View Full Version : Remember The Body and The Mind was The Winner!

Sinsemilla Jones
08-13-2004, 10:17 PM
Jesse Ventura's winning campaign for Govenor of Minnesota is the best example that if people have the courage to vote their convictions and ignore the scare tactics of the DemReps and establishment ass licking of the media, then the two party lock can be broken.

Ross Perot was on the way to doing it on a national scale in 92, before he fucked up.

All that is needed is a charismatic candidate who portrays common sense, vision, has an undeniably American message, has an established organization, enough money, and a strategy to use limited resources in the most effective way to take advantage of the people's disgust with the two major parties.

Will that be Nader?
Nah, he's completely fucked up his campaign. In failing to keep the support of the Greens, his limited ballot access from the only his Reform endorsement and petitions will make him weaker this time around than last. And while he portrays vision and common sense, he lacks charisma and his message doesn't rouse enough patriotic feeling among enough Americans.

The Greens?
They are split and weakened without Nader. They nominated some nice, down to earth, regular folks, who I'd trust over the evil two lessers, but it's certainly safe to say they aint gonna catch fire this time around.

The Libertarians, however, are looking stronger than they have in a long time.
They will be on the ballot in at least 49 states. They are well organized and established. They might have enough money if they use it right and can catch the media eye. They seem to be employing a sound strategy of growing their base with the Internet and word of mouth during the summer, and saving their money for an Alan Russo produced television blitz in the fall. By that time the public will be incredibly sick of all the Bush/Kerry commercials, and the media will be hungry for anything new to boost ratings for their election coverage.

Michael Badnarik, the Libertarian candidate, certainly portrays common sense, vision, and has an undeniably American message. And Badnarik was charismatic enough to win the Libertarian nomination, despite being in third place going into the convention. In fact, delegates say it was his performance in a debate at the convention which won him a majority of their support. The key to his appeal was his knowledge of the Constitution of the United States.


Should a slick, intense television campaign in September manage to get Badnarik to double figures in the polls, he will be hard to ignore.

Should increased interest by the media result in Badnarik making it onto a stage to debate Kerry/Bush, he might capture the nation's imagination in the same way Ross Perot did.

And should the situation in Iraq continue to deteriorate and become even less popular than it already is, Badnarik, as the only viable candidate who would bring the troops home, might change the political landscape in this country more than any man since Lincoln.
