View Full Version : 2C-E

UserName AlphaNiner
10-02-2004, 09:38 PM
Well, I've been contemplating ordering some for a long time. Are there any risks to ordering it? Is it relatively safe? (Obviously it's long-term affects aren't known yet, but has anyone ever gotten sick or felt like shit afterward?)

I want to try it, but I don't want to be stupid about it. I want to make sure there are no risks from the law/etc. The average dosage is 10mg? Crazy trip would be 20mg? I'm not looking to make this drug a habbit, so I might be interested in taking 20mg just once and getting rid of the rest....maybe I can just find a couple of friends that would be interested in taking it with me. 0_o

Please post your experiences with this drug. I'm very intruiged by it. Thanks in advance.

10-03-2004, 10:16 PM
2c-e is not habit-forming, infact you can't do it until you rebuild your tolerance which takes 5 days. 2c-E is a very dark, yet colorful trip, a lot of de-personalization. I would try 2c-i before doing 2c-e. 2c-e have very little side effects afterwards.

As a starter dose, I would do 12mg, the difference between 4mg is double the intensity of the trip.

10-04-2004, 01:02 AM
Check whether you can still order it from anywhere-a lot of those research chemical companies have been DEA'ed and shut down. I'm in the UK when I ordered some 2CE and other stuff from the company American Chemical Supply it arrived promptly disguised as invoice papers.

2ce is one of my favoutite pshychedelic drugs. You only need a pinch and you trip for 12 hours and I you trip very strongly. I've tripped on 20g. of good shrooms, and on 6 blotters of good acid, and the trips on those were absolutely nothing in comparison.

The hallucinations and colours I see on 2ce are incredible, and the last time I tripped, I could actually visualise the music which I've never expereinced before. Your thought processes will be altered-when I leaned over to pick a twig out of my friends hair he actually thought I was reaching over to take out his brain.

While tripping in the day is cool, try taking a walk at night while tripping-the colours you see on this drug are incredible.

Also smoke some good weed-it intensifies the trip even further. I remember taking some 2ce and then watching Fear and Loathing as I was coming up-very cool, and post film I was tripping harder than I ever have done before. i then smoked some bud and then i could see tiny meteors zooming around the room, and the carpet resembled blood capillaries, all flowing and so alive.

If and when you take 2CE, chill for the first few hours as it sinks in-you might feel sick if you move around too much at this stage. Try tripping with a friend, and you will have a very cool time.