View Full Version : bergen co probation question

08-10-2006, 04:05 PM
hey guys,
I posted this message first on the drug testing forum but didn't realize there was one for NJ people specifically, lots of useful information on this board but I figured I'd give it a shot to see if anyone has ever been through the bergen co. probation office in hackensack nj before. I got busted last winter for possession under 50 grams (first offense ever). In june I had my court date and was accepted into the conditional discharge program (basically probation for 6 months) and in late july I got a letter from my PO saying he wants me to come in august 17th (did not specify in the letter whether a drug test will happen, just that the meeting will last approximately 30 minutes and that I MUST BE ON TIME :D .) Now, I consider myself a rather heavy smoker when I am not in school, so once my court date was past, I started up again and well, basically, I have a feeling that if he will test me on the 17th, im gonna show up positive (even though I have been exercising, dieting, sweating, drinking detox tea, etc. etc for the past week and a half) If anyone has ever been in this position before or has even pissed a dirty in nj probation, let me know what exactly happens. I've heard that some get a second test and that they just test the levels the first time around, others have told me that I face jail and/or some sort of rehab (the jail part I doubt since the state did get all my money right away). I'm just confused so if anyone can elaborate on this, its much appreciated. Thanks in advance guys!

08-18-2006, 05:47 PM
Go back and read your court papers. If one of the conditions of your probation is drug testing, it will say so. And if that's the case, it would have been a good idea not to smoke. If drug testing is NOT a condition of your probation, you have nothing to worry about. If they still drug test you, you need to talk to your lawyer.