View Full Version : so my girlfriend got caught by her parents ...

06-02-2006, 07:19 PM
fuckin sucks :( they READ her aim conversations and saw one talkin to her friend about smokin and stuff, so they searched her room, and found her glass piece (THAT I GOT HER) and her weed, so now shes grounded for the whole god damn summer. im not gonna be able to see her at all.

theyre freaked out cause of the whole 'gateway drug' theory i guess...oh yeah did i mention they're making her do community service from 8 to 12 AM every day for the next couple of weeks?

god this fucking sucks. sorry, i had to vent. its literally the second day of summer, too !!!

06-02-2006, 07:33 PM
sorry dude that really sucks

06-02-2006, 08:23 PM
Yeh man I hear you, my dad bein a dick took my phone and found some pics of my friends tokin'. When he confronted me I was just like "yeh dad it was this stoner kid from our school, he does so mch shit, but seriously It wasnt me."
I lied out of my ass.:D

06-02-2006, 08:28 PM
That sucks man, Is there any other way possible of still seeing her?

Brother Schenker
06-02-2006, 08:46 PM
Most things are possible...where there's a will, there's a sneaky way.

It's obviously important to disable the archive function on your IM's and chats, and always clear your history & cookies before you leave the computer. Firefox has a plug-in (or add-on or whatever the fuck) you can get from their site which lets you clear your path with one click.

06-02-2006, 08:54 PM
I love these "got Busted stories"!!!

06-02-2006, 09:34 PM
What terrible parents.

Crema Chirmoya
06-02-2006, 09:46 PM
print out pro-marijuana literature and stuff her mailbox with it, like a million diff. articals on why its not as bad as they think. that would show em. if not, just bake them a cake with like an oz of chronic in it, and give it to them.

06-02-2006, 10:16 PM
Nobody seems to understand,,,Wait a minute,,, I am 9 an my mom is mean becouse i aim wit pot...

please be my mom couse i in couse i aim wit glass pipe in my draw... Now can't sux either...

06-02-2006, 10:20 PM
God I'm glad my parents are cool.

Oh my God. Is that you in your ava, Billionfold?

If it is, I think you just became my personal hero.

But yeah, that sucks and everything.

But Jesus Christ... did you see Billionfold's beard? People should make religions out of that beard.

Crema Chirmoya
06-02-2006, 10:22 PM
I think the government captured Skink gave him a frontal lobotomy and maybe a sex change and released him into the public. Watch out though, they have a live video feed linked directly to his optic nerve, so they see what he sees.........careful!

06-02-2006, 10:25 PM
Dumb parents that believe what the government tells them and is too nosy for their own good.

Crema Chirmoya
06-02-2006, 10:29 PM
Dude if my parents EVER did that kind of crap to me, I would break their TV, their washer and dryer, their dishwasher and flush towels down their toilets. Then shit on their pillow, and flip it over so they dont notice it until they lie down.

NOBODY, fucks with my glass (smoking pieces, not glass as in meth)

06-02-2006, 10:31 PM
Dude if my parents EVER did that kind of crap to me, I would break their TV, their washer and dryer, their dishwasher and flush towels down their toilets. Then shit on their pillow, and flip it over so they dont notice it until they lie down.

NOBODY, fucks with my glass (smoking pieces, not glass as in meth)
That's brillant... Wake up,your in your parents house!!! How about they take the drastic measures you propose???

06-02-2006, 10:38 PM
That's brillant... Wake up,your in your parents house!!! How about they take the drastic measures you propose???
Skink, I am sad to say it but yes you are true, and you know what else I'm sad to say is that pro-marijuana kit doesnt work on parents especially if they are 40 or 50 bcus think about it, if u have been thinkin one thing for 20 or 30 years its hard to change, plus what will the other people at the country club think lol

Crema Chirmoya
06-02-2006, 10:55 PM
That's brillant... Wake up,your in your parents house!!! How about they take the drastic measures you propose???
I am also 18 and I pay rent, so maybe you should think, before you post.

I don't condone my own actions anyways, I'm always extreme but that way of life is not for everyone.:pimp:

06-02-2006, 11:01 PM
I am also 18 and I pay rent, so maybe you should think, before you post.

I don't condone my own actions anyways, I'm always extreme but that way of life is not for everyone.:pimp:
and I am Sparticus... WTF does that have to do with anything???

Crema Chirmoya
06-02-2006, 11:01 PM
Skink, I am sad to say it but yes you are true, and you know what else I'm sad to say is that pro-marijuana kit doesnt work on parents especially if they are 40 or 50 bcus think about it, if u have been thinkin one thing for 20 or 30 years its hard to change, plus what will the other people at the country club think lol

Well, maybe that's because you aren't trying hard enough (my post may be mild but in reality i wanna stab you for saying that, if you think things can't be changed then why even bother waking up in the morning. its sheep with weak minds who are brainwashed into believing all that bullshit, so why not do a little brainwashing of your own.....repeated exposure to pro-marijuana literature will definitely have an affect. I will guarantee it....unless you're some dumb ass kid who thinks printing out posts from this message board is what i meant by pro pot lit.)

The UCLA just released an EXTENSIVE study that PROVED that even the heaviest marijuana smokers are not at an elevated risk for developing lung cancer. That's pretty god damn convincing in my opinion, seeing as how its one of the top 5 schools in North America.

It NEVER hurts to try....but like it says in someones signature...."The only thing evil needs to triumph is for good to sit by and do nothing!" which is very true.

So PLEASE, get a clue and think before you post from now on.:o

06-02-2006, 11:02 PM
you have queer parents.

and what is the gaiteway drug theory or w/e?

Crema Chirmoya
06-02-2006, 11:04 PM
and I am Sparticus... WTF does that have to do with anything???

Dumb fuck, if im paying rent it means that my room is mine, and its private, if it wasnt i would move out. so shut the hell up, you are WAY out of line saying that i dont have a right to privacy where i live.

i said that i would fuck my parents possessions up if they came into my room and fucked up MY glass, of which i have hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth.

come back here when you turn 18 skink

06-02-2006, 11:17 PM
Cannabis is harmless. It will do nothing mentally or phically. All it has is pros, no cons. It's the safest thing man has ever discovered.

Why cant parents learn facts and not bring their child up with their opinions.

This makes bad parents.

06-02-2006, 11:19 PM
it does kill ur brain cells but i dont give a shit...i still get good grades wen i blaze everyday.iam actually doing better in school after i started blazing

Crema Chirmoya
06-02-2006, 11:42 PM
It's a proven fact that THC is neuro-protective. meaning it actually protects healty brain cells.

However yo aren't entirely wrong, you're just a victim of propaganda, because THC DOES kill brain cells, but the only ones it kills are weak cells that aren;t supposed to be there anyways, it makes them die off sooner before they can mutate and become a tumor or brain cancer. So you're perfectly correct you just didn't ALL the info =D

06-02-2006, 11:45 PM
If you want to youll find a way to get with your gf

06-02-2006, 11:49 PM
Doesn't kill brain cells, it has sex with them.
Dude, I wanna be friends with you. A mixture between your avatar and the fact that you come across as the funny big guy lets me know how cool you probably are.

Say, Saturday? Noon?

Th3 sand m4n
06-03-2006, 01:10 AM
Yeh man I hear you, my dad bein a dick took my phone and found some pics of my friends tokin'. When he confronted me I was just like "yeh dad it was this stoner kid from our school, he does so mch shit, but seriously It wasnt me."
I lied out of my ass.:D

you told em it was me you fuck tard haha

tootsie roll
06-03-2006, 01:26 AM
I am also 18 and I pay rent, so maybe you should think, before you post.

I don't condone my own actions anyways, I'm always extreme but that way of life is not for everyone.:pimp:

So, being 18, yo realize that you can get a few charges out of that if your parents choose to report you.
It's not worth it.
Plus, they'd prolly kick you out.

06-03-2006, 01:30 AM
Well, maybe that's because you aren't trying hard enough (my post may be mild but in reality i wanna stab you for saying that, if you think things can't be changed then why even bother waking up in the morning. its sheep with weak minds who are brainwashed into believing all that bullshit, so why not do a little brainwashing of your own.....repeated exposure to pro-marijuana literature will definitely have an affect. I will guarantee it....unless you're some dumb ass kid who thinks printing out posts from this message board is what i meant by pro pot lit.)

The UCLA just released an EXTENSIVE study that PROVED that even the heaviest marijuana smokers are not at an elevated risk for developing lung cancer. That's pretty god damn convincing in my opinion, seeing as how its one of the top 5 schools in North America.

It NEVER hurts to try....but like it says in someones signature...."The only thing evil needs to triumph is for good to sit by and do nothing!" which is very true.

So PLEASE, get a clue and think before you post from now on.:o
Crema, I gotta tell you, you're getting on my last nerve. Your tone on these posts and the way you've reacted to some of these folks who've been on here a lot longer than you shows that you do indeed have extreme reactions. You need to chill, show some respect, and perhaps not be so quick to tell others how they ought to react. And before you tell me to go jump in a lake, young man, watch your step. I'm one heck of a lot older, smarter, and better educated than you, and I'm one of the folks around here who's working hard at improving the level of discourse, maturity and intelligence on these boards.

Things can be changed. They can be changed with intelligent, rational persuasion. And when kids move out of their parents' house, they can also make lots of those changes. Till then, even when they pay rent, they generally have to abide by the rules of the house. I'm a mom in my mid-40s and am cool about grass, but not all parents are like that, as you know. Most of them are just reacting out of fear. They buy into all the "gateway" stuff because they don't know any better. Later when you get to be a parent, you'll probably have a better understanding of their perspective. Frankly, for some kids with strong addiction genes, it very likely IS a gateway drug. They can't become addicted to MJ itself, but they can use it on their way to stuff that's much more destructive.

By the way, that UCLA study wasn't all that extensive. It was indeed a study that seemed to reveal no link between MJ use and lung cancer. But in order to establish that as fact, they'd have to do a long-term study over decades, which wasn't what that was. I'm going to do a search at the medical library over the weekend to see what I can find on it to post here. And by the way, UCLA is a fairly good school. But it's not generally listed among the top 5 in academic or scientific rankings.

06-03-2006, 01:34 AM
Damn, no stoner girlfriend to get high with and do stuff with over the summer?

That's like. The saddest fucking thing I've heard all month. Seriously, that makes my heart drop. An experience like that could spaz her out into not wanting to risk smoking again, and make stuff weird between you two.

That blows.

tootsie roll
06-03-2006, 01:35 AM
Cannabis is harmless. It will do nothing mentally or phically. All it has is pros, no cons. It's the safest thing man has ever discovered.

Why cant parents learn facts and not bring their child up with their opinions.

This makes bad parents.

Being a bad parent is letting 12-13-14-15 and 16yo's do whatever they please. Being a good parent is trying to keep children of that age safe.
No matter what the subject is.

minnesota man
06-03-2006, 01:35 AM
yo birdgirl, you're not answering me. btw, you don't take these dudes posts personally do ya? gotta roll w/it baby. So hubbys gone eh???

06-03-2006, 01:36 AM
Where are you writing to me, hon? I just walked in and was responding to that other message. . .

tootsie roll
06-03-2006, 01:37 AM
Dude, I wanna be friends with you. A mixture between your avatar and the fact that you come across as the funny big guy lets me know how cool you probably are.

Say, Saturday? Noon?

How's Stantas Village? Or is that West Dundee?

06-03-2006, 01:44 AM
gateway drug?.....

06-03-2006, 01:45 AM
yo birdgirl, you're not answering me. btw, you don't take these dudes posts personally do ya? gotta roll w/it baby. So hubbys gone eh???

I just hate the little bad-mannered creeps we have to put up with here. And I'm not in a very tolerant mood right now. So I had to "momma-flame" him, as my son would say.

I wrote you back on email. Not good news, tho. I'm going to go over to email and wait for you to respond to it and tell me what to say on that other matter. I'll call. Heck, I'll use an accent!

minnesota man
06-03-2006, 01:46 AM
That sucks man. What's your girlfriends, phone number. I'll talk to her parents.

06-03-2006, 01:50 AM
beside all the above,there is a more valuable lesson to learn... The path in everyones life takes different turns,we need to decipher this and make the best choice for our future...

Discipline builds character...

06-03-2006, 01:51 AM
I just hate the little bad-mannered creeps we have to put up with here. And I'm not in a very tolerant mood right now. So I had to "momma-flame" him, as my son would say.

I wrote you back on email. Not good news, tho. I'm going to go over to email and wait for you to respond to it and tell me what to say on that other matter. I'll call. Heck, I'll use an accent!
You nasty little momma flammer you...

06-03-2006, 01:57 AM
beside all the above,there is a more valuable lesson to learn... The path in everyones life takes different turns,we need to decipher this and make the best choice for our future...

Discipline builds character...

Whassup, Skink? You changed your avatar, didn't you?

I keep re-reading what you wrote above and wondering if you've been taking yoga . . . . or doing transcendental meditation.

Behave yourself, you funny thang!

06-03-2006, 02:01 AM
Whassup, Skink? You changed your avatar, didn't you?

I keep re-reading what you wrote above and wondering if you've been taking yoga . . . . or doing transcendental meditation.

Behave yourself, you funny thang!

06-03-2006, 02:03 AM
You're a cool dude, Skink, in case no one's told you that today. . . I always enjoy reading your posts, and you have a good sense of humor!

06-03-2006, 02:05 AM
You're a cool dude, Skink, in case no one's told you that today. . . I always enjoy reading your posts, and you have a good sense of humor!
Thanks,your so sweet to say that...

Crema Chirmoya
06-03-2006, 02:13 AM
So, being 18, yo realize that you can get a few charges out of that if your parents choose to report you.
It's not worth it.
Plus, they'd prolly kick you out.

How can you even BEGIN to act like you know what you are talking about? This is my life, not yours not anyone elses. My dad has "caught" me with pot, and seeds before (i accidentally left it out and he goes in my room to use my computer sometimes) and he asked me about them and I didn't lie and he just lectured me on hows it's illegal and whether or not it should be legal, it still has major reprocussions. and I know that.

I'm 18, but ALL my friends are 21-37 years old, except a few girls who are 17 19 and 19.

So I'm not some sheltered little kiddy, i know what im talking about, so leave me alone. I know i was a little extreme when i said id reck up the place just for them taking my pipe. but thats how it goes in the real world. try stealing something from some of my buddies and you'll be lucky to get out with a broken face, and say goodbye to anything you have on you and if you really piss em of then whatever your driving is gonna be drivable anymore.

My parents are very understanding and they know I can take care of myself better than they can take care of me now. All because they did a really good job of raising me.

Crema Chirmoya
06-03-2006, 02:15 AM
Crema, I gotta tell you, you're getting on my last nerve. Your tone on these posts and the way you've reacted to some of these folks who've been on here a lot longer than you shows that you do indeed have extreme reactions. You need to chill, show some respect, and perhaps not be so quick to tell others how they ought to react. And before you tell me to go jump in a lake, young man, watch your step. I'm one heck of a lot older, smarter, and better educated than you, and I'm one of the folks around here who's working hard at improving the level of discourse, maturity and intelligence on these boards.

Things can be changed. They can be changed with intelligent, rational persuasion. And when kids move out of their parents' house, they can also make lots of those changes. Till then, even when they pay rent, they generally have to abide by the rules of the house. I'm a mom in my mid-40s and am cool about grass, but not all parents are like that, as you know. Most of them are just reacting out of fear. They buy into all the "gateway" stuff because they don't know any better. Later when you get to be a parent, you'll probably have a better understanding of their perspective. Frankly, for some kids with strong addiction genes, it very likely IS a gateway drug. They can't become addicted to MJ itself, but they can use it on their way to stuff that's much more destructive.

By the way, that UCLA study wasn't all that extensive. It was indeed a study that seemed to reveal no link between MJ use and lung cancer. But in order to establish that as fact, they'd have to do a long-term study over decades, which wasn't what that was. I'm going to do a search at the medical library over the weekend to see what I can find on it to post here. And by the way, UCLA is a fairly good school. But it's not generally listed among the top 5 in academic or scientific rankings.

Just to let you know i have been on here for 2 years straight, quite alot longer than you infact.

Crema Chirmoya
06-03-2006, 02:20 AM
By the way, that UCLA study wasn't all that extensive. It was indeed a study that seemed to reveal no link between MJ use and lung cancer. But in order to establish that as fact, they'd have to do a long-term study over decades, which wasn't what that was. I'm going to do a search at the medical library over the weekend to see what I can find on it to post here. And by the way, UCLA is a fairly good school. But it's not generally listed among the top 5 in academic or scientific rankings.

You're right about that actually, but you have to agree that it does give more evidence than was used to prohibit marijuana, therefore it can be used as a VERY valid arguement against anti-pot propagandists. Thats all i was infering so you dont have to try and debase my points just because you dont like me.

and sorry about the triple post hah.

tootsie roll
06-03-2006, 02:23 AM
How can you even BEGIN to act like you know what you are talking about? This is my life, not yours not anyone elses. My dad has "caught" me with pot, and seeds before (i accidentally left it out and he goes in my room to use my computer sometimes) and he asked me about them and I didn't lie and he just lectured me on hows it's illegal and whether or not it should be legal, it still has major reprocussions. and I know that.

I'm 18, but ALL my friends are 21-37 years old, except a few girls who are 17 19 and 19.

So I'm not some sheltered little kiddy, i know what im talking about, so leave me alone. I know i was a little extreme when i said id reck up the place just for them taking my pipe. but thats how it goes in the real world. try stealing something from some of my buddies and you'll be lucky to get out with a broken face, and say goodbye to anything you have on you and if you really piss em of then whatever your driving is gonna be drivable anymore.

My parents are very understanding and they know I can take care of myself better than they can take care of me now. All because they did a really good job of raising me.

Ok then. :)

Crema Chirmoya
06-03-2006, 02:25 AM
I just hate the little bad-mannered creeps we have to put up with here. And I'm not in a very tolerant mood right now. So I had to "momma-flame" him, as my son would say.

This is what makes us "bad mannered creeps" so bad mannered. It's because we post an opinion or situation that should really only affect us, and the person it's directed toward, and people like you come in and start acting like know it all's and trying to . I don't claim to know everything but I've experienced more than most people. Alot more. I've been through almost every social spectrum and while I may not be as acedemically inclined as you claim to be. We all live here together DEAL WITH IT. I mean, you wanna censor my opinions and thoughts just because YOU don't like them, how selfish is THAT????????

king kong bong
06-03-2006, 02:31 AM
and I am Sparticus... WTF does that have to do with anything???

ahahaha i dont care what no one says this shit was funny.

06-03-2006, 02:35 AM
You're right about that actually, but you have to agree that it does give more evidence than was used to prohibit marijuana, therefore it can be used as a VERY valid arguement against anti-pot propagandists. Thats all i was infering so you dont have to try and debase my points just because you dont like me.

and sorry about the triple post hah.

It is indeed good evidence! You're right about that.

And I promise I won't try and debate your points or give you any further trouble. You're actually quite intelligent, and I'm glad to hear you've been on longer than I. The way you spout facts and points makes me feel like you might make a good attorney some day! You must have changed your name or signed up anew because your post count is so low.

Hey! WHO SAID I didn't like you???? Not me! I actually rather do. And the way you've responded to these more recent emails has given me some newfound resect! Let me know if you ever want to talk about law school . . .

Crema Chirmoya
06-03-2006, 02:35 AM
How can you even BEGIN to act like you know what you are talking about? This is my life, not yours not anyone elses. My dad has "caught" me with pot, and seeds before (i accidentally left it out and he goes in my room to use my computer sometimes) and he asked me about them and I didn't lie and he just lectured me on hows it's illegal and whether or not it should be legal, it still has major reprocussions. and I know that.

I'm 18, but ALL my friends are 21-37 years old, except a few girls who are 17 19 and 19.

So I'm not some sheltered little kiddy, i know what im talking about, so leave me alone. I know i was a little extreme when i said id reck up the place just for them taking my pipe. but thats how it goes in the real world. try stealing something from some of my buddies and you'll be lucky to get out with a broken face, and say goodbye to anything you have on you and if you really piss em of then whatever your driving is gonna be drivable anymore.

My parents are very understanding and they know I can take care of myself better than they can take care of me now. All because they did a really good job of raising me.

Ok then. :)
sarcastically disagree with any part in particular? lol

but i really just meant that in my life, my parents know that i smoke pot, all my friends know it too. im sure half the town knows it because i smell like it wherever i go. this town isn't very anti-pot, but thats cause its a college town and were in the perfect spot, right between mexico and california, so the bud flows like water here.

so if my dad were to take my bubbler and break it (almost a $200 piece of glass) or one of my pipes then i would flip out and break something very near and dear to him of the same value to show him that the rules in my world are an eye for an eye. im an adult i can make my own descisions. if he kicked me out for it then fine, he would be doing me a huge favor seeing as he wont let me leave because i help him at the store he owns (and by help i mean keep it afloat). So the situation im in is that my dad needs me to stay, and i wanna leave so that i can finally start my life, but for now im stuck. so if he doesnt like the things i do in my life then............tough shit:)

Crema Chirmoya
06-03-2006, 02:38 AM
This is what makes us "bad mannered creeps" so bad mannered. It's because we post an opinion or situation that should really only affect us, and the person it's directed toward, and people like you come in and start acting like know it all's and trying to . I don't claim to know everything but I've experienced more than most people. Alot more. I've been through almost every social spectrum and while I may not be as academically inclined as you claim to be. We all live here together DEAL WITH IT. I mean, you wanna censor my opinions and thoughts just because YOU don't like them, how selfish is THAT????????

sorry about this, i get mad when i feel like im being classified as one of the little kids who spam these forums.

i must just have a bad temper and a low tolerance for criticism or something damn. now that i think about it i often go back and re-read posts that were a little to harsh and realize how confrontational i am.

06-03-2006, 02:41 AM
her parents fucking suck!!! dude, like... run away with her or something.

tootsie roll
06-03-2006, 02:48 AM
sarcastically disagree with any part in particular? lol

but i really just meant that in my life, my parents know that i smoke pot, all my friends know it too. im sure half the town knows it because i smell like it wherever i go. this town isn't very anti-pot, but thats cause its a college town and were in the perfect spot, right between mexico and california, so the bud flows like water here.

so if my dad were to take my bubbler and break it (almost a $200 piece of glass) or one of my pipes then i would flip out and break something very near and dear to him of the same value to show him that the rules in my world are an eye for an eye. im an adult i can make my own descisions. if he kicked me out for it then fine, he would be doing me a huge favor seeing as he wont let me leave because i help him at the store he owns (and by help i mean keep it afloat). So the situation im in is that my dad needs me to stay, and i wanna leave so that i can finally start my life, but for now im stuck. so if he doesnt like the things i do in my life then............tough shit:)

Being you're 18, pay rent, you should be entitled to a certain amount of privacy. I also don't think it would be cool to break a $200.00 piece.
BUT.....revenge the way you describe it seem to be beneath your sensibilities.
I would like to imagine you as a maturing adult but you take away from that when you tell me how you and your friends like to bust things up. It came off to me as goonish.
We all have out lots in life hon. If I told you mine, you'd probably ask for a hanky. So, I may not "know you" but I know much. I'm old. lol

Crema Chirmoya
06-03-2006, 02:57 AM
Being you're 18, pay rent, you should be entitled to a certain amount of privacy. I also don't think it would be cool to break a $200.00 piece.
BUT.....revenge the way you describe it seem to be beneath your sensibilities.
I would like to imagine you as a maturing adult but you take away from that when you tell me how you and your friends like to bust things up. It came off to me as goonish.
We all have out lots in life hon. If I told you mine, you'd probably ask for a hanky. So, I may not "know you" but I know much. I'm old. lol

Well this is just another situation where id didn't fully elaborate. All my friends are pretty good people who dont steal too much, dont fight too much and we are generally REALLY chill people. but i said that we would do that stuff if someone stole something from us first. we try to be morally upright, like one time my best friends favorite girl (not a g/f but close) found a camera recording her and here very young (10 yo or something) daughter in the bathroom, so we went over there and recorded us taking a bat to his face....he was trying to make money off of extreme videos and instead i made $100 bucks for submiting it online as a site similar to break.com (formerly big-boys.com). it was a fun night of pervert ass-whooping.:p

06-03-2006, 03:32 AM
Im trying to get my mom to understand that weed aint dangerous, Its damn hard

06-03-2006, 03:43 AM
Show her some proof, Divo. Print out some of these good studies people link to on here. Show her you're responsible and that it doesn't affect you in a bad way. You can probably make some progress . . .

06-03-2006, 06:45 PM
Im trying to get my mom to understand that weed aint dangerous, Its damn hard
You have a better shot than most,you have an open repore... I say don't try so hard to convince but,work at being a good person,Mom will see it and the cannabis wall will start to crumble,especially if she has the notion or knowledge that you smoke...

I would take Birdgirls advice but,I would not flat out debate her "sum or most will disagree" gradually have here find it if you can be that cunning would be my approach...

Good luck!!!

Reefer Rogue
06-04-2006, 02:45 AM
The gateway theory's been disproven. Her parent's suck major ass.

06-04-2006, 03:19 AM
I feel sorry for you and your girl. That is just about how my mom reacted when she found out I was toking. God I am glad I don't live at home anymore. Anyway, where there is a will there is a way. Find a way to talk to your g/f. Find out where she is doing her community service and go see her while she is doing her stuff.

Happy Toking :rasta:

Th3 sand m4n
06-06-2006, 12:36 AM
wow this is great

06-10-2006, 11:35 PM
Well, maybe that's because you aren't trying hard enough (my post may be mild but in reality i wanna stab you for saying that, if you think things can't be changed then why even bother waking up in the morning. its sheep with weak minds who are brainwashed into believing all that bullshit, so why not do a little brainwashing of your own.....repeated exposure to pro-marijuana literature will definitely have an affect. I will guarantee it....unless you're some dumb ass kid who thinks printing out posts from this message board is what i meant by pro pot lit.)

The UCLA just released an EXTENSIVE study that PROVED that even the heaviest marijuana smokers are not at an elevated risk for developing lung cancer. That's pretty god damn convincing in my opinion, seeing as how its one of the top 5 schools in North America.

It NEVER hurts to try....but like it says in someones signature...."The only thing evil needs to triumph is for good to sit by and do nothing!" which is very true.

So PLEASE, get a clue and think before you post from now on.:olook dude i wasnt saying theres no hope i just think that me wanting to smoke weed is less important than knowing that ill have somewhere to sleeo at night. Seriously Free Room and Board + Free Food. As much as i enjoy smoking weed I would prefer all those things over it. And don't preach to the choir we're all here cus we like weed :p
Obviously u had me very mistaken.

06-11-2006, 01:23 AM
that really sucks, im sorry