View Full Version : 2006 Global Million Marijuana March!

01-29-2006, 07:45 PM
See it your city has a 2006 Global Million Marijuana March planned @

Calgary's posters and information can be found @

Please feel free to distribute posters and information everywhere!

Good Kannabis Growing!

02-06-2006, 12:06 AM
so when are they going to post the dates for this thing in the U.S.?

02-06-2006, 12:18 AM
yep, I see stoners getting off their stoned ass to get out and march, and probably get arrested

02-06-2006, 06:28 AM
god damn it, none of them citys are near where i live, i would join if they where closer...... :(

02-07-2006, 05:28 PM
god damn it, none of them citys are near where i live, i would join if they where closer...... :(

well register your city or one that is close and popular enough lazy ass!!!
( only sarcastic humor there!!)

02-07-2006, 06:51 PM
i went last yr and im goin back this year any better links on LONDON UK March?

02-17-2006, 07:52 AM
well register your city or one that is close and popular enough lazy ass!!!
( only sarcastic humor there!!)
Knowing how people are around this city that i am in, they wont it legal but they would never do anything to make it legal, so that sadly involes no march, i would be the only one.. well may 1 or 2 others LoL

03-03-2006, 08:20 PM
The only person who was ever arrested in SF was a drunk lady who kept on interupting the speakers. We smoke, sell, and eat right in front of San Francisco's City Hall year after year with zero arrest for cannabis use, possession, sales, etc etc. Some tables are decorated with real plants.
We also have a "Medical Marijuana Week" here in San Francisco that is lots of fun. A whole week of cannabis related events that are sure to bring a smile to everyone's face.

dai*ma :thumbsup: :dance: :stoned:

03-03-2006, 08:46 PM
The only person who was ever arrested in SF was a drunk lady who kept on interupting the speakers. We smoke, sell, and eat right in front of San Francisco's City Hall year after year with zero arrest for cannabis use, possession, sales, etc etc. Some tables are decorated with real plants.
We also have a "Medical Marijuana Week" here in San Francisco that is lots of fun. A whole week of cannabis related events that are sure to bring a smile to everyone's face.

dai*ma :thumbsup: :dance: :stoned:
You should work in real estate...great salesman...I am ready to move. Is it really like that?

03-03-2006, 10:00 PM
so when is the San Francisco one? I would be willing to head on up there for this event! :D

03-03-2006, 11:08 PM
Shelbay...it is really like this here. Within five blocks of my house we have five cannabis clubs. The cops march along side of us during Medical Marijuana Week to make sure no one gets hit by a car. I have heard some cops say, "I should of brought my bong" making a joke, i'm sure ;o). You get into more trouble j-walking in sf than you do for cannabis. Every SF event, even the Haight Street Fair we have people walking around selling cannabis brownies and other edibles. Right down the fricken street !!
I was in Santa Cruz California(60 miles down the coast from SF) when the Mayor of that city was giving away Marijuana to people who had a Medical Marijuana Card to show support for those who use it. All cable news were there. I heard this girl behind me talking to her friend and she said "what a great place to live. This is a special place" I turned to her and said, "you bet it is" They were both here to attend U.C. Santa Cruz, from the midwest.
And Sf is a very young town. Lots and lots of very young talented people live here. Very creative in both life and expression. And of course a very very liberal city. Us Greens alomst won the SF mayor race last time. We usually get our way with things politically here. SF is very diverse with a lot of free thinking people. And it's a beautful city. Very hilly and very scenic with spectacular views of the bay, Alcatraz, the Pacific Ocean, Golden Gate Bridge, etc etc. My attraction to the city is it's tolerance of other people who are usually not tolerated very well in other American places, and the Music scene. I am not gay but i am 100% gay weddin pro choice pot smokin tree huggin. These are great people to have as neighbors. Everytime i leave SF i miss it very much and cant wait to get home. I think the only thing we cant do here is take a left. :dance:
I will see what day in May the Cannabis day parade is and post it. We always have lots of live bands, speakers, tables lined with hemp shirts, info, books, pot, pot edibles, pipes for sale, you name it. And none of it is hidden. It's right across from cityhall. The tourist ome by and cant believe what they are seeing. Its a hoot.
You have me smiling from ear to ear right now. Or is it the bubble hash i just made a couple of days ago> ?:thumbsup:


03-03-2006, 11:20 PM
Looks like May 6th :thumbsup:
Y'all show up and the tour of the city is on me :thumbsup:

03-04-2006, 03:26 AM
Looks like May 6th :thumbsup:
Y'all show up and the tour of the city is on me :thumbsup:
Okay..remember your words...I am seriously considering it...I think I am going to do it.:) The way you describe it sounds like Amsterdam in some ways...just here in the U.S.A....and I love the beach...and the way you describe it..sounds like a little heaven on earth....so to be able to attend and enjoy legally by state law I would have to have a medicinal card? How do the local LEO react to visitors? Your lucky!:p

03-04-2006, 06:59 AM
I am for sure gonna show up to that! We should all get together their. :D

03-04-2006, 08:50 AM
I'm planning on going to the March in DC. it will be my first time going. anyone ever been to this one before? what was it like?

03-04-2006, 01:09 PM
I always remember my words. My words are that any person from this forum who shows up for the MMM will get a tour of SF, Have a nice clean Condo to relax in and will get to experience some of the best getting baked products on earth. Loretta Nall, the Governor Candidate for Alabama has spoked publically about my bubble hash on POT-TV. When i met her here in the city i smoked her out and she went on to claim my buds and my hash as some of the best dern stuff on the planet. You all just let me know when you'll be arriving. Lucky for you i will just be harvesting my next crop and i couild use some help with the manicuring. As for being like Amsterdam? those from Amsterdam that come here feel very much at home. The only thing is we have lots more clubs than they do, and much more variety. I can go in the MIssion Street Caregivers Club and purchase 60 different strains of cannabis, 20-30 different strains of clones(already sexed, rooted and ready to plant).
The police do not bother those with cannabis. I have been here many many years and i have never even heard of a person being busted for cannabis. Heroin, Crack and J-walking, but not cannabis. Yes you can light a joint right in front of the police. I have asked them for a light before....and got it.
Our D.A., our Judges, our local leaders usually attend the pro-cannabis events because they know the votes add up. Our Chief of police and the Sherriff have Prop 215 bumper sticker on their patrol cars. Prop 215 is the propostition that made cannabis legal for medical uses here.
San Francisco is a lot like OZ. It's a very neat place to live and it's very trippy. Very very colorful. A pot smokers paradise. I think that google can hook you up with list of clubs that are here. My fav. are
The Love Shack
Herbal Releaf
Mission Street CareGivers
Golden Triangle
Green Door
Hemp Center
It's nice to take my guitar down to one of the clubs, do some kief hits using the vaporizers, and jam for a while. All clubs have pipes,Bongs, vaporizers,papers,etc for use and for sale.
The Mission Street Club leases a parking lot for it's patients from the States Parole Board. Ya just gotta love it!!:dance:


03-04-2006, 05:14 PM
Hey Big Homie,
I havent been to the one in DC, but i was at the one in Manhattan in 2001 and 2002, and it was like a police state. Cops out-numbered the activist...or so it seemed. Being here in SF where you might see one cop all day sure does spoil a cannabis activist.
Our D.A. Mrs Harris, will visit our cannabis clubs to make sure everything is ok. Her predicessor(sp), did the same, Tarence Hallinan. Swell elected officials.
dai*ma :stoned:

03-04-2006, 07:45 PM
Are you saying I should get all my smoking done before I get there? lol

I was wondering about that actually... if i should roll a few to take with me or just smoke before...

03-04-2006, 07:47 PM
SF sounds incredible by the way... i will have to visit.

03-05-2006, 02:49 AM
Daima..So Ms.Nall praised your buds:) I would have loved to have seen you two smoking together lol..I am almost positive I will be coming..I have to experience this! I couldn't go to Amsterdam so I hope this will be worth the trip..I think it would be really cool we might share a brownie together..I don't know how I will act having "freedom" like that...I missed woodstock..alot of things but I am going to do this at least once. Just promise you won't make fun of the accent;) On that proposition 215 I think I remember reading a people magazine that told the story of the man that started it..his partner was dying from AIDS I think..I will let you know for sure as soon as my husband tells me yes..and thank you for offering to share...really a nice offer..maybe some of the people from here will take you up on it....can you even imagine the excitement? See your used to living in a State that supports MJ use...I know with your meeting Loretta Nall you have an idea of Alabama then...now all I have to do is figure out what to wear..;)

03-05-2006, 02:21 PM
Good Morning Shelbay,
Loretta and i still communicate via e-mail and phone. I also send her cash to help the cause in Alabama. As for making fun of your accent? Here in SF you will hear accents from all over the world. We have over 500 different languages spoken here in the city. Dennis Peron is the guys name who co-wrote prop 215. You are right. His partner died from AIDS, and Dennis himself a decorated Vietnam Vet. I have been up to the "Farm", which is owned by Dennis and have helped out with the garden up there. I spent a whole week up there manicuring buds to prepare them for the clubs in the city. I have also been up to Valeri and Mikes Garden, in the Santa Cruz Mountains, just north of SF. I can tell you that the grin from seeing a field of cannabis stays with one for a long long time. I have helped them cut down plants that were 10-15 feet tall. Very Very Nice. I was with Ed Rosenthal(ask Ed.) and he and i must of planted about 1000 seeds during Medical Marijuana Week. I have great photos with Jack Herer, Ed Rosenthal, Wavey Gravy. I tell them that they are my heros, and they tell me that i am one of the best flatpickers they have ever heard. Playing a good guitar and growing good cannabis sure does attract the best human beings that humans have to offer.:thumbsup:
Loretta praised my bud and bubble hash so much that she put them on POT-TV. I also make the best banana bread on earth. I call it my "Going Banana's Bread" :dance:
Here we speak about and use cannabis so freely because we honestly dont believe that we are doing anything wrong. Only people who "believe" that they are acting criminally usually are. I will never believe that those who use cannabis are criminals just because they use cannabis.

dai*ma :stoned:

05-01-2006, 12:14 PM
im goin but fin ding it hard to get info on the LONDON march the link they provide is shit it says nothing. any1?

05-02-2006, 02:58 AM
The theme for the Calgary 420 Marijuana Community 2006 Calgary Global Marijuana March / Parade...

Distribute and discuss the well documented and very credible truth in regards to marijuana.

Due to recent events before and at Calgary 420 Marijuana Community April 20 / 2006 420 Meet and Greet event a need to change the main theme of the Calgary 420 Marijuana Community 2006 Calgary Global Marijuana March / Parade has arisen.

The Main Theme for Calgary 420 Marijuana Community 2006 Calgary Global Marijuana March / Parade will be...
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, FREEDOM OF FEAR, freedom of conscience and religion, freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication, freedom of peaceful assembly, and
freedom of association


Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

freedom of conscience and religion;
freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
freedom of peaceful assembly; and
freedom of association.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,"

Keith Fagin
Founder Calgary 420 Marijuana Community

See it your city has a 2006 Global Million Marijuana March planned @

Calgary's posters and information can be found @

Please feel free to distribute posters and information everywhere!

Good Kannabis Growing!

05-03-2006, 11:29 AM
Looks like May 6th :thumbsup:
Y'all show up and the tour of the city is on me :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: Daima..do you know crenshaw and adams well?

05-04-2006, 12:52 AM
It'd be cool to set some kind of reward system for anyone who goes to the marches.
Maybe if I had an extra million.

So, in a few years in other words. hahah

05-04-2006, 12:22 PM
so when are they going to post the dates for this thing in the U.S.?

Saturday, May 6th, Across from cityhall @ Grove and Larkin Street 12-7, San Francisco USA. The best dern cannabis party on earth.


05-04-2006, 12:26 PM
yep, I see stoners getting off their stoned ass to get out and march, and probably get arrested

Year after year, zero arrests in San Francisco. You cant even find a cop near the event.
We have booths, edibles, hash, cannabis, oils, etc etc all for sale here in beautiful San Francisco.
We did have an arrest a few years ago. This drunk lady kept interupting the speakers and the cops took her away..., while being applauded by us stoners.:thumbsup:

dai*ma:stoned: May 6th 12-7 Across from cityhall. Be there.

05-05-2006, 08:51 PM
quit acting like a hopeless burnout myth1138 or 9 .... i mean just because
you are one.

05-06-2006, 04:17 PM
quit acting like a hopeless burnout myth1138 or 9 .... i mean just because
you are one.

The start to my May Day.
Did bong-hit
Went to gym
Came home and turned on KPIG www.kpig.com/1510am San Francisco
Put eggs in water for egg whites
Put black beans in microwave to unthaw
Ready to do another BH and eat breakfast of egg whites, beans, tortillas smothered inTabasco sauce.
After BF take shower and do another bonghit
Play my Guitar for an hour or so
Head down to Cannabis Freedom Day High -Noon - 7 p.m


05-10-2006, 05:58 PM
The crowd was ten fold larger then last year! It wa real sweet to see the huge crowd in Calgary!

Keith talking to the CPS Sergent before the event officially started




Grant Kreiger marching with the crowd

Hmm i think i am being followed eh...






05-10-2006, 08:55 PM
not sure what you're saying. I mean i lived in DC and the cops are mean
as hell .... and they WILL arrest you right off the bus .... and bust your
face. As for working out ... i just have my evening 6-7 mile run. I mean
some drugs are fun .... but i'm like junky man .... just me .. and trail
and alot of thoughts .... peace love happiness to every one of you.

05-11-2006, 05:47 PM
Complete image gallery (300+) at May 6 / 2006 Calgary Global Marijuana March (http://KanMan.ca/gmm/2006/)

Low resolution pictures on line only!
