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View Full Version : How Often?

04-21-2006, 10:41 PM
how often do cafe members post here as opposed to the main boards? i've been on the site for awhile, and only just signed up for the cafe.
much more traffic on the main page.
is the best part of membership the ability to PM?
just getting started; looking for hints n' tips.

04-22-2006, 11:31 AM
Less flaming in the café, as the fee keeps most kids away. I however looked at it as a donation to the board, instead of buying a book or video.


04-22-2006, 11:49 AM
Not often enough :P I do always check in though, although most of the urm "action" is on most of the other forum boards

04-22-2006, 12:02 PM
It used to be more active, has slowed down in the last few months. All it takes is 2 or 3 people with common interests to get a good thread going. I check the threads in the Cafe every day.

I still read/post the general population threads, but the Cafe is where you can trust people, and you don't have to worry about whay you say.

04-22-2006, 12:16 PM
It used to be more active, has slowed down in the last few months. All it takes is 2 or 3 people with common interests to get a good thread going. I check the threads in the Cafe every day.

I still read/post the general population threads, but the Cafe is where you can trust people, and you don't have to worry about whay you say.

yea, all you really need is a relatively captivating topic .. something other than religion and politics of course..
I'm much more of a thread contributer than a thread maker.

04-22-2006, 01:10 PM
good to hear the input.
i like the idea of donating...
gotta' admit, i was looking at it more as a way to get into the secret world of the site.
i didn't realize just how young the kids on the boards are until that 'how old are you' thread got started.
i'm in my early 30's, but DAMN! i feel like an old man sometimes!
explains some of the discussion on the main boards, tho'.

04-22-2006, 03:10 PM
If HTC would ever get his ass back over here, the fun would begin again ;) He's back from ole Mexico...just not here. Hmmmmm.....

We've had some fun threads...it's just the "stars" lining up 'just so' when everyone is in the mood to be silly/talkative/whatnot. In time, child...in time. LOL

04-22-2006, 03:23 PM
don't think i've had the pleasure of runnin across HTC on the boards yet.
looking forward to hangin' in the cafe, tho'.