View Full Version : powderd piss???

09-25-2004, 02:36 PM
i read on erowid that you can get someone clean to pee in a glass cup... let the water evaporate.... so your left with a residue. scrape the shit out so its a powder... and the day of the test just add hot water. has anyone tried this before? do you know if this is true and if it will work...? and if my parents suprise me again with anoter test and i just put like 5 or 6 drops of liquid bleach in it will that work???? and i also heard if you put a pube in it, and it will get fucked up and they make you re-test.

help i really need to smoke but i cant fail these random drug tests :mad:

roll it up
09-25-2004, 08:37 PM
just tell them to suck ur nuts ur a pothead and tell them to get over it

09-25-2004, 11:25 PM
haha i wish i could...