View Full Version : Is this activism or politics?

04-07-2006, 08:59 PM
I personally feel that this section has turned more political instead of activism as intended....so what do you folks think?

Talk with others seeking meaningful drug policy reforms.

Politics, politicians, and their actions and policies.

04-07-2006, 10:07 PM
We are starting to see a bunch of bush on the boards. I mean, I know that the WTC was and still is a huge deal/debate with everyone. But we should be discussing marijuana related things. And I know I'll get a new a$$hole ripped into me but it's true, sorry.

04-08-2006, 05:18 AM
There is a section for politics and a senter for marijuana activism. Nuff said

04-08-2006, 04:04 PM
I personally feel that this section has turned more political instead of activism as intended....so what do you folks think?

Talk with others seeking meaningful drug policy reforms.

Politics, politicians, and their actions and policies.
since cannabis is illegal for political reasons you cant separate the two.
Since its the bush administration and bush family frineds in the pharmacuetical, energy, and drug testing business, bush is fair game.
All information imo should be shared. Activisim would be obsolete if it werent politics. Meaningful drug policy can only be implicated by talking about the politics that suround it. :stoned:

Great Spirit
04-08-2006, 05:00 PM
Now Psycho...we've already had this discussion. It appears the polls are against you my friend, just like they are against Bush. haha! Obviously there is something that bothers you when I say that Bush is the third anti-christ and when I say that 9/11 was used by Bush to bring about a fascist dictatorship.You vehemently tried to get those posts I made about Bush and 9/11 off of the boards...not just moved. That is very suspicious. I already know....

Is there something you would like to tell me?

Have a nice day! hardy har har! :dance:

04-08-2006, 05:56 PM
Psycho4butts just mad because bushes evil been exposed

04-08-2006, 06:01 PM
Now Psycho...we've already had this discussion. It appears the polls are against you my friend, just like they are against Bush. haha! Obviously there is something that bothers you when I say that Bush is the third anti-christ and when I say that 9/11 was used by Bush to bring about a fascist dictatorship.You vehemently tried to get those posts I made about Bush and 9/11 off of the boards...not just moved. That is very suspicious. I already know....

Is there something you would like to tell me?

Have a nice day! hardy har har! :dance:
Keep up the info on the bush crime family. If they are willing to destroy american families by lying about a non-toxic useful plant, then it is my opinion that they are willing to lie and intentionally destroy american families by any means they deem "necessary" to achieve their goals.
You are right on the spot. Dont let the few in denial about their government silence you. Silence will not protect anyone.


04-08-2006, 06:10 PM
Dont be silence as Daima said, GS, your doing a heck of a job..No we cant let evil bush and his friends continue to destroy America & the World

04-10-2006, 02:20 AM

04-10-2006, 02:24 AM
LOL- I still think with this criminal government and future criminal governments we will never have drug reform, only when the people rise up, or when the south decides to rise up, then maybe.....

04-10-2006, 02:33 AM
LOL...This is what I got for "The South Shall Rise Again!".....something YOUR not telling us eg? LOL:stoned:

Great Spirit
04-10-2006, 02:42 AM
Thank God I'm a blue state! Ya it does look very reminscent of the Civil War era. May as well call the south the Ku Klux Republic of America. But thankly...we have more liberals than conservatives in the US...so don't push your luck Psycho. Think of the red color for those states as blood...blood that Bush spilled!

04-10-2006, 05:03 AM
i think you are discussing the politics of this message board...
please move this to the politics section
[you are a coward for the reason you did not reply to the other thread]

04-10-2006, 06:29 AM
"The use of direct, often confrontational action, such as a demonstration or strike, in opposition to or support of a cause."

Unless i totally missed something I do not see where it says anything about activism being directly related to drug reform. So correct me if im wrong but couldnt you have political activism?? I do not see what the big deal is, the activism doesnt seem to recieve alot of activity but i have only been here for one day haha

I say you both drop it and just look past it, if its a problem let a moderator or someone with power deal with it.

04-10-2006, 01:07 PM

04-10-2006, 02:45 PM
Thank God I'm a blue state! Ya it does look very reminscent of the Civil War era. May as well call the south the Ku Klux Republic of America. But thankly...we have more liberals than conservatives in the US...so don't push your luck Psycho. Think of the red color for those states as blood...blood that Bush spilled!
American by birth and Southern by the Grace of God!..

04-10-2006, 02:46 PM
American by birth and Southern by the Grace of God!..

I was wondering if that one was going to sneak by ya. LOL..

Have a good one!:thumbsup:

04-10-2006, 03:02 PM
I think bashing of the politicians is counterproductive for the purpose of this forum. While I agree if it weren't for politics and laws we wouldn't need activism but for the most part the threads on this forum belong in the politics forum.

Basically, I think this forum was intended for the exchange of ideas on how to effect real policy changes in order to get more common sense drug laws. For example, discussing what politicians are sympathetic to our cause and listing contact information. Ane of course those that oppose our cause. Also, organizing marches like the MMM and discussing other options to raise awareness.

I know many of you are passionate about your Bush hating and altho I tire of it, I respect your right to it. However, I would like you to consider the impact. Do you think main stream Americans and politicians will take what we have to say seriously if we keep running on about conspiracy theories? Whether they are right or not doesn't matter. The perception of those we need to win over to our side does matter, as it relates to marijuana.

Sinsemilla Jones
04-10-2006, 04:30 PM
While claiming the White House is where blow jobs belong.

That's your response to my suggestion that you actually VOTE FOR a PRO MJ President, rather than Bush.

It's ALL CANNABIS.com, so why not start by trying to keep Politics on the marijuana topic, since that's where you've done the most damage?

Would you really be doing this if Torog or Amsterdam were posting over here instead of GS?

I voted against you simply because it's obvious you have a personal agenda against GS.

04-10-2006, 04:39 PM
While claiming the White House is where blow jobs belong.

I found ol' Bill Clinton pretty amusing...in fact, I even voted for him.

That's your response to my suggestion that you actually VOTE FOR a PRO MJ President, rather than Bush.

Kerry was an MJ president, maybe until a poll said something different.

It's ALL CANNABIS.com, so why not start by trying to keep Politics on the marijuana topic, since that's where you've done the most damage?

Politics, politicians, and their actions and policies.
THAT'S the politics room, this is activism where you discuss marijuana reform.

Would you really be doing this if Torog or Amsterdam were posting over here instead of GS?

Yes I would, but there is no need to because they show respect for other people in the forum. Have you read stories on Steve Kubby or Randy Brush, THATS what this is suppose to be about and I don't really give a rats ass if its pro/anti Bush.

I voted against you simply because it's obvious you have a personal agenda against GS.

And you obviously have one against me. Oh well.:D

Have a good one!:thumbsup:

Sinsemilla Jones
04-10-2006, 05:33 PM
I found ol' Bill Clinton pretty amusing...in fact, I even voted for him.:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

.....HA HA HA HA HA HA HA......HE HE HE HE HE....ah, wow, (giggle)....That, um, explains (chortle), a lot.....

Oh, and the answer was Badnarik, the Libertarian, you remember them? You once claimed to be one.....(giggle, giggle)...

That pretty much explains this, too -

Your lower than whale shit!! Two bit fuckin' NARC!!

But the mods are narcs then, but he was racist, but,but,but...but you are a NARC! Let the cops find it out on their own!! You opened up a thread just to burn someone. What does that make you? Guess asshole!


04-10-2006, 05:39 PM
Don't ya think it's time to grow up?:thumbsup:

So why do you feel the need to chase me around the forums?:confused:

Don't you have someone you would like to turn into the mods instead?:dance:

If you would like, we could start a "flame" thread in the lounge and just get this out and over with.:D

Sinsemilla Jones
04-10-2006, 07:49 PM
So why do you feel the need to chase me around the forums?:confused:


Your working overtime on being a hypocrite, lately.


04-11-2006, 12:33 AM
:mad: Well I have spent a few hours in here this morning and all I have to say is that a few of you need to learn how to put your threads in the correct forums. If this is too hard for you to do then I will either move them or delete them.:thumbsup:

BTW.....I'm sure that a few of you only post so you can see your own typing...:mad:

Sinsemilla Jones
04-11-2006, 02:16 AM
Psycho and I kissed and made up.
(Oooooo, Psycho! No tongue!)

Thanks Kiwi, for taking on a job no other mod has wanted to tackle!

04-11-2006, 02:20 AM
Psycho and I kissed and made up.
(Oooooo, Psycho! No tongue!)

But you winked....promises were made!!! LOL

Thanks Kiwi, for taking on a job no other mod has wanted to tackle!

Definately, thank you Kiwi for everything!:rasta:

Have a good one!:thumbsup:

04-11-2006, 02:24 AM
Well Psycho got his way:clap: :upsidedow :dance: But really yall think theres a chance of any drug reform with this kind of government that keeps on installing itself to power and who pretends to be good christian leaders..Theres no chance in hell we ever get CANNABIS legal, an overthrow of this criminal government may do the trick other then that good luck on trying to make it legal..............Considering how it was made illegal, and all the money big government will lose making it legal....We've got a lot to learn in regards to how this government continueds to clap down on (P)freedom

04-11-2006, 02:31 AM
We're not going to get there by screaming hitler on the White House lawn though. States are legalizing medical marijuana....voters in Alaska, Colorado have spoken. As more and more people or their loved ones face the same fate as someone like Randy Brush or Steve Kubby...the people will change the law through the system. ;)

All the politicians will try to take credit and rejoice at what a good job they did by saving money and creating revenue.:thumbsup:

04-11-2006, 02:51 AM
We're not going to get there by screaming hitler on the White House lawn though. States are legalizing medical marijuana....voters in Alaska, Colorado have spoken. As more and more people or their loved ones face the same fate as someone like Randy Brush or Steve Kubby...the people will change the law through the system. ;)

All the politicians will try to take credit and rejoice at what a good job they did by saving money and creating revenue.:thumbsup:
your a punk psycho,
just b/c one screaming girl [you] doesn't like the way Activism/Politics forums look doesn't mean you should change it. Theres many more people on here than you psycho and it should have been decided by the poll that has, i guess you can say, backfired on you.

and im glad you see that the first point i made in this thread is correct, being that you didn't respond to it.

one other questions psyhco- are you part of skull and bones?

04-11-2006, 03:02 AM
I call medical marijuana a farce..until our loving-do-no-wrong-government makes it like alcohol and them cancers stick-- errr wait a min--- i have to wait for the government to say its alright, talk about freedom--Well im gonna light me up a freedom doobie for our good christian leaders....

04-11-2006, 03:14 AM
your a punk psycho,
just b/c one screaming girl [you] doesn't like the way Activism/Politics forums look doesn't mean you should change it. Theres many more people on here than you psycho and it should have been decided by the poll that has, i guess you can say, backfired on you.

So I single handedly moved the threads....o.k. dude! As for the poll, I think that 14-5 speaks for itself so far.
and im glad you see that the first point i made in this thread is correct, being that you didn't respond to it.

Now that the thread is in the proper area I just did.:thumbsup:

one other questions psyhco- are you part of skull and bones?

LOL...kind of close but not quite there! Skull and Pistons is the big brother in these parts. Besides that, I don't think that the "elite" would allow my junior college ass in there. :dance:

04-11-2006, 03:39 AM
LOL...kind of close but not quite there! Skull and Pistons is the big brother in these parts. Besides that, I don't think that the "elite" would allow my junior college ass in there. :dance:

i'm sure you hope to become a dicksucker to one of those red handed cold killers, good luck with that....

and you got me on the poll results :thumbsup: ... but somethings is very fishy

04-11-2006, 12:30 PM
I call medical marijuana a farce..until our loving-do-no-wrong-government makes it like alcohol and them cancers stick-- errr wait a min--- i have to wait for the government to say its alright, talk about freedom--Well im gonna light me up a freedom doobie for our good christian leaders....
You call medicinal cannabis a farce? those with Cancer Aids MS Going through Chemo, dont. Whats your qualifications for making such a statement?
Many medicines are used recreationally. are they also a farce?
That has got to be one of the stupidest non thoughtout statements i have ever read here. Up until the 1930's cannabis was one of the most prescribed medicines in the world..., including nazi america.

04-11-2006, 12:51 PM
I was calling it a farce so far as it will never become LEGAL, and medical cannabis is all your going to get, so pay up, get your green card, and have the government know when the time is right to come get ur ass and take you to the psycho ward....again i was calling it a farce, because the government will never make it LEGAL.. other then that good luck in flaming me