View Full Version : how do you make a pretty nice pipe

09-07-2006, 01:59 AM
how do u make a pretty nice pipes or any other kind of piece if you can post pictures or websites :0:thumbsup: kk

09-07-2006, 02:05 AM
Just find something around your house that looks like it would make a good piece, and just modify it to your hearts desire! This is my homemade pipe made from a Valve of some sort.. I don't use it much since i prefer my glass piece, but it's served me for a good 2 years;


pu ekot
09-11-2006, 01:18 AM

Get a waterbottle, take off the cap, take off the paper. Burn a hole on the side for you mouth. Take a small piece of tin foil, put it where the cap was, press it in making a nice bowl. make many small holes with a safety pin or toothpick.


09-11-2006, 04:45 AM
get your cheap ass to a headshop and buy a peice. Mine was 12.95, small, metal, pocketable, and most importantly, Won't give me cancer from inhaleing plastic or tinfoil or some shit. I used to do that homemade crap, but not anymore.