View Full Version : Everything is a LIE!

06-10-2006, 05:36 AM
people lie, about the littlest things. it makes me angry, why can't we all be straight forward and be honest!
i hate people who lie, who back stab, who betray friendships, people who are fake. is the world filled with it?!
Even the people who you think are cool, will end up lying to you a little lie is still a lie.
Even if the truth was devesating id still rathar hear the truth!!
Maybe I'm meeting the wrong kind of people?


06-10-2006, 05:39 AM
I think the world IS filled with it because I've been thinking the exact same things lately. =(

06-10-2006, 05:49 AM
Thats just the way it is

06-10-2006, 05:57 AM
Im with you, the world is dark. Hang in there I promise you will see world peace. Just don't hate the ignorant fucks that use seduction and lies to befriend others. They are loved as much as the next person in my eyes. It is thier choice to be the way they are not yours. By not letting them affect you in a negative fashion you will already be above them.

06-10-2006, 08:44 AM
Trust=honesty, integrity, reliability, loyalty.

We are looking for these things in others because we need others to reflect that part of ourselves back to us in order to grow emotionally and spiritually. Like a mirror.

Jay Matix
06-10-2006, 09:02 AM
Trust=honesty, integrity, reliability, loyalty.

We are looking for these things in others because we need others to reflect that part of ourselves back to us in order to grow emotionally and spiritually. Like a mirror.
that sounded very interesting...

but I agree with this thread. Just keep your head up, be positive, believe in yourself (and GOD if you do) and just be strong and everything will be just fine! :thumbsup:

06-10-2006, 09:11 AM
I'm glad there are still fucking good people out there.

06-10-2006, 01:43 PM
Hips don't lie man.. Always remember that!!

Wesley Pipes
06-10-2006, 04:11 PM
Im with you, the world is dark. Hang in there I promise you will see world peace. Just don't hate the ignorant fucks that use seduction and lies to befriend others. They are loved as much as the next person in my eyes. It is thier choice to be the way they are not yours. By not letting them affect you in a negative fashion you will already be above them.
the human race will destroy this world before we see world peace

06-10-2006, 04:29 PM
people lie cuz that's how our society runs. We're told when we're little lying is bad but as we get older we learn everyone lies, mostly to protect themselves. if we all told the truth all the time it would be chaos their's certain things that you don't want certain people to know, like if a cop asked if you smoked reefer, most would lie to protect themselves. No one is perfectly honest I don't care if you're the most honest man alive you've told a lie. my point is everyone lies...it sucks, but its part of life.

that probbly doesn't make sense

06-10-2006, 04:42 PM
people lie becuase they are afraid, afriad to admit the truth to you, sometimes even themselves, they're afraid to face the consequences, they're afraid of what it might do to yal's relationship. people lie becuase sometimes it's just easier to tell a lie, the admit the truth. people lie because other people lie, people lie because they can't help it, people lie becuase they want/need to feel wanted/needed (ever came across one of those women who are always pregnant, yet they never seem to have a baby for one reason or another?) people lie becuase they're told to do so, people lie becuase they're told not to. most importantly, people lie becuase it's human nature, just like hate, and territorial-ness among other 'bad' things, they aren't going to go away, all you can do is make sure YOU don't do those things, there's always going to be people who lie, kill, and steal...

06-10-2006, 04:46 PM
People = Shit

There are some decent ones here and there, but it's hard to tell and best not to let your gaurd down.

06-10-2006, 06:12 PM
people lie becuase they are afraid, afriad to admit the truth to you, sometimes even themselves, they're afraid to face the consequences, they're afraid of what it might do to yal's relationship. people lie becuase sometimes it's just easier to tell a lie, the admit the truth. people lie because other people lie, people lie because they can't help it, people lie becuase they want/need to feel wanted/needed (ever came across one of those women who are always pregnant, yet they never seem to have a baby for one reason or another?) people lie becuase they're told to do so, people lie becuase they're told not to. most importantly, people lie becuase it's human nature, just like hate, and territorial-ness among other 'bad' things, they aren't going to go away, all you can do is make sure YOU don't do those things, there's always going to be people who lie, kill, and steal...

i think this is the most honest thing somone could tell me, for once.
And Nullific, its true, can't never let your guard down someone is gonna take advantage of that vulnerability.
Wow, who can we trust but ourselves. This makes me think if I have any real friends. :confused:

06-10-2006, 06:19 PM
i have to admit that i just lied to a cop the other day when he asked me if i had just been smoking a pipe..

06-10-2006, 06:28 PM
intresting question, just to see how all our minds work, are there lies that can be justified? or is every single lie in the world, no matter what it is, or what it may cause/prevent just plain wrong?

i have to say that there are lies that are justified, see me and my wife were together for 11 months back when i was 15-16 and then the fighting became too much and i 'kicked her out', she moved back to arkansas with her parents and we didn't really end it on good terms, i can't really remember why, i just remember it never looked like we were getting back together. couple years later, a mutal friend told me that she had been wanting to talk to me or get back with me (can't remember which right now i'm too sleepy) i've never been the type to come crawling back, i'm one of the most harded headed, stubborn assholes there is, i wouldnt' have ever wanted her back, until she wanted me back first, and i think this friend knew that, anyways long story short, comes to find out that he was lying all along, but had he not lied, i probably wouldn't be married to the woman i love more than anyone or anything else, and we wouldnt' have a son....

06-10-2006, 07:15 PM
I think some lies are permissible, if the end justifies the means.

Dutch Masta
06-10-2006, 07:20 PM
Of course thats the way it is..

But from their perspective, its just the opposite, and you're wrong. Misunderstandings, or rather just simply the inability to fully understand each other.. thats the only problem we have in this world when you really think about it. Its quite clear. Something to think about the next time you toke up.

06-12-2006, 05:58 AM
i think a liar should be scared of liars, and nervous breakdowns, full head syndrome from all those lies, me and the rest of us are fine!

06-12-2006, 01:59 PM
the human race will destroy this world before we see world peace
i agree, so i prefer to see the world through the eyes of a stoner...I think that if weed were put on the daily food pyramid, or sold in a vitamin form, or pumped into offices and schools through air vents..the world would be a better place...how many stoners do you hear of beating there wives or murdering kids...everyone needs to sit down and smoke a joint with the people you hate...i love everyone when im stoned...

beachguy in thongs
06-12-2006, 02:03 PM
Some of you just spoke directly of my friends and you don't know them. Keep your generalizations within your locality. I'm very offended.

06-12-2006, 03:08 PM
The business world is by far the worst! You can't trust anyone no matter how good of a freind they are. It sucks that it is this way, but things aren't gonna change. Best thing to do is 'play the game'.

06-12-2006, 03:44 PM
people are describing some of my friends too, but i think the same way. i hate liars/lying. pathological liars, lying out their ass every day over shit that doesnt need to be lied about(like being allergic to grapes?).

then there are the story liars. they tell you a story, but exaggerate so many parts that its really not even close to what really happened by the time they finish telling it.

i do my best to not lie. i do it sometimes, but i dont change stories.

06-12-2006, 04:09 PM
you better learn to recognize when people lie
after some practice it becomes obvious
everybody is a liar

06-12-2006, 04:25 PM
I agree with you... we've been dealing with family members who constantly lie and backstab and generally just care about fucking us over. So I've come to the conclusion that these people do not have a place in our lives anymore... we don't need the negativity, and if people who are supposed to care about us only treat us like shit and bring us down, we don't have room for that shit in our lives. Screw them.