View Full Version : dont bullshit

10-15-2004, 08:53 PM
hey yall uh last night i went and smoked a blunt with my bro and my dad smelled it and went off on his typical narc-ish anti weed ramblings, and now says hes going to drug test me and my bro every week and if we fail we cant drive we get no lunch money and we cant go out on the weekends untill we pass...he has those walgreens home tests i think....so i was wondering...does the bleach fingers or any of the detox show up on that lil test? if not how do you do the bleach deal, or any other methods

10-16-2004, 12:46 AM
koshea go back and read a few of my posts and you'll be able to pass and get on with life. I'd put it here but I've typed it up enough, that and I'm being lazy.

10-16-2004, 12:48 AM
Also check out the "test coming up - QUESTIONS" thread it will fill you in on what you want to know.

10-16-2004, 12:54 AM
Nevermind, here it is - hope it helps!

The detox stuff is a pure waste of money and most labs anymore are looking for the byproducts in that garbage save your money it's a pure waste of it, as far as the Walgreens test they seem to be one of the better ones I've used a few different ones the last few days and when I took my test yesterday the setup looked similar. for my test they make you wash your hands they know about the dried bleach on the fingertips trick. you don't need to consume tons of water untill the day of and it can't hurt the day before you know you are going to get tested another myth - all water is going to do is dilute a sample - so it really only helps the day of the test. time and exercise, IS the only known way to get the metabolites they are testing for out of your system.

for more info on the subject read this link it's still the best capsule review I've found regarding the matter. Most people just don't seem to realize just one bong hit over a weekend is enough to cause a fail on a drug test. The day of the test just drink tons of water, take B-12, If you can eat lots of red meat and fish to increase your creatin level in the next few days or pick up some creatine and actually Walgreen's sells it (about 11.00 a can here in the pacific northwet) and use it the days before the test, Creatin level are also something that they look for if the levels are too low they know it's been diluted, good labs look for these things - additives are risky because they can effect ph which is also checked - as always the best bet is to be able to produce your own sample. Recommendation, dilute and take a vitamin with 3 times the recommended amount of b-12 about two hours before the test mainly for color if you are flooding your system with water after about 2 hours the coloring looks much more balanced - and isn't nearly as neon yellow it will have a more natural appearance. But read the link.

There is a tremendous amount of PURE STUPID information out there, and a bit of it is posted on this site, do your research and quit smoking till your test - weed isn't physically addictive, another myth, it can be psychologically addictive, but bottom line it's in your head it's a matter of how willing you are to want to pass the test and how weak a person is - the only real side effect is you might be just a touch cranky the first two days. I'm not familiar with AZO standard, someone else can hopefully help you there.

DO NOT drink bleach (a friend of mine's daughter, who has to run random tests was actually under the impression this would help, and it might if you don't end up poisoning yourself first, that idea is just plain STUPID and even stupider is the Idea of ingesting DRAINO, It amazes me the stupid and potentially deadly ideas people think to use to pass these tests) the problem is people don't do their own research and believe what someone said someone else did and the truth is most of these ideas are just lame but people when they are desperate are willing to believe anything, but then again a lot of people are sheep. use your brain and research. The more informed you are the better prepared you will be, as in anything in life.

In any event check out this link it will fill you in on what the whole thing is about and correct a lot of myths out there - If people say some of these ludicris ideas work more power to them - but if you want to pass abstain the forthcoming days and dilute before your test - It will work! But really take the time and read the link I'm posting it will answer more than I can. Really I keep posting this because people should know their facts, and a rather large amount of people really don't seem to know the KNOWN facts regarding the matter if they would take the time to properly research it. Besides I find drug testing pure SH*T, so anyone I can help beat these tests I will.


Good Luck

Be Well
undefined"Living so free is a tragedy when you can't see what you need to see"

10-16-2004, 01:02 AM
I guess my question would be if you thought your dad might freak-out, why would you do it where he could smell it?

10-16-2004, 02:49 AM
we ddi it outside, blunts smell after....

but my main ? is what exactly doees the wallgreens test show, would it show bleach or diluted or creatine or anything?

10-16-2004, 06:49 AM
what it is going to show is the metabolites in your system, which is basically the residue from THC. So it will show if you have residue from THC (metabolites) in your system. which means you smoke - hope that helps.

10-16-2004, 07:01 AM
if the creatin level is too low it will also show as a fail, the whole test process is entirely chemically based - what a test will show is (including home tests) A. if creatin levels are too low it will register as a fail because the sample is too diluted. if it measures more than 50ppm of the metabolites it is a fail, so basically your best bet is increase your creatin level naturally or artificially, and dilute like mad the day you think you are going to be tested, from everything I have looked into, both past and present, diluting days or weeks before a test is a waste of time, the only time you need to dilute is within I'd say 3 hours before your test, but if you really don't know when you will be tested do it everyday until you are tested, another thing if you can stop smoking now! at least until you pass the test. look at some of my other posts and it will fill you in a bit more. Bottom line if you smoke within two days of your test you will more than likely fail even if it is just one hit. Also reduce activity level or keep eating heavily. the big thing is not to burn off fat cells (where the metabolites are stored within two days of the test. Pardon any misspellings I'm pretty wi[ped out at the moment - In any event, I hope it helps- any other questions please ask - I check this site off and on throughout the day - not that I'm saying I'm any expert, but I do know what is looked for and what seems to work - anyone else have any imput?

10-16-2004, 07:08 AM
The Walgreens test will register if Creatin levels are too low (which means way to diluted sample, and it will fail) and it is looking for metabolites, if your sample is diluted enough the metaboles will be under 50ppm and you will pass, as long as Creatin levels are high enough, so either buy CREATINE from GNC or Walgreens (roughly 11:00 a can here) follow instructions, or eat a lot of red meat or fish but in either case allow two days and your Creatin level will be high enough to insure a pass, check out the good info on testing link I posted as I put a daily follow-up and I have the income level to afford to run the five to six tests I ran within the four days of that thread. Once again good luck and I hope I helped!

10-16-2004, 07:23 AM
Sorry to go on and on, one other thing to factor in, is body fat and metabolism, the less body fat you have the less metabolites you store so you pass them through you sytem faster the same is true of metabolism, if you have a high metabolism you will also rid your sytem of metabolites much faster, what I personally have been curious about is if age has any factor, as i HAVEN'T FOUND ANY INFO REGARDING AGE OR SEX ONE WAY OR THE OTHER, AND i HAVE LOOKED, (I'm half a year shy of 40). Truth is my kids are probably older than you, actually I'm sure two of them are. Now in my case I eat usually 1 meal a day sometimes two, but I rarly eat more than twice a day and almost never before 5p.m. so my metabolism is slow as hell, which means I could potentially store metabolites up to two months without smoking, really everybodys body chemistry is different but you best bet is stop now keep diluting, take Creatin till the test, and actually it helps to rapidly build muscle, if you care about that, either though chemical enhancement or by eating red meat or fish, as both are excellent sources - and you will easily pass and get get on with life.

10-16-2004, 07:28 AM
One other thing I don't claim to be an expert - I've just done a tremendous amount of research on the matter, and I've been in the position to learn how the tests work, what is being looked for and how to get around it, I know it worked for me and I know I can beat the test as long as I know at least two days before it is coming. It isn't that tough it just requires knowing the process used to test, but South Parks on so gotta run.