View Full Version : Curing question

06-08-2006, 10:58 PM
Well I was reading this curing method and I had a question about it

Sweat Curing

Sweat curing can be modified for use with as little marijuana as two large plants. Pack the marijuana tightly in a heavy paper sack (or several layers of paper bags), and place it in the sun. The light is converted to heat and helps support the sweat.

So I was wondering, what if when you harvested it was in the winter and you didnt have sun-light...would your light that you used for the plants growth work as well?

And when they say paper bags are they talkin about those bags you get that meijers gives you to put your groceries in when you leave?

Sorry for being so stupid, I'm high as fuck :stoned:

06-09-2006, 02:15 AM
personaly I think sweating buds degrades it drasticly and will give you a hay type smell like freshly cut grass I would not recomend it. dry it till the outer shell of the stem snaps then place them in jars for a few weeks opening every day.

06-09-2006, 03:13 AM
if u dont vent humidity, you leave urself highly at risk for mold development. Maybe if you switch out bags frequently, it would help against mold, but as with any other "quick fix" you sacrifice in the end.

06-09-2006, 10:14 AM
I always let my whole plant dry completely in the closet, then maicure it, make sure theres no leaf, and then put it in these big sealed jars, maybe mason jars but i dunnno. Anyway, i put a cuple of 1 inch by 1 inch squares of lettuce in with it to keep it a little moist, and then i leave it and open it every day for 1 hour for about 3 weeks, although sometimes i've cured as long as 6 weeks, and it really makes a differnce. Big time differnce in taste, smell, smoothness, and it makes it more potent than freshly picked weed.

06-09-2006, 10:45 AM
Cool, I'll try the jar curing method :).

06-09-2006, 01:46 PM
Sorry I got no idea how old this thread is,

and I haven't used cannabis.com for around 8 yrs (im back now though) and Ive grown for approx. 10 years. I personally agree that the sun drying method isn't advisable.
I have used the 'LIP method...'hang the whole plant in an aired wardropbe/closet and that seemed to work just fine. But the method I now use and find to be the best is air drying in the closet manner for approx 2 days (depending on air temp and humidity of the room) and then place the weed in either jars or plastic tuppaware containers.
I get a roll of new plain kitchen paper hand towel, and lay it in the square/ or rectangular tubs, lay weed one bud layer high, then lay paper over, and another layer of weed, almost like a continues 's' with the paper if you know what i mean. Basically keep the bud seperated by a layer of paper. I change that paper whn required (every 2 days seems to work fine) more or less depending on how wet the weed is.
This method 'slowwwly' takes the moisture out of the bud (as the paper obsorbs it obviously) and leaves the flavour and potency. The idea is that the weed never has the chance to become 'sweaty'. If you can avoid that then you're doing something right...and this method does just that if you do it right.
I have tried many methods from the idiotic (fast oven drys(when i was a noob myself) through various common methods and of course this that one I have just explained. There isn't one right way, but there seems to be a lot more 'wrong ways' then i care to think about.
Common sense really comes into play i think, basic rules like 'nothing thats TO fast or exposed to intense heat or light. dont let it sit musty and moist in glass or plastic as it end up tasting the way you DO NOT want your weed to taste, just use some good logical thinking more times then not, and you wont go too far wrong. :)

Good luck, and nice to meet you guys btw :)
