View Full Version : "Drought" in New York City: It's a Disgrace!

Breukelen advocaat
02-04-2006, 08:17 AM
The weed situation in New York City is horrible. Iā??m a reasonable person, and canā??t get a decent local connection for nothing. The ads on other websites, such as Craigs list, prove that Iā??m not the only one in NYC thatā??s gotten disgusted with things on the front here. Most of the delivery services have shitty Canadian commercial, or equivalent, if youā??re lucky. I won't even contact them - it's all a ripoff.

Calling up a pager number of these so-called services and keying in a phone number, and similar ways of contacting people you don't know, is not to my liking, either.

The biggest delivery service, which I never used, Cartoon Network (I think) was busted big time at the end of 2005, which is just another reason not to use the well-known services. With my luck, Iā??ll be the customer location that they bust the guy at while he's making my little delivery, lol.

Since Iā??ve gotten somewhat better from a lifelong medical condition caused by an undiagnosed (until recently) food intolerance, and changed my diet for the better, Iā??m glad I donā??t need it for medical reasons as much anymore. I COULD use it to further heal my gut - but I'm not willing to go to extreme lengths to get it.

My wife has to have surgery soon, and it would be nice to have something to help her recover.

When I was younger, NYC was a GREAT place for all this - and I am proud to say that I was part of the community that made it that way. Those days are clearly over, at least for the time being.

At least I had supply last year, after a five-year hiatus.

Now that Iā??ve vented, Iā??ll try to find another way to get something.

Cheers! :thumbsup: