View Full Version : 9-11 Truth Movement: Focus or Die

Great Spirit
08-07-2006, 05:51 PM
Tell all of your friends about the 9/11 Truth Movement! At least then you won't have their blood on your hands when the shit really hits the fan!

These next few months may be the most critical time in the history of the 9-11 truth movement.

We stand on the brink of a nuclear world war. The potential for a staged terror attack and subsequent invasion of Iran & Syria has never loomed larger. This, while Israel continues to offer a back-door entry into WW III with their daily massacres in Lebanon and Gaza, urging the desperate neocon fascists to join them in the march toward Apocalypse.

At the same time, last week was a time of overwhelming success as C-SPAN aired the 9-11 Scholar's conference four times at prime time hours. Then came a Scripps News poll saying 36% of Americans suspect government involvement in 9-11, with most suggesting they were directly behind it.

The truth movement also recieved balanced coverage from newspaper and television networks, while a radio call-in mobilization resulted in hosts on Air America finally confronting 9-11 truth and neocons like Sean Hannity begging for mercy.

We have never been closer to nuclear annihilation. And at the same time we have never been closer to breaking the media censorship, building a large-scale political movement around 9-11, and arresting the traitorous plotters behind the attacks.

So which direction will the world follow?

Analysts ranging from authors James Bamford and Nafeez Ahmed to Pakistani ISI Chief Maj. Gen Hameed Gul are all predicting an imminent strike on Iran and Syria.

Additionally, the confluence of major terror drills and nuclear war games over the next few months is particularly ominous. STRATCOM, those generals with their finger on the nuclear button, are running Vigilant Guardian (also run on 9-11) from August 17-26.

Then, from Oct. 24-Nov.8, STRATCOM will run Global Lightning, a massive nuclear war game within the Global Storm series of drills running through December.

On August 14-16, Hawaii is running a drill where a half-kiliton nuke explodes, killing 10,000 resulting in a martial law situation with a FEMA and military takeover. All of these drills and more are monitored at FalseFlagNews.com

We must remember that on 9-11, the military ran at least 15 drills, with many "simulated" hijacking terror drills and nuclear warfare war games against Russia. So are these drills a sign of a potential goverment-staged terror event to usher in the nuclear clash of civilizations?

The STRATCOM Global Strike documents, available here, clearly document how these upcoming drills are part of CONPLAN 8022, the plan for an immediate nuclear strike on-demand with B-1 and B-52 bombers (with an emphasis on so-called "low yield" nukes).

We must also recall former CIA agent Philip Giraldi, who last year warned that the neocon cabal assembling around Cheney's office were calling for the nuclear invasion of Iran, with the aid of STRATCOM, in the wake of a new WMD terrorist attack on American soil..

At present, the neocons find themselves militarily defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan, while the Israeli massacres and war crimes in Lebanon have failed to stop Hizballah rockets. With the November elections approaching, can the neocon plotters rely on electronic vote-rigging alone to keep their power over the Congress?

Additionally, with the Euro-based Iranian oil bourse opening in September, the financier faction of bankers is facing the death of dollar hegemony,. This will result in a massive dollar sell-off as central bank reserves flow into Euros. Will they allow such a collapse to happen?

It is "now or never" for the rogue network of coup plotters that siezed control of the military and government on 9-11. Their agenda must move forward now, or they will find themselves under investigation in Congress or overwhelmed by the growing millions of Americans who are waking up to the truth about the 9-11 inside job. How much longer can they wait?

And for 9-11 truth activists, could the stakes ever be higher?

One only need witness Professor Kevin Barrett's disastrous interview on "Fox and Friends" a few days ago to understand our precarious situation. Barrett, dressed in a black "Investigate 9-11" t-shirt, started well as he discussed WTC7, the NORAD stand down, and asked who was in command that day.

However four minutes into the interview, Barrett descended into the fringes, falling into a trap set by his interviewers. He asserted that no hijackers ever got on the planes, and that the airport videos were faked (as the shadows prove, he says). Also, according to Barrett, all the phone calls were fake, not just the cell phone ones.

Is he aware of the fact that calls made from the air-phones do work at cruising altitude, and many of the calls originated from these phones? Is he aware that drills like Amalgam Virgo (planned before 9-11) war gamed FBI agents posing as hijackers on a real flight? Has he examined the links of Mohammed Atta to the SOCOM Able Danger program, and the "Door Hop Galley" cell? What about the "hijackers" who trained at US Air Force bases?

Furthermore, claiming every phone call was faked alienates the public and is based on incomplete science. Barrett should know that cell phones can work on planes, albeit poorly and infrequently. Additionally, the Canadian study he cited did not fly over the zone where flight 93 allegedly did.

If we listen to the "no phone-call" theorists, government uber-spooks actually took the time to voiceprint Mark Bingham and call his mom but were then stupid enough to make it so obvious by saying, "Hi Mom, it's Mark Bingham."

Watching Barrett fumble the ball was painful. The professor, usually so eloquent in his TV appearances, lost his focus of the facts and strayed into true conspiracy theory. To the average viewer, he came unraveled as he peddled pet theories about "no hijackers," bogus phone calls, and faked videos. This type of speculation, venturing so far from the core points proving an inside job, destroyed Barrett's entire message.

Even if Barrett and others who talk about faked cell phone calls are correct, does their speculation get us any closer toward building a nationwide political movement and arresting the 9-11 plotters? Or is it a divisive strawman that will isolate us from the mainstream media and average Americans?

Suddenly it appears the controlled demolition, WTC 7, NORAD stand down, hijacking drills, war games, "Angel is Next" call to Bush, living hijackers, double-agent hijackers, CIA insider put options, and "al-Qaeda" links to Anglo-American intelligence are not enough. Now every researcher has their own pet theory about no planes, no hijackers, no phone calls, no Pentagon Boeing, and no flight 93 crash (they claim it landed it Cleveland and the wreckage in Shanksville was, you guessed it, planted).

At the same time we are now encountering the violent resurection of the "no WTC plane" thesis, which is dividing the Scholars for 911 Truth. A small group of internet researchers is claiming the towers were hit by nothing, and the videos of the second plane hitting the south tower were vector-key CGI uploaded to the video news networks, along with the aid of WESCAM helicopter camera technology.

This group usually claims nothing hit the south tower, but if pressed, will offer possibilities like an entomopter formation, missile, commuter plane, or some futuristic cloaked weapon.

But can such radical claims survive the most basic questions? These researchers will have to find substantial answers to the testimonies of those eyewitnesses who saw planes, the many snapshot pictures of the plane, the amateur videos showing a plane, plane parts in the WTC wreckage, and how if this is true why NONE of the eyewitnesses ever said something about this massive deception.

Do these "no plane" theorists have adequete answers that do not include labeling everybody but them as government agents? Why are those who ask these fundamental questions labeled as idiots and agents, while this group simultaneously slanders Dr. Steven Jones a government-asset?

"But wait!" they cry. "The towers were exploded with nanothermite and a mini-nuke weapon! Anyone who claims anything less is just a provocateur NSA undercover agent!"

Of course, why the plotters would require the redundancy of nanothermite and a nuke is of no concern. And when asked for evidence to prove their claims, they point to shaky research showing slightly elevated tritium levels in the air. And of course, they never, ever forget the mention that Steven Jones is just an limited-hangout junk scientist Perhaps this because his research showed no radioactive isotopes?

Wait, I must be an agent. And if you disagree with that, maybe you are an agent.

Maybe we are both agents, and were secretly brainwashed from understanding the real truth: The towers were hit by a swarm of African killer bees and all the witnesses were mind-controlled with virtual reality googles and Valium. Also, the twin towers never existed; they were merely part of a holographic magic trick run by the shadow government in collaboration with David Copperfield. And the towers were exploded with nanoplasma antimatter, and anyone who discusses conventional demolition is an agent.

It was this same motley assembly of internet researchers that selfishly belittled the four airings of the 9-11 Scholar's conference on C-SPAN. And while dedicated 9-11 truthers were devising a campaign to build up the audience, they mocked our efforts.

"If these scholars were such a threat, the establishment would never let them get on TV," they whined. This group of websites also failed to publicize the airing dates or times of the C-SPAN conference, but often took the effort to write scathing pieces about the participants, slandering them all as government agents or Zionist front-men.

This same group was also conspicuously completely absent during this past week's radio mobilization effort, when fearless 9-11 activsts overwhelmed the neocons and left gatekeepers, smashing through the Maginot Line of 9-11 censorship.

It was a week in which a red-faced Hannity was forced to hang up on callers, Ed Schultz was simply apoplectic, and Michael Savage used call-screeners to block 9-11 truthers.. I personally made successful calls to nationally syndicated shows like Hannity, CoastToCoast AM, Alan Colmes & Matt Drudge, with other call in's to WBZ in Boston and WTIC in Hartford.

Webster Tarpley believes our combined efforts likely tripled the C-SPAN audience, if not more. Even better, we finally forced Randi Rhodes to confront 9-11 truth and the NORAD stand down on Air America, while the C-SPAN event momentum continued. It was a week which culminated with Tarpley's brillaint two and a half hour performance on Mike Malloy's nationally syndicated show on Air America.

Frustrated 9-11 activists (like myself) who had always asked how we could wake up millions, discovered the power of using radio as a giant megaphone to warn other prisoners. This type of success must quickly multiply. If we hope to stop the next false-flag terror attack and the march into nuclear world war, we must wake up their millions of radio listeners....NOW.

So, in the midst of our success, I ask that we reflect.

Which websites, activists, and organizations supported and promoted the C-SPAN event last week? And who were the shrill sectarians and slanderers that failed to even announce the air time of the event? What were the motives of each of these groups?

We are currently in the midst of a mass awakening in America. 9-11 truth is having the biggest coming out party in its history, as mainstream coverage and national polls suggest our movement is growing far larger than even optimists had suggested.

A Scripps News poll showed 36% of American believe that 9-11 was either allowed to happen or an inside job, and a full 16% of Americans believing in a controlled demolition of the towers. This means that a large portion of the country, likely more than one fifth, already understand 9-11 was an inside job. A previous Zogby poll suggested the number of 9-11 skeptics were around 42%.

Now come the release of the NORAD tapes, which have journalists and the formerly timid "Jersey Girls" calling for a new investigation of 9-11. This on top of the C-SPAN coverage, the radio breakthroughs, and the surprisingly fair treatment from mainstream newspapers and tv propaganda organs like CNN and Fox. Clearly, the wheels are coming off the government's official mythology, and a revolution of thinking is brewing in massive numbers .

We are hitting the big time. Millions of Americans, who had previously ignored or derided suggestions of government complicity, are asking questions.

So we must ask: Is this the time for sectarianism, name-calling, jealousy, territorial squabbles, and McCarthyist witch-hunt tactics where everyone is labeled an agent? Have some individuals become so egostistical that they are blind to the need for rationality at this critical time? Do they truly believe their own selfish needs and pet theories outweight the effort to actually arrest the criminals who engineered the terror attacks of September 11?

I ask again: what are their motives?

What is needed now is maturity. As a movement, we must focus or die. Going on national television with outlandish pet theories risks destroying the momentum we have worked so hard to build.

Those lucky enough to make television appearances must remember that there is still a large portion of this country who has not woken up to 9-11, and we need to introduce them with facts, not fantasy. We are trying to wake up conservative Republicans, college anarchists, and senior citizen book clubs. Is this the time for speculation about "no hijackers?"

Can we build a national political movement around the idea of fake cell phone calls and CGI planes? Or should we instead point to the NORAD stand down and hijacking drills, asking about the roles of Gen. Eberhart, Gen. Myers, Col. Marr, Gen. Schoomaker, Ben Sliney, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Richard Clarke, and others inside the chain of command?

Should we label each other as agents instead of telling the world about WTC 7, controlled demolition, and Dr. Steven Jones's groundbreaking thermate research?

It's now or never for both sides. The rogue network seeks to usher in a nuclear WW III, and 9-11 truth is the only way to stop them and expose the myth of terrorism. In this time of imminent danger, we have to stay on message.

If we get lost in a sea of speculation, we will lose the average American. It is high time to save the frothy theories for the message boards and stay focused when we get TV time. And those who engage in petty backstabbing, slander, name-calling, blackmailing, and intellectual McCarythism need to seriously question their priorities.

Now is the time to build a national movement. We can make calls and disrupt the radio propagandists. We can use friendly forums like CoastToCoast AM to reach millions of fellow Americans. We can make Sean Hannityâ??s life a living hell. We can monitor the drills and war-games to stop the next false-flag attack, like at FalseFlagNews.com

And most importantly, by focusing on our best points, rather than our weakest hypotheses, we can stop World War III.

For the 9-11 truth movement, the camera is rolling and America is watching.

Focus or die.

08-07-2006, 09:35 PM
Rev 16:14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by deamons and perform signs and they go forth to the kings of the entire inhabited earth to gather then together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

John 12:48-49 He that disregards me and does not receive my sayings has one to judge him. The word that I have spoken is what will judge him in the last day;(49)because I have not spoken out of my own impulse, but the Father himself who sent me has given me a commandment as to what to tell and what to speak.

Matthew 24:13-14 but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.(14)and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations and then the end will come.

Psalms 83:18 that people may know that you, whose name is Jehovah you alone are the most high over all the earth.

08-07-2006, 10:30 PM
Oh shit, there go a few million more brain cells. Thanks guys.

08-07-2006, 10:47 PM
Focus or Die?

OK, Ill focus, and you guys (leftwing Nut jobs) Die................

08-07-2006, 11:09 PM
Bong tends to categorize the crazy conspiracists in as part of the left-wing, which has always mystified me because they don't appear to me to have any sort of standard left- or right-leaning political sympathies.

If anything, the component of their deep dislike and distrust of government has hints of arch right-wing thinking, but from reading their "messages," they clearly hate everything and everybody and trust no one but the seers and sayers of Infowars and other sites like it. Consequently, they appear to me to stand all alone, smack in the middle of Crazyville. Calling them left-wingers is an insult to thinking liberals.

Great Spirit
08-08-2006, 01:42 AM
Remember that Hitler wanted to be seen as a strong CONSERVATIVE leader, much like G.W. Bush wants to be seen as and not for the demonic fucktart he really is.

Tyranny is always disguised as something labled as "good". Is it no surprise then, that dictators always seem conservative? Pure conservatism to me equals stagnation, as they keep accepting tradition and refuse to inject change. Liberals at least want change! Thats the only way you will evolve.

08-08-2006, 01:54 AM
Bong tends to categorize the crazy conspiracists in as part of the left-wing, which has always mystified me because they don't appear to me to have any sort of standard left- or right-leaning political sympathies.

If anything, the component of their deep dislike and distrust of government has hints of arch right-wing thinking, but from reading their "messages," they clearly hate everything and everybody and trust no one but the seers and sayers of Infowars and other sites like it. Consequently, they appear to me to stand all alone, smack in the middle of Crazyville. Calling them left-wingers is an insult to thinking liberals.
BG your a Lib I like........LOL cause you think.

I call them left wing nut jobs..... Cause i believe that most of them.... are emotional, socialist, that think the USA sucks cause bush does.

Look at all the conspiricy guys on here..........all Democrats, Ward churchill, America hating (cause of Bush), Ge to over it Kerry lost, Dip shit.... that Just bitch NEVER A GOOD IDEA on how to fix it.

I do believe liberism is a mental disorder.... just not BG ( she is a conserv, trapped in a lib body):D

Pengiun dipshit.... I am the crazyist, biggest, muscle head, weapon stashing, head popping, mother fucking neo con you will ever meet....... try me.

Hey Bg im open for New Lable for "left wing nut job".....what do you think? you know who im talking about...its not level headed democrats.

08-08-2006, 02:01 AM
This is Jane Fonda. During my two week visit in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, I've had the opportunity to visit a great many places and speak to a large number of people from all walks of life--workers, peasants, students, artists and dancers, historians, journalists, film actresses, soldiers, militia girls, members of the women's union, writers.
I visited the (Dam Xuac) agricultural coop, where the silk worms are also raised and thread is made. I visited a textile factory, a kindergarten in Hanoi. The beautiful Temple of Literature was where I saw traditional dances and heard songs of resistance. I also saw unforgettable ballet about the guerrillas training bees in the south to attack enemy soldiers. The bees were danced by women, and they did their job well.

In the shadow of the Temple of Literature I saw Vietnamese actors and actresses perform the second act of Arthur Miller's play All My Sons, and this was very moving to me--the fact that artists here are translating and performing American plays while US imperialists are bombing their country.

I cherish the memory of the blushing militia girls on the roof of their factory, encouraging one of their sisters as she sang a song praising the blue sky of Vietnam--these women, who are so gentle and poetic, whose voices are so beautiful, but who, when American planes are bombing their city, become such good fighters.

I cherish the way a farmer evacuated from Hanoi, without hesitation, offered me, an American, their best individual bomb shelter while US bombs fell near by. The daughter and I, in fact, shared the shelter wrapped in each others arms, cheek against cheek. It was on the road back from Nam Dinh, where I had witnessed the systematic destruction of civilian targets-schools, hospitals, pagodas, the factories, houses, and the dike system.

As I left the United States two weeks ago, Nixon was again telling the American people that he was winding down the war, but in the rubble-strewn streets of Nam Dinh, his words echoed with sinister (words indistinct) of a true killer. And like the young Vietnamese woman I held in my arms clinging to me tightly--and I pressed my cheek against hers--I thought, this is a war against Vietnam perhaps, but the tragedy is America's.

One thing that I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt since I've been in this country is that Nixon will never be able to break the spirit of these people; he'll never be able to turn Vietnam, north and south, into a neo-colony of the United States by bombing, by invading, by attacking in any way. One has only to go into the countryside and listen to the peasants describe the lives they led before the revolution to understand why every bomb that is dropped only strengthens their determination to resist.

I've spoken to many peasants who talked about the days when their parents had to sell themselves to landlords as virtually slaves, when there were very few schools and much illiteracy, inadequate medical care, when they were not masters of their own lives.

But now, despite the bombs, despite the crimes being created--being committed against them by Richard Nixon, these people own their own land, build their own schools--the children learning, literacy--illiteracy is being wiped out, there is no more prostitution as there was during the time when this was a French colony. In other words, the people have taken power into their own hands, and they are controlling their own lives.

And after 4,000 years of struggling against nature and foreign invaders--and the last 25 years, prior to the revolution, of struggling against French colonialism--I don't think that the people of Vietnam are about to compromise in any way, shape or form about the freedom and independence of their country, and I think Richard Nixon would do well to read Vietnamese history, particularly their poetry, and particularly the poetry written by Ho Chi Minh.

^^^^^^^^^^^^SOUNDS LIKE YOU DIP SHITS^^^^^^^about isreal
[recording end]
To her credit, during a 20/20 television interview sixteen years later in 1988 with Barbara Walters, Jane Fonda apologized for her incredibly bad judgement in going to North Vietnam and allowing herself to be used as a propaganda vehicle.
"I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of things that I said or did," she began. "I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm . . . very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families."


Some discussions...
My generation will not forget the treason Jane Fonda commited.
"Vietnam Vets aren't Fonda Jane."
Jane Fonda was right to go to North Vietnam!
"I would have been...burning the flag and the ROTC building."

jane fonda was a traitor, naive or not.
"She should have been shot, and will never be forgiven."

Young and stupid is not an excuse.
"They danced while we died and that will never be forgotten or forgiven by me."

The war that will forever stay with me is the Vietnam War.
"I commanded brave men in battle....they deserve
the recognition and the forgiveness of having to kill or be killed."

An ingenue in a time of ingenues.
"I have a completely different interpretation of the below statements than you,
and I thought you might review what you'd written."

The last refuge of deaf mutes.
"I think it was the duty of the youth to rebel, to disobey orders. To burn flags, in short."

08-08-2006, 02:08 AM
her own son would shoot her now..............

08-08-2006, 02:13 AM
Howard Dean Scream Remixes
The primal scream emitted by Howard Dean following his third-place finish in Iowa â?? dubbed the "I Have A Scream" speech â?? has quickly gained cult-like status on the Web, USA Today reports. To listen to the original audio clip of Dean's screaming, red-faced rant, click here, and to watch the video clip, click here. Plus here's a sampling of some of the best Dean scream remixes currently circulating on the Web:

â?¢ Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train (Dean's Aboard)
â?¢ Hey YEAAAAHHHHH!! (Outkast remix)
â?¢ Dancin' Dean
â?¢ Funk Mix
â?¢ Welcome to Dean's Jungle
â?¢ Dean Megamix
â?¢ Dean (Flash) Gordon
â?¢ Deansane in the Brain
â?¢ Dean Twilight Zone


08-08-2006, 02:19 AM
California 2005 Votes
Boxer - - - - - - - + (-) - + - - + - - - - - - - - - - - 12 4 23 3

Barbra Boxer gets 3 of a hundred possible points..........

I could go on all night but i have things to do.....

I need to sell some snowboards.................

08-08-2006, 02:23 AM
BG your a Lib I like........LOL cause you think.

I do believe liberism is a mental disorder.... just not BG ( she is a conserv, trapped in a lib body):D

Pengiun dipshit.... I am the crazyist, biggest, muscle head, weapon stashing, head popping, mother fucking neo con you will ever meet....... try me.

Hey Bg im open for New Lable for "left wing nut job".....what do you think? you know who im talking about...its not level headed democrats.
We'll put our heads together and work on a label together, then. But right now I'm still reeling from what I consider high praise indeed from you, Bong!

Currently, I think I'm more of a liberal trapped in an oncology nurse's body. And I have to confess that, although I feel sorry for her pain in losing a son, after seeing that picture of Mrs. Sheehan, I'm tremendously glad I'm trapped inside my own body and face and not hers. I always want to grab Cindy and fix her up a little with some makeup and encourage her to wear more sunscreen. I crossed paths with her last summer at DFW airport and shook hands with her and got an up-close look at her sun damage.

Glad I'm not trapped in her t-shirt, either. That message would be more effective on a prettier shirt!

08-08-2006, 02:29 AM
P.S. The Howard Dean scream remixes are awesome. That sound still never fails to double me over with laughter!

08-08-2006, 03:11 AM
P.S. The Howard Dean scream remixes are awesome. That sound still never fails to double me over with laughter!
Those are so funny...........OMG

08-08-2006, 03:15 AM
We'll put our heads together and work on a label together, then. But right now I'm still reeling from what I consider high praise indeed from you, Bong!

Currently, I think I'm more of a liberal trapped in an oncology nurse's body. And I have to confess that, although I feel sorry for her pain in losing a son, after seeing that picture of Mrs. Sheehan, I'm tremendously glad I'm trapped inside my own body and face and not hers. I always want to grab Cindy and fix her up a little with some makeup and encourage her to wear more sunscreen. I crossed paths with her last summer at DFW airport and shook hands with her and got an up-close look at her sun damage.

Glad I'm not trapped in her t-shirt, either. That message would be more effective on a prettier shirt!
I just wish she didnt use her son for a platform........ did she look like worn out shoe leather?

I still have you and your sis In my Prayers BG..... A big XO for you....

BG make sure you "make" some time for your self.... away from stuff. Where ever that is.....

08-08-2006, 03:38 AM
Thanks, sweetie. I appreciate the continued prayers.

Yeah, Cindy's sun damage is quite noticeable, and she looked like she might also be a former or current cigarette smoker, which never fails to dry out skin elasticity and make people look leathery before their time. She has a lot of those noticeable purse-string lines around her mouth, which smokers get a lot of. If I were in her situation and wanted to devote my life to anti-war protests, I do believe vanity would force me to do it indoors or while constantly wearing a hat and SPF 60 sunblock.

I'm going to try hard to get in some fun this week. School starts next Monday, and I have this sinking feeling that once that gets underway, I may never have any fun again. I talked to a second-year medical student this past weekend who said there is still time to have a life if you set limits on the studying, so we'll see. I'm working out every day, which is very fun and vey relaxing to me. And I've talked my husband into going bowling on Wednesday afternoon and then to a movie and dinner after that. Sounds like pretty tame fun, doesn't it? Oh well, it's about right for old folks.

08-08-2006, 04:36 AM
THose kids are going to party you to death......

I can hear it now...... Come on BG lets go for a few beers....you will be getting peer presure from 20 somethings//........lol

Have fun and you will do great........... you will ace it.....

08-08-2006, 06:03 AM
I hope they'll invite me for beers and want to party! If they're anything like my own 20-year-old and his 20-something friends, they won't be choosy about who they drink beer with.

Of course, things may be totally different at my school. I could be ostracized like in that scene in "Animal House" at the initial frat rush party. They'll relegate me off to the side of all parties and social events like Flounder and Pinto were, forcing me to sit in a little wallflower crowd with people like Jugdesh, Sidney, and a blind guy, simply because I'm different, older.

I guess if that does happen, I can always try and establish an institution like Delta House at UT Southwestern Medical School so I'm throwing the best parties. . . .

08-08-2006, 01:57 PM
You delta Ki name is.............Birdgirl wooooooppppppp

Thank you sir my i have another............LOL

08-08-2006, 02:36 PM
The biggest threat in all this, isnt the terrorist's, it isnt countrys like leb, iraq, iran and all them other small countrys who appraently have weapons of mass destruction.

The biggest threat that this world has comes straight from one country with the biggest nucular weaponry in the world and can anyone take a guess what country that is.


You have idiots like bush who seem to think that its a good idea to invade a country and start war against them and why cause they belive them to have nucular and bio weapons. Oh and guess what they where never found.

Out of all the countrys in the world who harbour terrorist's and such like, the US and britain are the biggest terrorist's going.

Who trained bin larden and his merry men, who trained sadam and put him into power the list goes on and on and on. As a member of this country im ashamened to say i belong here and yes i am a white caucasuion male. All this crap about going to war against other countrys is a load of bollox, we as a countyr put these dictators there and cause we have no control over them any more we go to war against them. And we make up every exscuse to do it as well.

Im fed up of hearing about the war on terror, if they want to stop terrorists then every country needs to unite and tell the likes of blair and bush to go play war games with someone else.

Im nether left nor am i right wing, but i know from history who put these people in power and who trained there forces and infact trained the oposition up as well to fight against them.

Before people post crap like this that ive read, maybe you should go back and read up on ur history instead of trying to create properganda and get your facts right.