope he reads it.

09-27-2006, 06:17 PM
Hey Hempstone, I have not been to the fair in years, as it's so damned expensive to go. BUT, if I had known a hemp stand was in there...I would have gone to support them.
I have been using a hepm shampoo/conditioner for a year or 2 now, and it's a fantastic product!! When I look at how fast my clothes wear out from the MARTS type stores, it's got me looking for good quality hemp clothes!! I'm sick of spending my money for products that last short time...so hemp products, here I come.