View Full Version : 3 Sea Lions Die at California Aquarium

beachguy in thongs
07-02-2006, 01:44 PM
By Associated Press

July 2, 2006, 8:54 AM EDT

LONG BEACH, Calif. -- Three of the five sea lions at an aquarium died within 24 hours in two unrelated incidents, officials said.

Kona, a 4-year-old female, and her 4-week-old pup died of unknown causes Saturday at the Aquarium of the Pacific. They had appeared healthy early in the afternoon but an hour later were found motionless. Attempts to revive them failed.

The pup was the first to be born at the aquarium since it opened in 1998.

On Friday, a 7-year-old female sea lion named Roxy died from a reaction to anesthesia during emergency surgery after delivering a stillborn pup Thursday night.

"It's like having three of your pets in your house dying all at the same time," said spokeswoman Cecile Fisher. "We all love our animals, and for anything to happen to one of them is bad, but for this to happen to three is just terrible."

07-02-2006, 02:38 PM
Howdy beachguy,

Well that just plain sucks ! What do ya reckon caused them all to die ?

Makes me wonder if someone threw something into the water..teenage punks are good at doing such crap..dang em !

Have a good one ...

beachguy in thongs
07-02-2006, 09:49 PM
I don't know.

I don't even know where I got that story. I must've been sleep-reporting, again.

The Taquito Bandito
07-03-2006, 03:23 AM
Howdy beachguy,

Well that just plain sucks ! What do ya reckon caused them all to die ?

Makes me wonder if someone threw something into the water..teenage punks are good at doing such crap..dang em !

Have a good one ...

Damn them pesky teens and their plans to kill every animal they can get their mangy hands on!

Seriously though, don't stereotype like that please. :thumbsup:

Perhaps it was shock related.

07-03-2006, 09:47 AM
Damn them pesky teens and their plans to kill every animal they can get their mangy hands on!

Seriously though, don't stereotype like that please. :thumbsup:

Perhaps it was shock related.

Howdy Bandito,

Well..yer probably right..I shouldn't 'stereotype' all teens like that..but with me being 47 years old and having a 26 year old daughter,I tend to blame the younguns for too much..lol. :D

When ya git to be my age,you'll probably be using stereotypes more often:thumbsup:

Have a good one ! :stoned:

beachguy in thongs
07-05-2006, 06:45 PM
A twenty-what year old daughter??? :smokin:

I'm just kidding, Torog. :cool:

07-09-2006, 08:54 AM
Howdy Bandito,

Well..yer probably right..I shouldn't 'stereotype' all teens like that..but with me being 47 years old and having a 26 year old daughter,I tend to blame the younguns for too much..lol. :D

When ya git to be my age,you'll probably be using stereotypes more often:thumbsup:

Have a good one ! :stoned:
I have a tendency to do the same thing. There are 2 brats around here that make it their mission to search out the duck eggs around this area & smash them with rocks...and smile about it when you go to their parents.
I have even caught them stealing mail out of our mailbox..I never did understand that prank.

07-10-2006, 06:16 PM
A twenty-what year old daughter??? :smokin:

I'm just kidding, Torog. :cool:

Yo, I wish my dad was 47. He's turning 57 in August making him exactly 10 years older than Torog.
I'm only 19 but Torog's daughter is 26. That's 7 years older than me.
Though I have a 23 yr old sister.

My point is, I wish my parents were younger. I STILL remember when they used to be in their 40s like Torog and it was a lot better. They were happier I can tell...
Nowadays my dad is more manic than usual and gets crazier as time passes cause he's getting old and all...
Not just his face and his fully gray hair but rather his personality is getting stranger as the years pass by.

I know a kid who has grandparents for parents. His dad is over 70 years old. He's in great shape and all, but he still is going to die when that kid reaches 30 or so. That's only another 10 more years for that kid and we can only hope he can even get a good job to hold for the rest of his life without anymore fatherly advice.
There is no way in hell his kids will remember their grandparents.

10 years ago I was 9 years old and my dad was exactly Torog's age.. and I still remember what it was like to be 47 for my dad..

Torog, I truely think your daughter is glad to have a young father and I think you already know this because you probably met her friend's parents whom are all probably much older than you, so I'm guessing you can probably compare. Cause god damn it, I wish my parents were your age. They're almost 60 and my gf's mom is 60 and already has children that are married and have kids making her a grandma.

Having old parents suck.

07-11-2006, 07:00 AM
sea lions are cute.

07-12-2006, 11:46 PM
Sea lions are fucking mean bastards and will fuck you up if you mess with them. I was snorkeling in Monterey Bay one time when this seal lion swam up about 6" from my face, opened his mouth full of nasty teeth, and made this crazy sea lion growling noise. I started swimming away and he stayed right with me until I got out of his territory. I've had them bump me when sea kayaking too. It still sucks that 3 of them died though.

07-12-2006, 11:46 PM
Seals are cute. Sea lions are fucking mean bastards and will fuck you up if you mess with them. I was snorkeling in Monterey Bay one time when this seal lion swam up about 6" from my face, opened his mouth full of nasty teeth, and made this crazy sea lion growling noise. I started swimming away and he stayed right with me until I got out of his territory. I've had them bump me when sea kayaking too. It still sucks that 3 of them died though.