View Full Version : Just something for you guys to think about.

Get P.O.D.
09-27-2004, 11:46 PM
Let me tell you guys about my expieriance w/dxm.
Me and my friend were just chillin at my house, and we wanted to trip hard last night. Well we didnt end up gettin shrroms and we didnt wanna smoke any bud, so i opened the pill cabinet i found a box of night quill and a box of benedryll. I ended up taking 25 benedryll and 10 nyquill my friend started trippin w/in 1 hour of taking them. But me on the other hand i waited and stayed up to feel a little something. 1hr and 45 min later all i had was a little buzz so i just ended up gettin in bed and started watching tv around 3:30am. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up around 5:30-6isham and ran to the bathroom as fast as i could, i puked everywhere on the floor on the window on the cabinets everywhere, my mom and dad ended up waking up and they asked me if i was ok, i dont remember what i told them, i dont remember anything that happend today except when i woke up in my own bed around 4:30pm, i had to have my brother sit down next to me and explain to me what happend, he told me what i just told you. I WAS TRIPPIN BALLS, and for anyone who bashes me on this thread about how stupid i am for taking to many...i definatly didnt. I took the recomended amount. So to make a long story short i spent my whole day in the hospital on the verge of goin into comma. Guys dxm is not worth it, if you wanna trip get some shrooms or some cid and dont abuse it. For my dumb actions ill be spending the next 4 weeks of my life in rehab. Then i asked my self was it worth all of this?
was it worth the lubricated rubber coil that they shoved down the head of my dick so i can just piss? or was it worth having them shove down a rubber coil down my throat so they can flush melted coal into my digestive system so it can absorbe all the dxm and other chemicals i had in my body.

It aint worth all of this guys if you wanna trip i would definatly not suggest dxm period. If you wanna trip take some shrooms, or cid, and dont get out of hand with these drugs either.

Use Not Abuse

UserName AlphaNiner
09-28-2004, 12:33 AM
Acetaminophen is an active ingredient in NyQuil....

and diphenhydramine is usually included in benedryl....

as far as i know, these are both b-a-d. I've never heard of this kind of thing from someone who has taken pure-dxm...or syrups/pills with dxm as the only active chemical.

Symptoms of an acetaminophen overdose include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, sweating, seizures, confusion, and an irregular heartbeat. Acetaminophen is also VERY bad for your liver....especially in large doses.

Diphenhydramine is a seditive. It will put you to sleep, cause dizziness, etc.

Research before you take shit like this. Sorry this happened. Hopefully you learned something, however.

10-02-2004, 06:02 PM
yeah dude your nuts lol..dxm is cool but you have to make sure its the only active ingerediant so that you arent ODing on dangerous shit.

10-02-2004, 06:33 PM
I would put money on an acetaminophen overdose. While DXM isn't harmless, it isn't that bad, and neither is diphenlhydramine-done it before, not cool. Feel very heavy, talking is a lot of effort and you trip. The trip is dark and eerie, not like the bright colours of a mushroom or LSD trip.