View Full Version : New here - thanks for the info

10-12-2004, 03:09 PM

I'm joined yesterday after reading some information on this site regarding testing. I quit my job a few days ago after many years and of course almost anybody who pays anywhere near what I have been making tests now - matter of fact my last employer tested also I just happened to be working for them when they started doing it so I was exempt.

I was a member of management for the company and I attend the drug testing workshop from the employer point-of-view. I've seen some very good information here and some very bad info. I believe it was N2's post (sorry I'd copy it here but really pressed for time) who ran through the best process thus far - I've tried it at home at it works each time.

First the misconceptions - any flushing agents comercially sold will be detected by any good lab - the good labs study the websites to find out the same information we do and they test for these items generally if found you fail the test - not inconclusive, you fail plain and simple - save your money it won't help - if you have passed with them you got lucky or the lab isn't that good.

Bleach may work - and I know a few people it has but also the risk factor is high and the likelyhood of being caught is good.

I have smoked everyday for the past eight years except for the rare days I'm out, and those are rare. I am 5'9' about 170lbs. and have a rather athletic build and lead a rather active lifestyle, therein' lies my problem, I knew I was going to quit my job, so I quit smoking 2 weeks ago, I eat like crap usually 1 meal a day so my metabolism is rather slow, I took a home test two nights ago and failed - so I poked around on the web and found this site.

I think it was N2's post, excuse me if incorrect, that stated flushing with water and avoiding exercise, b-12 supplement and Creatine would work - did it yesterday, it works passed two different home tests yesterday after failing the night before, as I don't know when in the next few days I will be tested (4 interviews today and they all test, and I would suspect today I will have to do one). I already take a multivitamin, One Source for active men, it contains double the amount of both Niacin and B-12 and its about 5 bucks a bottle, and you will maintain enough color in your urine to avoid suspicion. So with just the vitamin and more water than I can really stand I managed to easily pass - hopefully this will work in the following days, because I am tired of not being able to do what I want to do, but I know I still have enough metabolites stored in my system that I will fail.

I'll let ya know, but avoid the expense this seems to work perfectly, but then again home tests aren't the real thing. I'll update after I test.

Any feedback, constructive please, as always is appreciated.

Be Well.

10-12-2004, 11:41 PM
another day tomorrow I have my 3rd interview, looks like the job is in the bag, aced assessments and personality profile and interviewed with 2 more people at the company today - no test today so took another home test again today - once again I also passed it so guess more water, vitamins and creatine. I want this and it appears to be working - I'll sure be glad when this is over so I can get back to my normal life.

10-12-2004, 11:50 PM
One question if anyone can respond please do, I've been wondering, from what I read the creatine I've been using appears to be safe, once your muscles hit saturation level, it can be maintained with a teaspoon a day and your creatin level will remain - so what I want to no is if just taking a teaspoon a day would do any harm because for those who are regularly tested it would seem like the smart thing to do since too low a creatin level is evidence the sample is diluted? thoughts?

10-13-2004, 11:12 PM
Well took my test today and did my fourth interview basically I'm hired IF I passed my test have the fifth and final interview on Saturday, but it's basically a formality at this point, the big thing is the drug test and I should know tomorrow.

10-14-2004, 09:44 PM
I passed, or at least I didn't fail I start work with my new job Monday

10-15-2004, 03:55 AM
Hello & Welcome ~museikfreak65~ :) Congratulations on ur new job & passing the test. ;)

10-15-2004, 08:12 AM
thanks, It's nice to be back to normal. Should be a fun weekend now!

Kid Dynamite
10-15-2004, 05:11 PM
Being 15 i dont have to worry about drug tests so i can get stoned all the time without having to worry. But my best freinds dad was the biggest stoner, until his work introduced random drug tests. What a pile of shite...

10-16-2004, 12:43 AM
yeah there are still a few of us old folks around who do it, probably a lot more than you would ever think

10-16-2004, 04:04 PM
I will ad one quick note here, since apparently people are actually looking at this thread, just because I wanted to know I went ahead and took one more home test after I passed the one for the job, I kept taking the Creatine but I did not dilute (I mainly wanted to find out if my system had naturally purged the metabolites in my system during the few days I was trying to pass my test) and without diluting I failed a home test. So it was the process that worked and not my system, hey but I have the job and I am happily able to smoke again. In the next couple of days I will post a new thread basically explaining as much as I have been able to find out cuz with the job starting this week I doubt I'll be spending much time here I'd rather be doing other things not that my time will be more limited. anyways I hoped people here do read the posts I've put up and stop believing some of the dangerous and idiotic things I've seen to pass these - naturally is always safer and after talking to many people doing numerous hours of reading as much as I could find on the subject (I even read every post on this thread the night I joined) I found that there is only limited ways to get passed these tests - I hate them and I don't feel anyone has the right to tell me what I can or cannot put into my body, as long as what I'm doing does not physically effect someone else - especially when it is illegal for the wrong reasons - but thats a whole different matter and better left for the political part of this board.

Be Well

11-02-2004, 11:21 PM
thanks musicfreak! You're post was helpful. I felt I should also add it's good to have someone like you here to show the world that not all stoners are lazy and worthless or some sort of danger to society. You're living proof that there are people out there who can smoke and have fun and still keep down a job.

Quick question though, what steps did you take exactly to pass your test? I know I'm going to be screened if I get this job I went for an interveiw last night. I drank two liters of water in a two hour period (ugh) and took a triple dose of vitiman b12( which let me say really helped the color!) . I was wondering how much water you drank, and how long you started drinking before your test. thanks!