View Full Version : WHAT HAPPEND? Had to chop my main kola.. Please help to spare the rest....

01-23-2006, 12:31 AM
Alright this is whats goin on. I have had my girl under a 400w hps for about 3 weeks now. She has been looking alright other than the spider mite infestation that ive had to deal with. I have been spraying her with Safer Insect Killing Soap, and feeding her Liquinox bloom. I have to spray her around every three days because the mites come back. It stays around 80-85 in the room and has a fan blowing on it during light hours. First of all, the leaves have curled up and are looking real bad, and second the main kola looks like it is rotting. The leaves are a brownish color and are limp and squishy. The rotting thing just started and i chopped the top of the kola (see pics) to save the rest of the plant which isnt doing this. Can anyone please give me their input ASAP so i can save the rest.



01-23-2006, 12:36 AM
More Pics

01-23-2006, 02:13 AM
sorry man im new to this but im sorry that your girl got sick...kinda makes you wanna cry, huh

01-23-2006, 04:59 AM
lol its like loosin a baby :( :(

J DOG 6000
01-23-2006, 02:54 PM
Sorry to here this,but that incectisidal soap you have has thius salt in it that is really bad for the thin leaves of MJ.
Thats why your leaves are curling and burned looking because of the salt .I suggest Neem oil.
Also always test spray a lower branch when you get a new product.
If you want to get rid of those mites.You need to lower the temp in the room.They thrive in hot ,dry places,so make it cold and wet by temp being at 65 and spraying with neem oil every other day for about 3 weeks.Buy 2-3 bug bombs...And start with those...bomb the room wait 2 days and do it again...then consentrate on neeming them to death in a cold room,.

Zandor says Hot pepper spray works well too,but I think that might be more preventative.

01-23-2006, 05:46 PM
Thanks for your reply J DOG, Isnt 65 too cold for the bud? Also, would i spray the oil ontop of the leaves, or would i flip the plant upside down, and spray the undersides also. Does the neem oil have a scent? Would it effect the smell or taste of the bud? Thanks again for your help


01-23-2006, 09:10 PM
65 is not too cold to bud, in UK temps outside get in the low 50s high 40's and my outdoor plants pulled through at below this and I got a good harvest though this isnt good and stunts growth but 65 is alright and I mean its better than mites which will ruin your whole crop

01-24-2006, 06:42 AM
Thanks for the advise, anyone know if the neem oil will effect the crop?

01-24-2006, 08:10 AM
IF U STILL HAVE THE PROBLEM CHECK THIS OUT (http://boards.cannabis.com/showthread.php?t=42119&highlight=garlic+spray) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Nature Boy
01-24-2006, 02:54 PM
How much bloom ferts are you giving them?

Looks like fert burn on the leaf pic to me.......

My friend on his 1st grow, was ferting too much, and the leaves were drying and curling up still green........

He cut back, and the plants recovered.......

But it could be salt build up, or improper Ph as well........

As for the buds, how much humidity is in your grow area?

Too much humidity will promote bud rot on buds........

If the humidity is high........

You have fans on them?

A sulfur vaporizor will help stifle bud rot too........

Hard to tell from your pics........

Just opinions.......

I have a friend that is awesome with indoor problems, I will try to show him your pics, and see what he says........

I am NOT a grower, just know some great ones!

J DOG 6000
01-24-2006, 03:51 PM
Neem can be used up to about the last week or so before harvest.
It has a sent but only when it's applied(smells like piss kind of)citrus piss..The buds at harvest have no evidence of anything other then killer bud.It's organic and natural and MJ is very tallerable of it...but still do the bottom branch test.
So you can get the measurment right for your strain.

J DOG 6000
01-24-2006, 04:18 PM
Neem can be used up to about the last week or so before harvest.
It has a sent but only when it's applied(smells like piss kind of)citrus piss..The buds at harvest have no evidence of anything other then killer bud.It's organic and natural and MJ is very tallerable of it...but still do the bottom branch test.
So you can get the measurment right for your strain.

Works just as well or better then that soap stuff.Spray the whole plant top and bottom of leaves(every inch)But be careful not to let to much soak into the growing medium...can fry roots.I never had this problem.I think people who do are applieing to strong of a solution.
Any more ?'s just ask.
65 is the lowest I'd go with the temp...it's not ideal for the buds but the buds will be crap if you don't get rid of the mites.If anything the low temp might barley slow growth(but I doubt it.)
and the temp thing makes a huge difference.they love hot dry weather and thrive in it,so make your room the oppossite of that cold and spray the buggers every other day with neem.For like 3 weeks at least.

01-25-2006, 01:35 AM
Alright Will Do, Thanks

01-30-2006, 11:40 PM
yA, i SAW YOUR POST, AND SAID ICK.... I tried everything and couldn't get our bugs under control(medi growers)...until I saw BUGZYME on here. I called the company and found it was made from kelp and enzymes, ALL FOOD GRADE!
No poisons! So, I used it and neem, now I found the stuff is in 55 gallon drums on ebay!!!! CHEAP!!!!!
So, I willnever pay $10 for a bottle of bug spray ever again Im buying a barrel with a few friends....

01-31-2006, 12:27 AM
And yet another Bugzyme infomercial :D

Nice way to make it obvious ghangi.