View Full Version : the best marijuana strain.

08-21-2004, 05:45 PM
i have grown morning star, white widow, heavans haze, bubblegum, train wreck,purple deisel, Romulen, tropical purple deisel, and some other weak shit.but out of all these strains of plants. and kahuna. I have smoked alot of plants in my day but overall, i prefer morning star for the sweet taste, and intense high. It is really great. i dont know how to explain the high because i never can remmember it afterward!! LOL. anyways what is the best train of marijuana that you guys have smoked?

---i have one other question. i cant seem to get any of my plants to grow over 4 feet tall. i do have them in Pots but they are like 5 gallon pots. i thought these would be suffecient enough for the roots. i use a hommade soil with worm castings, perlite, bat guano, and some other secret stuff. what am i doing wrong? and how to i take the buds from the plant without killing the plant? i usually just boil the roots in water when i harvest , it causes the plant to go into a shock and rush all the nutrients to the buds in order to save them. thanks a bunch! :eek:

03-17-2005, 03:53 PM
You're wasting your time boiling the roots, this method is an old wives tale..

You don't get high from nutrients, you get high from THC or canaboids.

If you want the maximum potency from your buds there is only a few smiple methods to do this.

1) Know your seed stock - get good seeds, even if you have to pay for them - femenized seeds are great. this accounts for about 60% - 65% of the final outcome.

2) Don't pick to early, buds fatten up by about 35% within the final days before harvest, beware you don't leave them too late tho' or the TC will begin to deteriorate. Harvest when about 80 of the hairs are orange/brown. - This accounts for about 20% of the final outcome

3)MANICURING - don't boil the roots lol. - Remove most of the vegetibe foilage then Cut your plants off at the stems, keep the foilage. - now hang your buds upto dry in a ventilated area for 2 days, take in soem scissors and snip away any remaining leaf and tip, hang the buds back up for 4 days checking them daily, then smoke. - This accounts for about 15% of the outcome.

Growing is the easy part, anyone can take a seed, soil, sun (lights) & water and grow, the more you grow, the more you will refine your skill, experience = knowledge.

but those 3 things up their are what majorly determines the outcome of potency.

03-17-2005, 08:48 PM
Lucagrow, you definately forgot a very important step. The CURE! I would never smoke buds right after drying. At the minimum a 3 week cure, for increased potency and flavor! :)

03-17-2005, 11:46 PM
If you havent grown them yet get c99!!!