View Full Version : Alex Jones Predicted 9/11!

Great Spirit
08-13-2006, 02:46 AM
Here is the video of Alex Jones predicting "terrorist" attacks that happened on 9/11 in July of 2001 and then the US blaming CIA asset Osama bin Laden for it.

But don't take my word for it! Do do dooo! (reading rainbow jingle)


08-13-2006, 05:33 AM
Ahh yes i remember this. This is another thing that makes believe 9/11 was inside job.

Great Spirit
08-13-2006, 05:49 AM
Ahh yes i remember this. This is another thing that makes believe 9/11 was inside job.And is it any coincidence that since he said Osama bin Laden would be blamed for this attack....that it actually occurred? Hey its right on tape man!

I find it funny though since the Amerikans blamed 9/11 on Osama and considered him the root of this phony "war on terror", that the US still has not made it its number 1 priority to capture him, but instead made Saddam Hussein (another CIA trained asset) their number 1 demon!

Don't you usually like to go after the source of the problem to stop it?? The last time I checked, thats how it worked!

What do you say to that Bong and Psycho, since you both consider Alex Jones to be a complete nutcase??!! lol.

Alex is predicting another staged terror attack no later than this October! If it happens, you heard it here!! He predicted 9/11, so I consider Alex to be a credible source.

08-13-2006, 05:52 AM
Didnt you start a thread like this last week GS...............

Your up to the Reading Rainbow...Keep going

Did your mommy put the door back on your room or does she not trust you either?

Great Spirit
08-13-2006, 06:09 AM
Didnt you start a thread like this last week GS...............

Your up to the Reading Rainbow...Keep going

Did your mommy put the door back on your room or does she not trust you either?No I did not Bong.

To the visiting people:

Notice how Bong30 completely ignores the post and chooses rather to insult me. In fascist totalitarian nations, it is always typical for its agents to assualt (mostly with violence) the people who would bring truth. History shows that the Nazis did this brutaly! On his show, Alex clearly stated that when the attacks would happen, Osama bin Laden would be blamed for them. Sure enough RIGHT after 9/11, Osama bin Laden was named as the culprit and mastermind. Either Alex saw the future, was a good fucken guesser, or studied the moves of the government and knew what was going on and WARNED us before they happened, and by God they did! Now I call that REAL journalism :thumbsup:

Now Bong, I am NOT saying now that you are an NSA agent pretending to be a person on these boards, but I will say that you sound very much like an NSA asset!

08-13-2006, 10:56 AM
I think Great Spirit is in love with Alex Jones.

08-13-2006, 12:00 PM
No I did not Bong.

To the visiting people:

Notice how Bong30 completely ignores the post and chooses rather to insult me. In fascist totalitarian nations, it is always typical for its agents to assualt (mostly with violence) the people who would bring truth. History shows that the Nazis did this brutaly! On his show, Alex clearly stated that when the attacks would happen, Osama bin Laden would be blamed for them. Sure enough RIGHT after 9/11, Osama bin Laden was named as the culprit and mastermind. Either Alex saw the future, was a good fucken guesser, or studied the moves of the government and knew what was going on and WARNED us before they happened, and by God they did! Now I call that REAL journalism :thumbsup:

Now Bong, I am NOT saying now that you are an NSA agent pretending to be a person on these boards, but I will say that you sound very much like an NSA asset!

So true of many individuals. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. Well some don't..

08-13-2006, 02:49 PM
I feel like "Neo" Right after he found out he is the 'ONE" Flexing in the Matrix. I love that

Im going to fix some eggs, Sausage, Fruit, Hash browns, For my family. I am a great cook too.

THen we are going to Tiny Town today

08-13-2006, 02:51 PM
No I did not Bong.

To the visiting people:

Notice how Bong30 completely ignores the post and chooses rather to insult me. In fascist totalitarian nations, it is always typical for its agents to assualt (mostly with violence) the people who would bring truth. History shows that the Nazis did this brutaly! On his show, Alex clearly stated that when the attacks would happen, Osama bin Laden would be blamed for them. Sure enough RIGHT after 9/11, Osama bin Laden was named as the culprit and mastermind. Either Alex saw the future, was a good fucken guesser, or studied the moves of the government and knew what was going on and WARNED us before they happened, and by God they did! Now I call that REAL journalism :thumbsup:

Now Bong, I am NOT saying now that you are an NSA agent pretending to be a person on these boards, but I will say that you sound very much like an NSA asset!

GS will neve answer shit...... DID YOUR MOMMY PUT THE DOOR BACK ON YOU ROOM.

see this means something.... if his parents dont even trust him enogh to put a door on his room.....huuummmmm he must suck ass.

I am a USA asset............Thanks GS

08-13-2006, 02:57 PM
Howdy Bong30,

" Now Bong, I am NOT saying now that you are an NSA agent pretending to be a person on these boards, but I will say that you sound very much like an NSA asset!"

Uh oh ! You've been compromised ! According to GS,I was also a NSA agent,too ! lol

Have a good one ! :stoned:

08-13-2006, 02:58 PM
rofl you have to reply but have no point, but something about a door wich makes no sence what so ever and then more I am great....

08-13-2006, 03:03 PM
rofl you have to reply but have no point, but something about a door wich makes no sence what so ever and then more I am great....

Hey Fuck face......... I m doing other shit too... see i have a life

GS know what im talking about..........

08-13-2006, 05:48 PM
I have a theory that is that the goverment would not touch this forum and that is becuase posistions of stupid assholes are already taken. If we had any more stupid asshole it would just a republican humping party and they already have enuff of those at the white house.

and I'm sorry if you are offended by this Torog I generally respect you.

08-13-2006, 05:56 PM
See what i get called tho haha. Still no point ROFL:confused:

08-13-2006, 05:58 PM
I have a theory that is that the goverment would not touch this forum and that is becuase posistions of stupid assholes are already taken. If we had any more stupid asshole it would just a republican humping party and they already have enuff of those at the white house.

and I'm sorry if you are offended by this Torog I generally respect you.

I think your missing the connection between there being a lot of stupid assholes on here and the fact that they take over the whitehouse too... It's not just by chance that they are both here and at the white house, nor is it by chance that they have been on many MANY other forums doing the same thing... why don't you think anyone will talk about it on here or why it's not even allowed?? It's not cause they are stupid... they are stupid cause they work for someone...

IMO <---- gotta say that or I get banned...


08-15-2006, 10:45 AM
I've recently been viewing some footage on Google Video featuring Jordan Maxwell; namely 'The Occult World of Commerce' (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3648930131443936554&q=the+occult+world+of+commerce), which I found very interesting. It briefly delves into the differences in use of language between the Elite and people who are considered a 'lesser degree' than they.

This was after viewing material contained within 'The Corporation (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=477657687600676437&q=the+corporation)' DVD Directed by Mark Achbar (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0009788/) and co-directed by Jennifer Abbott. (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0007989/) They both rain revelation into the world of Corporations. This brought some factual evidence forward, some of which I have done further research on.

Alex Jones is an interesting character. Around the same time I first came into contact with 'The Corporation (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=477657687600676437&q=the+corporation)' I found myself holding a few Alex Jones titles (http://www.infowars.com/videos.html). I am not keen on his methods of presentation but facts do plague many of his statements if one cares to to go and do further study. Martial Law 911: Rise of The Police State, Matrix of Evil, Police State 2000, and American Dictators make good viewing. Alex Jones also makes and appearance in the animation 'Waking Life (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3991944840671892429)' which should be seen.

Thing is, the New World Order goes beyond everything we can imagine ; before acquiring the feeling of living in a world that isn't as it seems. There isn't a documentary or publication vast enough to contain the entire reality of the world we live in. The only way to know is to remain open to everything then close of pathes to things that do not work, but not insofar as one looses sight of the closed paths else when faced with a particular choice in future one will struggle to make a concious decission.

Bin Laden, even though he is somebody, is a nobody. Looking at events and the obsessions of so called World Leaders informs me that the worst is yet to happen. If Mr Jones is right about 9/11, is he then right about blood sacrifices and reenactments of soul offerings to the evil spirit world? He speaks of this too.. Do we really understand the nature of those who lead us? Do we know where we are being led? Has anyone asked?

I recently watched a 4 part documentary by Adam Curtis broadcasted by the BBC called 'The Century of the Self (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2637635365191428174&q=the+century+of+self)'. This speaks of the phsycological programming that we are subjected to by Corporations who implant desires into peoples minds then offer a product to satisfy this desire which was actually carefully manufactured by people who work in in a job i.e. Marketing. If people are in positions to guide our thinking then who can identify what is really Real and what is Fake?

False desires don't just lie with products. People are made to desire presidents and police and state benefits and hosptial treatment and implants and sex and children and degrees and no polution and sunshine and weed and all kind of things. Often we weren't thinking of them until something triggures that thought; i.e. Corporate Logo, Series of Numbers, Series of Colours, a Jingle, a pair ot titties poppin out a tight top...

Some people are paid to derail and detract people from the path of truth. Infact, a lot of people are subliminally on a day to day employed to destract and be destracted from reality. The majority of Corporations (if not all), the World Government included, exist solely to keep individuals collectively desiring their presence in some form or other. But do we know what the desires of the controlling Elite are? Who's even bothered?

David Icke speaks of many things, some of which seem sureal. But what is real if all we define as real conforms to the thinking of say 'Edward Brnays (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b/002-6934127-5629656?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=edward+bernays&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go)' or 'Sigmund Freud (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b/002-6934127-5629656?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=sigmund+freud&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go)'. Icke speaks of Aliens and reptilian (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6842790718258500975&q=reptilian+agenda) blood lines and eating people and shape-shifters. Some years back he was ridiculed by Terry Wogan on a BBC Broadcast, as most people who come with knowledge that doesn't conform to the standard norm do. Since then things that he spoke of have come to pass, much like Alex Jones supposedly predicting 9/11.

I am not goin to lie. I've seen on 4 occasions things in the sky that hold no explanation. I have heard of space launches to Mars - The planet of the War Gods. I have heard of secret bases on the dark side of the moon. I have heard of a space station. I wonder what the obsession is with space and if the reptilian agenda (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6842790718258500975&q=reptilian+agenda) is real.

Some might suggest that my post has no relevance to the thread. I am merely attempting redifining reality.

""""Alex didn't have a crystal ball, he merely studied the elite's propaganda and was able to connect the dots and make a prediction that would materialize on September 11, 2001."""

08-15-2006, 11:24 AM
Alex Jones is a profiteer who makes his living off the gullibility of the masses.

There is no 'New World Order', nor has anyone provided proof of such, including Jones. If you elect to buy into his spin, then you must do so as an act of faith, which makes it more of a religion than anything else. When Jones is confronted with difficult questions (like, what is your 'reliable source', where is the evidence), he tends to resort to attacks on the questioner, break for a commercial, whatever he needs to do to ultimately avoid answering the question. That's shady.

Here's Alex Jones' plan for wealthy living:

Step 1: Espouse conspiracy theories
Step 2: Sell movies/subscriptions to anyone willing to accept what he says
Step 3: Profit!

That dude who was banned by the FCC from selling any services or products on television (I forget his name) -- Alex Jones reminds me a lot of that guy. Except that instead of selling fake (or long-known) cures for diseases to the sick or infirm, he sells conspiracy theories to the gullible.

08-15-2006, 11:47 AM
Kevin Trudeau is his name, Jamstigator. And you're right. They're cut out of the same con man cloth.

08-15-2006, 12:38 PM
Alex Jones is a profiteer who makes his living off the gullibility of the masses.

There is no 'New World Order', nor has anyone provided proof of such, including Jones. If you elect to buy into his spin, then you must do so as an act of faith, which makes it more of a religion than anything else. When Jones is confronted with difficult questions (like, what is your 'reliable source', where is the evidence), he tends to resort to attacks on the questioner, break for a commercial, whatever he needs to do to ultimately avoid answering the question. That's shady.

Here's Alex Jones' plan for wealthy living:

Step 1: Espouse conspiracy theories
Step 2: Sell movies/subscriptions to anyone willing to accept what he says
Step 3: Profit!

That dude who was banned by the FCC from selling any services or products on television (I forget his name) -- Alex Jones reminds me a lot of that guy. Except that instead of selling fake (or long-known) cures for diseases to the sick or infirm, he sells conspiracy theories to the gullible.

There are no Freemasons; There are no Masonic lodges; Their actions aren't a secret; There is no such thing as Illuminati; Novos Ordo Seclorum on the back of a dolar bill does not translate to New Order of the Ages or anything close to that translation; Annuit Coeptis doen't mean anything close to ' something has approved our undertaking'; The Dajal: all seeing eye has no symbolic meaning; the Phoenix clutching arrows and olive branches has no symbolic meaning; George Bush Senior did not really say the words '..It is a big idea..a new world order..'; etc..I could go on..

Why spend time calling someone a fake or a liar. Let people decide instead of attempting dictatorship of people's beliefs. If I believe some of what Mr Jones says, it could be because I have gathered more foundational understanding and knowledge from sources a next person may not know about. I don't have faith that what he is saying is right, I look for real life evidence in every country I visit and in every move that I make.

Everyone is a profiteer. How can you live in a world run on business and not be a profiteer. We go school, college and uni with the hope of gaining a profit at the end. To get out as much as we put in and sometimes disobey the law of conservation of energy and try and get out 1000 times more than we put in.

Money is an attribute of producing something and getting the world to see it. You can't produce something like a book and not sell it to break even with the cost of having it published. Sometimes people are not to blame when money becomes part of their live's insofar that they have to sell you a product to get a word out.. I said earlier, there is no one single publication that can encompass the reality of the world we live in. The cost of such a work would be equivalent to the effort put in to producing it. Princess Diana's book or was it Margret Thatcher's, i can't remember, went on sale for £98.00..

We all want a comfortable life, and what advert on the Television set or in a Magazine or at the Movies informs us of a comfy life that includes no money?

I feel that many of us in the world wish that there was such a book or movie that proved everything far beyond reasonable doubt. The likes of Edward Bernays and others knew and know this is the mentality of many and so keep things compartmentalised and separate hoping that the jigsaw is never pieced together. Being banned by a government agency proves that what you say and do contradicts what they stand for. That is usually why people are silenced, regardless of misinforming the public. Tony Blair and his henchmen misinform me everyday but nobody isn't silencing them. Thas probly because everything is goin they way they want it to.

08-15-2006, 01:03 PM
You see what you want to see. If you look for conspiracies, you will find them everywhere, whether they actually exist or not.

What I personally find interesting about Alex Jones relates to my military training. I worked in psychological operations, and primarily what I did was convince strangers/locals to believe those things we wanted them to believe. It is almost eerie, the similarities I see between what I did as a function of my job in the military and what Alex Jones does to the population at large. If someone told me he also had been trained in psychological operations, I would not be in the least surprised.

08-15-2006, 01:43 PM
I read part of a book which highlights methods of gaining power. After reading the first 150 pages then re entering the world, I thought that people I spoke to had actually read the book because they were using some of the described methods in conversation. I'm not going to get into the title of the book or into too much about its content but I became paranoid that everyone I spoke to was out to get me some how. This proved that people have natural tendencies within their personality's to display aspects of their persona purely for gaining power. I am not going to disect the application of the word power in this instant either. This is not intentional in many cases as the people I spoke to had never come into contact with writings of such a nature. I think it was more a case of the book encompassing what is OUT-THERE so well that it provided the means to identify particular traits with ease. Working in psychological operations will throw up paranoid suggestions as did my learning of methods of control and manipulation. Maybe Mr Jones is or isn't trained in that way, but the information therein cannot be discarded as crap especially when evidence surrounds what he says. Being (EX-) Military could explain why you think Globalisation and the NWO is nonsense. The same way People in the Medical Profession would seldom inform the world that Doctors are unknowingly out to kill us. I worked at LAnd ROver and I don't mind telling the world that the L319 and L320s are shyt (Disco3 and Range Sport), but They fired me already because me and my opinions do not fit into their mode of operation and they knew that I had a 'nothing to loose' mentality which could compromise their shyt at anytime. All the other thick bastards with things to loose continue to lick ass and ignore work politics and try not to rock the boat. Well ladies and gents, you have guessed it; I'm a boat rocker.

08-15-2006, 02:43 PM
Alex Jones is a profiteer who makes his living off the gullibility of the masses.

There is no 'New World Order', nor has anyone provided proof of such, including Jones. If you elect to buy into his spin, then you must do so as an act of faith,

Exactly why I stay undecided, to choose any side right now is an act of faith.


08-15-2006, 04:47 PM
just what we need more talking heads

Great Spirit
08-15-2006, 05:54 PM
Didnt you start a thread like this last week GS...............

Your up to the Reading Rainbow...Keep going

Did your mommy put the door back on your room or does she not trust you either?You know Bong, you claim to represent the interests of Amerika whos idealism is truth and justice and freedom, yet if I am an ambassador from another country, would you say that same response to me?

Lol you sound dumber than george w. bush when he is answering questions for the press. lol.

you never have any pictorial proof, just words. we have our shit backed up boy. why can't you tell us how 2 wtc buildings really fell, and how wtc 7 was demolished and no plane at the pentagon.....?

08-15-2006, 07:52 PM

Pretty convincing.

08-15-2006, 10:24 PM
Well I've been doing lots of think lately and I have come up with a metaphor for you people behavior. You are all nothing but a bunch of holstiens. You have 13 inch long tounges for sucking bullshit through tube. And you are queer fuckers that hump anyone who doesn't agree with you till he/she can't walk anymore. For those who do not know what a holstien is yet google it.

While you guys are being gangbanging little bitches I'm going to be happy knowing there will be a day of reckoning on which the poorly informed choices you make will be your down fall. I am not a nice person, am well armed, and will not shed a tear for any of you stupid bastards.

08-15-2006, 11:26 PM
[quote=WalkaWalka]Well I've been doing lots of think lately

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^dont hurt your self^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I am not a nice person,

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Or a smart one^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Walka after all the shit i have been through in this political Forum.... You are the only classless punk that has threatened me with Violence......

The truth Must hurt..................

08-15-2006, 11:36 PM
Ohhhh you can shut your fucking face you fucking uncle fucker

classless Of all the rednecked pieces of shit in the politics forum your the only i have a desire to throw knives at
also i may be a punk but I'll embrace my calling pissing you off makes me happy

08-15-2006, 11:50 PM
Ohhhh you can shut your fucking face you fucking uncle fucker

classless Of all the rednecked pieces of shit in the politics forum your the only i have a desire to throw knives at
also i may be a punk but I'll embrace my calling pissing you off makes me happy

You must know about fucking uncles HUH..... ?

I have never thought of that......

Im toying with you kid.............Ill brush you off my shoulders when I feel like it.

08-16-2006, 12:47 AM
you have a thing for kids don't you

08-16-2006, 01:11 AM
Wait a minute...back up! >> Reptilian Agenda?!:confused:

08-16-2006, 01:21 AM
you have a thing for kids don't you

Yes I do have a thing for Kids I have a 4 year old son Named after a world champion Surfer....

I have an amazing daughter that can read in a 3rd grade level in Kindergarten.

You could say I love kids................. Not like you though......

I remeber your quote....
This is Walka walka Moron braging about....
70% of the Dads I have me met would like to cut my throat..... Bravo Bravo...

My come back was....... you must be a real piece of shit........

Then you said something about kicking my ass........... Blah blah

Like you Could..................wussy! you are part wimp, part pussy

You gotta get that dirt off you shoulders......................

08-16-2006, 04:39 AM
ok I'm sorry the kids thing was a low blow

but there is always a chance one of your kids will grow up like me and remember there isn't a godamn thing you can do about it either.

Also me threatening to kill you was uncool but left in room with you I would have a serious urge to throw knives at you.

Just becuase I said sorry dosen't mean I don't still think you're a stupid asshole.

08-16-2006, 11:11 AM
walkawalka and Bong30 you need to take a hit or leave it alone... What the hell you guys goin on about? Go get a room or a thread where you can wind each other up till the cows go home... Why do people often detract from the topic and have private conversations in threads? It often isn't that entertaining! The only point you prove is the same one that would arise out of not posting at all.

Hamlet: Reptilian Agenda (http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=6842790718258500975&q=reptilian+agenda) 6hr David Icke chit chat(also available as a torrent for download)! I haven't delved into that subject properly but I have acquired other information pertaining to beings from outer-space. Bob Frissell talked about it in 'Nothing in This Book is True, But its Exactly How Things Are (http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/1883319013/ref=sib_dp_pt/002-2540489-9712058#reader-link)'. There is sooooo much to comprehend about the state of the planet and that therein. My only wonder is if my final conlusion will be drawn tooo late.

08-16-2006, 02:02 PM
ok I'm sorry the kids thing was a low blow

but there is always a chance one of your kids will grow up like me and remember there isn't a godamn thing you can do about it either.

Also me threatening to kill you was uncool but left in room with you I would have a serious urge to throw knives at you.

Just becuase I said sorry dosen't mean I don't still think you're a stupid asshole.

Thank you for the apoligy...I accept it. I am Sorry too. I just went at you cause you threaten me..............

Walk I was the worst kid a parent could have............
I am ready for my kids.

I still think you are a young kid that needs time to grow up!

But Your alright...Said like kids in SAND LOT

Take Care

08-16-2006, 02:08 PM
I tend to agree. Conspriacy theories are mostly bullshit, contrived by people with the intention of gaining respect, populariry, or just being a prick to society.


Did you watch CNN and those planes DRIVE into the side of building? Do you know how buildings stand together? Did you see videos of terrorist fanatics celebrating and claiming responisiblity for the act? Do you think the entire world is on it? Are you that stupid?

Get real.

"Just becuase I said sorry dosen't mean I don't still think you're a stupid asshole." <-- I laughed

08-16-2006, 02:30 PM
I tend to agree. Conspriacy theories are mostly bullshit, contrived by people with the intention of gaining respect, populariry, or just being a prick to society.


Did you watch CNN and those planes DRIVE into the side of building? Do you know how buildings stand together? Did you see videos of terrorist fanatics celebrating and claiming responisiblity for the act? Do you think the entire world is on it? Are you that stupid?

Get real.

"Just becuase I said sorry dosen't mean I don't still think you're a stupid asshole." <-- I laughed

Kap I think the conspiricy is..... We got cought with our Pants down...

We were too dumb... to do the right thing on 9-11. Thats it. Read the norad tapes.... OMG.

You have your head on strait.........

08-16-2006, 02:34 PM
Exactly, we got pwned. :(

They won the battle, we won the war

08-16-2006, 02:40 PM
Yeah, but Alex Jones is God! Because he predicted there'd be a major terrorist attack (wow, tough prediction). He also predicted Osama would be blamed for it. (Wow, another tough prediction, seeing as Osama already had a track record and had SAID there'd be more terrorist attacks.)

I too can predict things. I predict the sun will rise tomorrow. I predict there will be another terrorist attack at some point. I predict Osama will be the instigator of another terrorist attack in the future. I predict that whatever buildings replace the former WTC towers will be the target of a terrorist attack in the future. I predict the peace that broke out in the Middle East will not last forever. I predict that conspiracy theorists will buy just about any theory that Alex Jones proposes.

If I'm right about those predictions, can I make a video and get a bunch of sucke...er, 'believers' to buy it too? If not, can I at least have a cookie? ;)

08-16-2006, 03:10 PM
I'll bet none of you great thinkers ever read the PNAC Plan...take sum time out of your busy thinking & read up on it........

DirtyDick Cheney was in control of NORAD, according to his PNAC Plan he got his Pearl Harbor event to get the ball rolling for world conquest along with the Zionist(not the innocent jews) The government you see now is part of the Fourth Reich.....

"During the time that the airplane was coming in to the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the Vice President, "The plane is 50 miles out." "The plane is 30 miles out."

And when it got down to "the plane is 10 miles out," the young man also said to the Vice President, "Do the orders still stand?"

"And the Vice President turned and whipped his neck around and said, "Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?"

Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta's testimony to the 9/11 Commission, May 23, 2003

How could Cheney know exactly what was heading for Washington and give clear orders for its path to remain clear, while the very people mandated to defend the skies of America scrambled desperately to make sense of the chaos and get fighters in the positions they needed to be?

08-16-2006, 04:41 PM
Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta's testimony to the 9/11 Commission, May 23, 2003

I could never confirm the existance of that actually statement without reading on some woha website but rest assure, stupidity exists on all levels of government. Someone is always trying to win the options of people.

'The mysterious young man'. Such BS. If it were true, they would have had a name.

08-16-2006, 05:02 PM
why dont you ask him then....here check it out from CSPAN VIA prisonplanet...and if its fake why dont they sue AJ http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2005/270705testimonycensored.htm

08-16-2006, 05:21 PM

I watched the video, and what they are clearly talking about is whether there were orders given to shoot down aircraft.

Not whether the aircraft paths were to remain open.

I will say tho that the right questions were not asked by the person giveing the interview.

My question would have been, that while scrablled jets are 10 minutes away and an incomeing plane is 10 miles away, what orders are they refering to?

Orders to shoot down aircraft mean nothing if they cant intercept it.

Also if the young man had no idea of the actual target of the plane that is 10 miles out, how does he know the plane is 10 miles out?

I dont think that Mr. Mineta would have been able to answer those questions, but at the very least the interviewer should not have led the questioning towards the orders being about shooting the plane down. The time line just doesnt fit.

That wasnt an investigation, cops always let you do the talking so you talk your way into a corner, this guy was leading the witness.


08-16-2006, 05:25 PM
taken out of context, clearly I agree with the above poster.

08-17-2006, 05:09 AM
You being a grown up about my BS means alot to me.

And don't worry I'll get mine. My kids are probably going to send me to an early grave if they're anything like me.

Thx B30