View Full Version : How do you tell people you smoke?

06-02-2006, 03:01 AM
When I was a teenager it was easy.... everyone did, so saying you got high was sort of redundant. As an old(er) fart I'm finding it increasingly difficult (which is probably smart given our fascist drug laws) to bring up in conversation, even with people I know I can trust...

Anyone else?:confused:

06-02-2006, 04:13 AM
Good thread. Most of the people that know I smoke are smokers as well. There are very few non-smokers that know I smoke.

But if I think that someone might be a smoker (if Iā??m feeling them out for possible smoking buddies) Iā??ll try and have the subject come up in a conversation. If you do it right you can usually tell by their reaction if they are or not without giving yourself up.

06-02-2006, 04:42 AM
well, without a shirt it's pretty obvious that i'm a toker with the tattoo i have. I don't walk around the city without a shirt on though...I find that it's easy to tell who's the type of person that'll toke..
but if they ask, i'm a toker.. not a smoker.

It's different for every generation though, as everyone's fed a stereo type about marijuana at some point.

Breukelen advocaat
06-02-2006, 05:10 AM
When I have stuff, I enjoy offering it to old friends that gave it up long ago. :dance: They usually decline.

The longest I stopped was for 5 years. Anyway, I don't need as much anymore - a fraction of what I used to do is enough. And yes, I DID get high quality product back in the day.

06-03-2006, 12:12 PM
Good thread ....

I tell noone. It's sometimes obvious by my personality and attitude that something unusual is happening in my brain, but I ain't admitting anything to anyone. Don't ask ... Don't tell. Just like the first 2 rules of Fight Club.

Not only do we have facist drug laws, but facist POLICIES .... You can't get an entry level, minimum wage summer job if you fail a required drug test, which only proves that you may have been in the same room as marijuana smoke in the last month.