View Full Version : not the best trip...

01-22-2006, 04:37 PM
I did shrooms last night.. it was probably my 5th or 6th time trippin so I knew well what to expect. But the trip went horribly wrong.. my friend I ate them with was done trippin (he's a big guy, I don't think 1/8 is enough to last long) like right when I got started so I'm lying there, comfortable and in no way wanting to move, trippin balls and watching 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas' and he's all bored and then wants to go to a party, so he leaves then I just walk home.

It was probably the fact that I was trippin solo, but I really feel like shrooms isolates me completely from the entire world and from my friends and family.. it's weird and very unsettling. When I'm going I barely talk, and when I do, what I say is very uncharacteristic -- leading to my friends being a little weirded out... But anyway the trip got worse when I got home and tried to sleep because I was exhausted and upset and I just wanted the trip to be over.. but it wasn't and I couldn't fall asleep til like 3 or 4... so it was pretty torturous tossing and turning and trippin... all the while I just wanted to be rid of the depressing thoughts that came about.

So yeah.. I guess it was a semi-bad trip. I really really like hallucinating and seeing shit from this different perspective.. but I don't know if I can deal with that intense isolation.. maybe I just can't do them with people? I mean, I guess I really have to do them alone if at all... because it just doesn't *work* with people, with me anyway. The only trip I took with friends that turned out amazing was when I took acid.. and then I took shrooms for the first time with different friends -- but the comradery and understanding were just not there. I blame this on me and my friends having different peaks. I don't know where this was going.. I just wanted to share my frustrations. Has anyone felt like this before when on shrooms?

01-22-2006, 06:02 PM
yeah dude.... most of my more uncomfortable trips I kept thinking about life and death....and it was pretty unsettling....
....most of what i say doesnt really make any sense....and i will listen to people talking but I cant put the words together to make sentances....so i normally dont have any idea what is going on.....
....i normally feel wierd when tripping alone, i suppose it is a feeling of isolation.....maybe a feeling of no one else knowing what you are feeling

and i think most people find it hard to sleep when under the influence of psychedelic drugs........so yea.....i know how you feel dude....
this post might not make sense i had to write it in parts and had to keep going away n