View Full Version : Strawberry Fields Forever!

07-19-2006, 04:54 PM
Greetings all.Hope you all feeling good and that the herb fairies have been good to ya lol!all the ladies have been stripped bare ohh yeh baby!Have to say its gets better as it ripens.I never cured mine proper before cause I never had any decent smoke to smoke while it cured so of corse it was devoured with a happy thought lol!You learn something everytime you start or finish a new grow
Its a wonderful experience and I encourage no I suggest lol! that everyone try at least once!

I know the campaigners for legizlation are doing great work and I dont want to bitch to much but if anything can be changed we can change it by GROWING OUR OWN HERB!Sorry for shouting.We take the risk of being imprisoned,evicted etc.yet we must continue its our form of silent protest at our government(s) head up its arse policy.There is method to this madness just I've been tokin,its damn hot and I'm opinionated lol!

Do then Cannabis lobbyers suggest we growers put ourselves further in the firing line by joining there cause which is ,not to be getting paro or anything must get grief from the boys in blue? I'm not giving grief just wondering.:thumbsup:

07-20-2006, 01:34 AM
Greetings all.Hope you all feeling good and that the herb fairies have been good to ya lol!all the ladies have been stripped bare ohh yeh baby!Have to say its gets better as it ripens.I never cured mine proper before cause I never had any decent smoke to smoke while it cured so of corse it was devoured with a happy thought lol!You learn something everytime you start or finish a new grow
Its a wonderful experience and I encourage no I suggest lol! that everyone try at least once!

I know the campaigners for legizlation are doing great work and I dont want to bitch to much but if anything can be changed we can change it by GROWING OUR OWN HERB!Sorry for shouting.We take the risk of being imprisoned,evicted etc.yet we must continue its our form of silent protest at our government(s) head up its arse policy.There is method to this madness just I've been tokin,its damn hot and I'm opinionated lol!

Do then Cannabis lobbyers suggest we growers put ourselves further in the firing line by joining there cause which is ,not to be getting paro or anything must get grief from the boys in blue? I'm not giving grief just wondering.:thumbsup:

How do bro. . . .

Nice to hear things are turning out sweet for ya. . . . :thumbsup:

How do ya figure that your going to be "puttin yaself inda firing line"

by "joining the cause"?

Personally i think that sitting on our laurrels doin nowt

aint going to achieve a lot. . . .

That's why i've joined the CCPR,, just to see if we can make a difference. . . .

Peace. . . . :thumbsup:

07-20-2006, 12:24 PM

How do ya figure that your going to be "puttin yaself inda firing line"

by "joining the cause"?

Are there many growers involved in the CCPR?

I mean growers who have form and are known to the "boys in blue".Do you thinks its a good move to get involved if this is the case?

As I said paronioa or not those groups are monitored from time to time and if I was involved I'd sure be looking over my shoulder.I know its far out but still pays to be careful no?

I'm 100% behind legizlation as I said but personally I think its unachievable unless we ALL grow and march with or plants in one arm and cone in the other.And even at that I'm still doubtful lol!

Theres to much money to be lost in legizlation and dont give me the "tax it" speech I've heard it all.Drug dealers are not just these guys you see on TV or read about in the rags.They are ones who wear suits,who pass laws and judgement on us without our permission.

Another factor to account for is the youth of Ireland would not be ready for it.Age restrictions are'nt worth shit just take buying alcohol for example.No problem for any kid to get.Most Irish youth have no respect for what they smoke and I said most not all.And this creates more problems to.Just cause it works in Holland doesn't mean its right for here.They're of a different mind set and have more control than we do.

The only way I see is to is to OVERGROW THE GOVERMENT.:thumbsup:

07-20-2006, 06:10 PM
Oh yeh, I don't want to get into the medicinal side because that goes without saying,anyone who benefits from the use of cannabis to aliviate pain etc,etc should have access to whatever they need.I hope someday to be able to help those truly in need.

It'l take some time got get my method right.I know a few that need help so hopefully soon.Evetything in life got its purpose and I want this to me mine and maybe others can do the same.Before we begin to smoke,legalize or grow we need to RESPECT herb.

Not just as drug but a possible way of life that can make life that little bit better.By understanding herb we understand more about one another.It can bring us together in a common goal and we chat down oppressors of or rights to smoke a plant

.A fucking plant as simple as, yet them don't want you to use it cause their afraid of this one thing.UNITY!


07-21-2006, 06:22 PM

Are there many growers involved in the CCPR?
I mean growers who have form and are known to the "boys in blue".Do you thinks its a good move to get involved if this is the case?
I'm 100% behind legizlation as I said but personally I think its unachievable unless we ALL grow and march with or plants in one arm and cone in the other.And even at that I'm still doubtful lol!
Theres to much money to be lost in legizlation. . . .
Another factor to account for is the youth of Ireland would not be ready for it.Most Irish youth have no respect for what they smoke and I said most not all.And this creates more problems to.Just cause it works in Holland doesn't mean its right for here.

The only way I see is to is to OVERGROW THE GOVERMENT.:thumbsup:

Well to start with...

I aint got a clue as to how many growers are

or are not involved with CCPR. . . .

And what difference does it really make if someone

has form or not. . . .

Im not talking about walking down o'connell street

with plackards saying "legalise cannabis". . . .

But at the same time, i don't think its unachievable that

sometime in the future the outlook on cannabis will change for the better. . . .

And marching down o'connell street with plants in one hand

and cones in the other certainly aint going to achieve 'owt. . . .

And ya say that because it works in Holland that it aint right for here. . . .

Well yeah,, maybe your right that there "model" wont work ova here. . . .

But hell man,, i've been smokin the stuff for over 15 years now and

things are not getting any better. . . .

So we should be looking for ways to Make them better. . . .

So if there is something/anything that i can do that might make a difference then

i think that just maybe it's worth giving it a go. . . .

Because if we do nothing then things

will never change in this country and someone else will be having this very

conversation in ten years time. . . .

Anyway that's just my :twocents: worth. . . .

Peace. . . . :thumbsup:

07-21-2006, 07:19 PM
I agree with ya brethren on certain points.I know walkin down O'Connel street with your plants is not a good idea but imagine10,000 smokers ,growers,whatever walkin side by side with plants,cones etc.Imagine the headlines lol.Its a pipe dream but a nice one no?

And I've been smoking just as long and just feel nothing will change as much as we would love it to.

Oh yeh Notech,have you ever been arrested or charged for possesion or supply of cannabis/If so have you served time?

07-22-2006, 12:37 AM
Yeah mate,,, too right it's a pipe dream. . . .

And a damn nice one too. . . .

And there's nothing more i'd like than to see it happen SOME DAY...

And yea i would be at the front with me own plants and blunts... Lol

But that day aint gona come unless this fookin government starts

to look at the reality of the situation,,, and address the issues at hand. . . .

We all know the stats about drink ect, but all the info 'bout cannabis is,

and always has been brushed under the carpet for sooooo long, that i

think attitudes need to change before we get anywhere. . . .

And the sooner that happens the better things will be, for everyone of us

that choose to partake in the use of herb. . . .

And the answer to your last question,, not that i see it's relevence. . . .

Is yea, i've spent ma fair share of time in the 'joy for distribution and other

unrelated matters. . . .

But that's the nature of life bro,, ya gota take risks and things dont always

work out in your favour. . . .

That's the fun of growin up in sunny cabra i guess. . . . Lolz...

Peace. . . . :thumbsup:

07-22-2006, 10:56 AM
Heres a slightly different perspective.

My view is that the law is flawed. For there to be a crime there must be a victim.

Where is the victim if I choose to Grow cannabis and smoke it at home?

No victim, no crime. Thats going to be my defence should I ever come into conflict with the state about cannabis.


07-22-2006, 11:02 AM
Cool brethren,
I'm enjoying this,someone who has a good opinion on the matter:thumbsup: and not just lets get together and "free the weed" lol.

Its just that (as I said maybe my paronioa)If say I was to joinCCPR we got together regulary for meetings,rallies etc.I wouldnt comfortable thinking do the cops have the names of the group,do they check every so often to see what we'd be up to.

Do you know what I mean brethren?

I'd have to stop growing and as I see it i think its a better form of protest against the "Banana Republic".I have found through personal experience you can't trust many people and believe me I let my gaurd down a few times.I have never been imprisoned for Cannabis(something else alright).I have been cautioned for possesion,who has'nt lol and been harrassed by scum.

So I feel anyone that is growing should stay clear of groups such as CCPR if they wish to continue doing so.Great work the do and all as I said butit just gives way to more grief albeit doing good work for legizaltion.

Do you not think so?

07-22-2006, 11:07 AM
Heres a slightly different perspective.

My view is that the law is flawed. For there to be a crime there must be a victim.

Where is the victim if I choose to Grow cannabis and smoke it at home?

No victim, no crime. Thats going to be my defence should I ever come into conflict with the state about cannabis.


Greetings Knotter,

I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before lol,can't remember where damn herb lmao!The state dont give two shits about your defence all judge intrested in "guilty or not guilty".Some judges take different views on the use or possesion of cannabis and God forbid you get the one who puts it in the same class as H or C then your fucked lol!

07-22-2006, 01:32 PM
I agree Kongo, however I still believe like Martin Luther King said 'It is your duty to break unjust laws'

Laws control the lesser man. Right conduct controls the greater man!!!


07-22-2006, 05:03 PM
And a sthe great man himself said" I will not be justified by the laws of men" RIP Nesta Marley.Praise the prophet.

How ya keepin brethren still smokin?

Anything new?