View Full Version : who is aware of the infinite all knowing limmitless possibility human soul

01-22-2006, 07:07 AM
dont take this in any wrong way, this info is ONLY for the people who are seeking it.

i have divine enlightenment that needs to be realized and put to use, so i need to find others like me. these are the only forums that im a member of so i use these.

i myself completely realize this universe and exacly how it works, why its here, how its all possible and exacly what god and our soul is.

but what i know isnt just regular info, its info that automatically guides me, its not religious, but its found within me, and can be by every other person. i myself dont have the power to completely tap into the all knowing ocean of knowledge that exists, but i understand how it all works and how we are (our souls), are only that, infinite knowledge, applied to materialistic body and brain that hinder our soul in certain ways that we forget our true power, but u know the whole story.

who here thinks like i, and believes that this planet is missing one thing, out of the two that it has and needs. this earth with its people needs only 2 things, and thats spiritual knowledge and materialistic knowledge. once u have both of these things, u live and exist peacfully.

the problem? our schools teach only about materialistic things. math, science, and so on are all vital, because they are materialistic teaching, but wheres the spiritual?

people talk about religious teachings, but trust me, religion has so much materialistic teachings in it in most religions that people never get the main idea!

Why is it that i have to experience such horror when i ask people about the human soul? why is it that i oooh so often find that people dont even know wtf a soul is and how they actually have one?

recently ive been enlighting many of my friends and family. they are usually blown away by the truth of humanity, and start seeing things different.

when it comes down to it, the one teaching that should have been forced upon humanity to save humanity will never be forced upon humanity because the people who believe in these amazing beliefs are too peaceful.

but, eventually, man will realize all of the materialistic knowledge there is, he will know how to create anything material, including things like human brains, we will be able to enlarge the human brain because we understand it so well, we will make our human brains as limmitless as our souls are, and we will bring world peace.

Suffering, pain, its all vital stuff. these things are great, they are amazingly great, because they are required for any happiness whatsoever.

our strive for happiness and less pain and suffering in this world will do what? ill tell you, it will increase our knowledge of the materialistic world. we will only learn more and more and more and more about material, we will eventually be able to solve all diseases, counter all the new ones, easily reverse anything that happens, we will have all material knowledge and that will instantly create spiritual knowledge and gods will walk the earth with all knowing power, leaving peace upon people who need it.

there are things people need to realize in order for them to be happy in life, things such as the fact that this planet earth is as good as god could make it, he made it in a way that we could enjoy everything possible

all of most of what i said came from within me, i just used the infinite power of my soul and i tapped into it.

people, dont be depressed, just be happy to exist. u are living only for experience and to enjoy things.
dont take this in any wrong way, this info is ONLY for the people who are seeking it.

01-22-2006, 07:14 AM
without weed id be ignorant to all the truths i have discovered today

01-22-2006, 07:16 AM

01-22-2006, 07:18 AM
i really hope some people who have little faith in life/soul and mankind will now understand and be happy

01-22-2006, 07:21 AM
people just need to realize that all the pain and suffering in their life and everyone elses IS REQUIRED. mankind WILL by fact reach a very peaceful state

this goal of peace, it is coming. it is a far away goal

its a goal that we do not even know we are achieving, but our souls do

our souls understand, but its attached to our materialistic limmited brains so u cant see it.

01-22-2006, 07:22 AM
any questions of my logic, i can easily answer

01-22-2006, 07:22 AM
with examples

Jeff Spicoli
01-22-2006, 07:35 AM
lol, ok buddy, just go smoke some more of your hippy lettuce and shh

01-22-2006, 07:43 AM
dont worry about it, just look the other way, u arent ready yet.

01-22-2006, 07:46 AM
and when i said that weed got me to this, i didnt mean the effects of weed. i meant just being in the culture of weed made me live a life of just plain doing a lot more things than i used to.

01-22-2006, 08:13 AM
There will never be a time of complete peace and happiness. Since youre so enlightened I thought you would have realised "the balance". For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction, this works both materialistically and spirtually. There are too many perspectives in the world for there to be an equilibrium (and therefor peace). What we consider peace now may be a mild war in the future, it all depends on perspective. If a civilisation is used to a world with no wars than minor things may seem trivial. Works as a balance

01-22-2006, 08:26 AM
lol, ok buddy, just go smoke some more of your hippy lettuce and shh
Laugh if you like. But everyone posesses the power to discover this side of themselves... some are ready, and some would rather wallow in their illusion of what reality really is.

01-22-2006, 08:29 AM
my friend. you havent seen what ive.

when i say peace in the future, i mean the far far future when we reach enlightenment of the materialistic world.

what im saying is, we will eventually have complete control over the material world. we will be gods of it.

our brains are material, we will eventually full understand it, and be able to do anything we want with it.

we will be able to give anyone peace if they want it

what is complete and utter peace? complete materialistic and spiritual knowledge.

01-22-2006, 08:37 AM
Understand that enlightenment must be experienced to understood, and for every different person this is a different experience, and a different understanding...

01-22-2006, 08:41 AM
You should'nt be so arrogant. Your perspective isnt the one and only. I'd like to know how you think we are going to adapt from physical entities to compltete spiritual entities. This can be achieved by either death or astral projection. If we originate from the astral plane and then become physical in this world and then once again when we die go to the astral plane then what would be the point in existing in a physical world when we are complete astral beings(if we were to evolve to this level)? Nothing is certain because everyone has a different perspective which is limited by our physical being (Maybe in the astral plane everything is certain but Im not sure of this)

01-22-2006, 08:42 AM
people need to understand why and how this universe was created in order to understand their purpose in life.

it isnt good when a man dies without realizing the truths of life. life is all about realization from being a non infinately knowing being controlled by a infinately knowing soul.

01-22-2006, 08:50 AM
You should'nt be so arrogant. Your perspective isnt the one and only. I'd like to know how you think we are going to adapt from physical entities to compltete spiritual entities. This can be achieved by either death or astral projection. If we originate from the astral plane and then become physical in this world and then once again when we die go to the astral plane then what would be the point in existing in a physical world when we are complete astral beings(if we were to evolve to this level)? Nothing is certain because everyone has a different perspective which is limited by our physical being (Maybe in the astral plane everything is certain but Im not sure of this)

there is a ultimate goal in life. there are other paths to the destination of god as well, but a certain combination of them to god is the ultimate one.
the reason why we live as humans is to exist in a form where we can realize the true power of our soul and enjoy this realization. thats one path of life. this path is like being someone like buddah. theres another path as well, and that path is the materialistic path. the path that u take to ejoy the materialistic world as much as possible. this path will take u to a different kind of peace, but its the type of peace that most americans today experience the most.

now, what if you experienced full material realization, that is u were able to fully understand the material world and you could create anything u want material? thad b pretty cool wouldnt it? yes, but if u had that, and you were very in touch with your soul, i can tell u now, ud b the happiest guy ever.

eventually, if u want anything material, u can have it. someone will come up with a chip that u can install in ur brain, and what u can do is press abutton and ull be shot into a virtual world where everything looks and seems completely real, but its all in ur head and that chip. in this virtual world, u can have any of your materialistic desires fufilled.

then when u feel that ur material need are full, you will look to something else in life, and u will find it within yourself through spirituality.

this ist the truth

pure peace inthe materialistic world will only come one mankind gets tehre

everything weve done to this day is very vital and important. we are solving problems every day. all these problems are actually materialistic problems. this isnt realizied usually, but its true and i discovered it for myself.

so eventually, we will solve all materialistic problems after our technology peaks possibility.

world hunger? ha what a thing of the past.

01-22-2006, 08:52 AM
trust me materialistic peace isnt that hard to perceive, its only that its far away.

01-22-2006, 08:52 AM
trust me materialistic peace isnt that hard to perceive, its only that its far away.

us humans are working to a goal that we dont even know we are working to. it will come.

01-22-2006, 08:59 AM
Shut up with all this deep shit for fucks sake.

01-22-2006, 09:01 AM
Shut up with all this deep shit for fucks sake.

that was the most retarded statement ill ever read.

u are so ignorant that you dont realize this information can save lives. people need this info, but they dont seek it. y dont they seek it? because they dont know that such info could exist.

you arent one of the people who need this info, and u know that.

01-22-2006, 09:02 AM
if this topic is about deep things, then u should expect it to get filled up with only that.

01-22-2006, 09:02 AM
Materialism is just human instinct, we strive to become more technicologically adept. Whether we reach a limit of ultimate materialism depends on whether the universe is infinite or whether it has boundaries (the big crunch theory). With infinite knowledge (materialistic), there would be no way of discovering everything as it is limitless. If the universe was not infinite than we can expect to discover "everything" materialistic within a certain amount of time (if we dont blow ourselves up in the meantime).

01-22-2006, 09:08 AM
one thing i know is that we WILL solve the problem of material.

we have been at a constant steady rise of materialistic realization, we are learning more not only what great material things we can create that god allows us to create, but also we are satisfying our craving for materialistic things much more.

in the past, we had so little material things to play with. our food, gadgets, clothes and all were very limmited, but now we are able to make so many more things than in the past, and with each of those things a quality that couldnt exist at that time.

listien, its already happening. look at how well we are starting to understand our brain. yes theres much much more to go, but we at least started and failier isnt an option or in sight.

our brain is what craves material things.

trust me we have the power, and we will do it.


01-22-2006, 09:12 AM
can u imagine how greatful i am for being able to think of all of this just by looking into myself

01-22-2006, 09:15 AM
ok for starters this (i myself completely realize this universe and exacly how it works, why its here, how its all possible and exacly what god and our soul is.
) is full of crap. Only God himself could know that.He'll probably chuck a few miss direction beliefs to you but thats just to make you think the obvious. Keep on doing research about it, you'll eventually understand.

01-22-2006, 09:17 AM
After this whole thread i must say YOU ARE ALL right be it wateva liveing and dieing is all part of being that infinitely all knowing soul business but of course its wat you chose to do with yo time here that counts toward your own souls happyness, the amazing world around us all and the future of our exsistance as the humen race.


01-22-2006, 09:24 AM
ok for starters this (i myself completely realize this universe and exacly how it works, why its here, how its all possible and exacly what god and our soul is.
) is full of crap. Only God himself could know that.He'll probably chuck a few miss direction beliefs to you but thats just to make you think the obvious. Keep on doing research about it, you'll eventually understand.

what u are very oblivious to is that god is inside of us. we came from him. we are extentions of him. his rays of light are our souls.

research and temples and what not are not where the answers lie. you will find no answers their. u have to experience through meditation. meditation is the technique that allows you to tap into the infinite knowledge that is god.

i havent done this yet, but i read up and learned about peoples experiences through complete and true enlightenment, and from that ive come up with many theories and thoughts that explain all my questions, that i have found from within.

people dont like life on earth. i thought about that. and u know what i found within me? this is as good as it gets. god made our human bodies and faces the best he could. if you look into a human face, what do you see? i see god. many others do too. this is because the face is the best god could for our purposes.

god put a lot of possibility in this planet earth, just for us. i figured this out from looking within me only. i found that he aided us in every way our human mind wants.

you see, humans are born with certain cravings. those are to eat, have sex, drink and sleep. but, there is another that has been recently proven, and that is the craving to change our mind state/counciousness from the way it usually is. do u know why this is? because th ehuman mind isnt whwere our existance belongs. we want to change our conciousness because our true counciousness is being a soul. we are looking for that. we want to get stoned or wasted, where our minds are fucked up. WHY? because thats the closest we get to being peaceful by just... being, or existing.

and so we have this craving, what does god do? he gives you drugs and alcohol able to be produced on this planet. thank him. what else? we want to eat and drink. LOOK AT THE VARIETY OF THIS. we want sex, and what does god do? he gives us the cream of the crop. look at the women we get. he gave us perfect women in our eyes, and that may seem like something natural, but no its god like. he gave us sooooo much of anything we want.

YES WE DO HAVE IT ALL, its just u need money for it, but that doesnt mean that he didnt give it to us as a possibility.

01-22-2006, 09:27 AM
the answers lie within the temple of the human body

01-22-2006, 09:36 AM
i need to write a book cuz i can easily see the future and reasons of humanity

01-22-2006, 12:51 PM
it isnt good when a man dies without realizing the truths of life. life is all about realization from being a non infinately knowing being controlled by a infinately knowing soul.

you don't see a problem with what you just said? if you already have an infineatly knowing soul, then there is no need to seek anything, because it is all knowing, irregardless of whether you (and what are you again ure spirit, or you materialistic brain? or a superposition?) stand up and take note, because whatever you are, there is a part of you that is infineatly knowing, so why do you need to recognize this part of ureself, as it will always have been there, and continue to be there, and if an infineately knowing being controls you, its not going to change its ways because uve come to a realisation, because it would have already known that you would have come to this realisation, being as it is infineatly knowing.
Also whats the difference between the materialistic and the spiritual, spiritual is experience? and material is things in the physical world?
Then you say that researching and temples are no way too go, then use meditation methods (from buddhism) that you read about but are yet to try as a gateway to finding inner peace, so research isn't the way to go? but reading about a technique founded by another man is? Drugs and alcohol effect every animal with the equipment to react with them, not jus the godly humans, giv a horse a tranquilizer it will fall down, how do you explain that? do they all also have the tools to reach enlightenment, could a cow actually have full knowledge of the universe, in the terms that you are describing them? But its ok cuz enlightenment is an understanding, which is different for every person, so basically if we look at it the other way around, it doesn't matter what the fuck you think, as long as you come up with an answer that you can understand, you will believe that this is the key to unlock 'enlightenment', in essence a thing that only exists in peoples thoughts, fantastic! be a lil bit more general man please...
Humans aren't the only things to be born with cravings like you eat, drink etc... its pretty much a fundamental to anything that needs to survive, plus the processes of eating and drinking aren't controlled by us at all, I don't break down that shit in my gut, nor do I tell myself I'm hungry, I don't even know what the craving of hunger feels like in words, or that I have a stomach, even if you find all the materialistic knowledge in the universe, you're still manipulating what is already there, not that special (for a monkey yeh man) but for the mind at large, fuck all, I can pick up an iron filing with a magnet, or dissolve sugar in tea, but I aint got a clue whats really goin on.

he gave us perfect women in our eyes, and that may seem like something natural, but no its god like.

of course a female human looks the best too us, we're human I can't believe you even said that man, I'm pretty sure a female cow will look good to a male bovine, but then there are exceptions to this rule, the humans that like to fuck animals, humans that indulge in beastiality, or what about the paedophiles, how does that work? they must look in to the face of a pig and see God, but a lowly pig couldn't be an image of god could it, its not like god created that too, only the human was hand crafted. And also when I look at a woman I see far from perfection in many, I see saddlebags, sellulite (sp?), shit and piss, monthly bleeding, bad breath, sweaty glands, things that downright repulse me from some women, but yes the fit ones, when they pull a certain pose, make me think of nothing but them, but if they shat on my face I would probly again be a lil bit turned off, and not wantin sex that much anymore, but then again sum ppl hav a fetish for that kind of thing, how you explain this one?

god put a lot of possibility in this planet earth, just for us. i figured this out from looking within me only. i found that he aided us in every way our human mind wants.

So god made the planet for the human mind, for which the human mind wasn't created yet, and then he aided us in all of our wants of the human mind, even though he created the human mind, which because of its wants, the world was shaped around, which subsequently was made in the first place, before the human mind, which consequently shaped it.....what?

And what if you jus plain don't get enough time to realise anything akin to enlightenment, the babies born prematurely, who die within a matter of days, barely able to open there eyes, is this not good for the babies soul? in what way is it not good for the soul? what is good for the soul? in what way does the soul perceive good and bad? what is good and bad? All things you can answer in your book. If you could answer me those though I'd be appreciative. Thanx for your time :D

01-22-2006, 02:17 PM
of course a female human looks the best too us, we're human I can't believe you even said that man, I'm pretty sure a female cow will look good to a male bovine, but then there are exceptions to this rule, the humans that like to fuck animals, humans that indulge in beastiality, or what about the paedophiles, how does that work? they must look in to the face of a pig and see God, but a lowly pig couldn't be an image of god could it, its not like god created that too, only the human was hand crafted. And also when I look at a woman I see far from perfection in many, I see saddlebags, sellulite (sp?), shit and piss, monthly bleeding, bad breath, sweaty glands, things that downright repulse me from some women, but yes the fit ones, when they pull a certain pose, make me think of nothing but them, but if they shat on my face I would probly again be a lil bit turned off, and not wantin sex that much anymore, but then again sum ppl hav a fetish for that kind of thing, how you explain this one?

This reminds me of the time I did acid and saw people as if Id never seen them before. They looked as different from what we would consider human as another animal (imo humans look the most unnatural species of them all because we clothe ourselves, shave etc.). I even found women to be disturbing to look at as I saw them as these "monkey like" creatures. This lead me to belive that we as humans are just another creature on this planet and are only made exceptional by the "awareness" of our brain. Which leads me to another topic that pisses me off. Some people have this attitude where they think they are above animals and even other humans. A superiority complex...

And what if you jus plain don't get enough time to realise anything akin to enlightenment, the babies born prematurely, who die within a matter of days, barely able to open there eyes, is this not good for the babies soul? in what way is it not good for the soul? what is good for the soul? in what way does the soul perceive good and bad? what is good and bad? All things you can answer in your book. If you could answer me those though I'd be appreciative. Thanx for your time

Animals and babies who pass away are spiritualy the same as the rest of us. What seperates an average human to an animal is their physical body. If you belive in spirituality then these physical bodies make no difference when you die, just another soul in the soul pool.
This is why Im lead to belive that our experiences in the physical world mean nothign when we die. All this knowledge and wisdom we gain while in the physical world would count for shit when we die anyway since when you die you become at one with everything and understand everything (imo).

I don't believe in good or bad. All people through their experiences percieve a good and bad. This is to better equip them for survival. eg Not eating could be considered a bad thing because its detrimental to ones survival. All depends on perspective. Eating could be considered a bad thing by another trying to lose weight (benefitting their survival because if they think they need to lose weight then they think they are overweight to begin with).
In nature there is no such thing as good and bad, an animal will kill another for survival and think nothing of it. Our society introduces morals because people can think for themselves and can tend to do things that would disadvantage someones chances of survival. Instead of a good and bad I see a balance where there is an action and reaction. This works in nature as there are no morals and everything that occurs has a reaction.

beachguy in thongs
01-22-2006, 05:12 PM
Okay, my coffee's getting cold and I'm not even halfway through this, and we can't reach that state of perfect peace if we don't have DarkFirer and RastaKaze on the case.

I believe we'll reach it, and that's the only way we'll be able to go on and master our brains, in order to completely evolve into what we're intended for. Which is...?

01-22-2006, 05:27 PM
people just need to realize that all the pain and suffering in their life and everyone elses IS REQUIRED. mankind WILL by fact reach a very peaceful state

this goal of peace, it is coming. it is a far away goal

its a goal that we do not even know we are achieving, but our souls do

our souls understand, but its attached to our materialistic limmited brains so u cant see it.
hahahhaahahahhahaa i just woke up and i know already that's the funniest thing i'm gonna see all day... pain and suffering is Required... lmao... our souls know... lmao

thanx for the laugh

01-22-2006, 07:49 PM
and we can't reach that state of perfect peace if we don't have DarkFirer and RastaKaze on the case.

Understand that enlightenment must be experienced to understood, and for every different person this is a different experience, and a different understanding...

Need I say more?

Jeff Spicoli
01-22-2006, 09:44 PM
some are ready, and some would rather wallow in their illusion of what reality really is.


01-22-2006, 09:44 PM
Need I say more?

01-22-2006, 09:47 PM
LMAO... I'm simply saying that this DarkFire guy needs to understand that he can't make everyone understand his ways, because enlightenment is totally different for every person. It's all in your head, you know what I mean?

01-22-2006, 09:52 PM
LMAO... I'm simply saying that this DarkFire guy needs to understand that he can't make everyone understand his ways, because enlightenment is totally different for every person. It's all in your head, you know what I mean?
I understand this, as each person has their own perspective they each have their own way of being/ becoming enlightened. I doubt Darkfire was enlightened for the simple matter of his arrogance...

01-23-2006, 01:24 AM
hahahhaahahahhahaa i just woke up and i know already that's the funniest thing i'm gonna see all day... pain and suffering is Required... lmao... our souls know... lmao

thanx for the laugh

hey if everyone was lazy as fuck like you, there would be no happyness.

eventually, all of our hard work in this universe will pay off. cuz see, u are ignorant, and u dont even realize all of the great things that are happening in this world. u dont realize that we are curing disease, finding new ways to do things better faster and more efficient.

you dont understand that, eventually, mankind will reach a point of very high technology, where materialistically, we will be all knowing.

world hunger is a problem now, but as you know, its obviously just another materialistic need.

every day we are fixing more and more and more materialistic needs.

without all of the past sufferings during war and all other pain we have felt, you wouldnt be in such a nice cozy free and clean country.
cuz u gotta admit life is pretty good these days, unless ur a lazy ass like this kid and didnt go to college or something ur prolly pretty good off.

01-23-2006, 01:28 AM
LMAO... I'm simply saying that this DarkFire guy needs to understand that he can't make everyone understand his ways, because enlightenment is totally different for every person. It's all in your head, you know what I mean?

dude, thats sad. y would u say this? enlightenment..... do u know what it is?


enlightenment.... is universal. what is it? its realizing the truth.

the truth? wtf is truth? it is factual. factual isnt different for everyone.

every great person who has achieved full enlightenment realizes pretty much the same thing as everyone else.

that he has a soul, it is infinately knowing because it is a part of a infinately knowing and infinately aware god. all people who are enlightened are people who got a glimpse of what the truth and fact of everything is.

01-23-2006, 01:31 AM
LMAO... I'm simply saying that this DarkFire guy needs to understand that he can't make everyone understand his ways, because enlightenment is totally different for every person. It's all in your head, you know what I mean?

omfg. my ways? MY WAYS?

my friend, we are all the same. we all have a drop of infinite knowledge from the pool of infinite knowledge and awareness called god.

any man

any woman can experience the same enlightenment.

why? because when you reach enlightenment, you are in the realm of the soul. in this realm, there is no physical differences, possibly soul frequency difference and soul level, but that is something else. that is how close your soul is to being with god. in any case, you will realize the same factual truths as any other.

01-23-2006, 01:33 AM
who does this guy think he is....go join god 2.0

01-23-2006, 01:38 AM
I understand this, as each person has their own perspective they each have their own way of being/ becoming enlightened. I doubt Darkfire was enlightened for the simple matter of his arrogance...

well obviously everyone has a different way of being enlightened... wtf is ur point..... as long as you are enlightened some how, you are good to go.

but all im talking about is the people who are completely oblivious to the spiritual world.

its sad, cuz most religions just dont explain enough spiriutal things, they talk so much about material things like the way u should live!

you see, the story of jesus was a great example of the way the soul works, but ive never heard that story explained in a way that u can understand that all that jesus was, was a regualr man who had a regular soul, and somehow, either by gods will or his own, he was enlightened. this enlightenment may have told him that he was the son of god; now this statement can mean so many things its so confusing. cuz we are all the children of god.

spiritualiy... what is it? its the universal religion. the religion that should be taught to all people, but obviously isnt.

HOW CAN U NOT TELL YOUR CHILDREN THEY HAVE A SOUL AND EXPLAIN WHY? is it because u yourself dont know? well then, wtf r u waiting for go enlighten yourself

i am a person, who was raised in a way that i was always told i had a soul, but it still wasnt enough. i was a ver logical person, and i said to myself as a fact, that there is no soul, and im just some organism that popped up as chance through evolution.

then of course a lot happend in my life, and i started thinking profusely, and of course, i eventually started to enlighten myself with what iw as able to find.

but, i did all this so early in my life, because let me tell you, this is important stuff.

i am now such a better person, im more wise and i can do many more things.
but what if i didnt do this for myself, i would also be hurting much more than me.

01-23-2006, 01:40 AM
who does this guy think he is....go join god 2.0

if u didnt read what ive been writting, ull notice how many times i mentio nthat all this info is in ubelievable infinite detail when you look within yourself.

all of the info we have gained about the spiritual world... where did it come from?

did a book just drop from the sky? no hell no it came from humans that looked inside of themselves and saw god, because we are a part of god so this is possible and happens all the time.

01-23-2006, 01:42 AM
I disagree with your theory that we are above animals. The only thing seperating us from animals is higher awareness and intelligence. This is a superiority complex you need to let go of like a lot of other people on this planet. An animal has a soul, a human has a soul. Just because the human has the higher intelligence doesnt mean he's a special preference of god.
This has lead me to believe that our lives are merely here for us to appreciate imperfection (as you said, darkfire). I don't believe what we do has any affect on what occurs in the after life. People live their lives based on their experiences and whos to judge one persons experience from another.

Humans arnt perfect, our societies are continually flawed by the greed and power lust of those megalomaniacs. Human weakness is very obvious at the moment as we are still run by our own instincts. Animals have no need for the morals we've created, they merely "be". If anything, this makes them more enlightened than the majority of humans...

01-23-2006, 01:50 AM
I disagree with your theory that we are above animals. The only thing seperating us from animals is higher awareness and intelligence. This is a superiority complex you need to let go of like a lot of other people on this planet. An animal has a soul, a human has a soul. Just because the human has the higher intelligence doesnt mean he's a special preference of god.
This has lead me to believe that our lives are merely here for us to appreciate imperfection (as you said, darkfire). I don't believe what we do has any affect on what occurs in the after life. People live their lives based on their experiences and whos to judge one persons experience from another.

Humans arnt perfect, our societies are continually flawed by the greed and power lust of those megalomaniacs. Human weakness is very obvious at the moment as we are still run by our own instincts. Animals have no need for the morals we've created, they merely "be". If anything, this makes them more enlightened than the majority of humans...

yes u worded that good, to be able to appreciate imperfections.

now let me tell u something else. whether u believe ur soul is affected from ur life on earth or not depends.

im not 100 percent sure, but i think that people who have been completely enlightened have been able to realize that their is recarnation.

im not sure, but if this is true, then all of the talk of karma and people who can remember all their past lives is true.

cuz if u ddidnt know, many people can remember their past lives, and prove it. even children have done this.

but let me tell you, animals are organisms that arent, well less than us but their souls just get to experience a different material experience as we.

but what u must realize is that animals cant do many things we can, they in their lives experience quite the little amount of happiness, and instead they fear a lot and just look for food all the time.

but, animals are at peace. animals are at the highest peace they will encounter in the materialistic world.

we havent got their yet. we will get their. its fact.

you see, people dont care for animals because their mission is already complete. they already have peace on earth.

us humans are still realizing the material world for our higher intellect needs.

just think abou tthis, and i guarantee ull find the answer within

01-23-2006, 01:54 AM
I disagree with your theory that we are above animals. The only thing seperating us from animals is higher awareness and intelligence. This is a superiority complex you need to let go of like a lot of other people on this planet. An animal has a soul, a human has a soul. Just because the human has the higher intelligence doesnt mean he's a special preference of god.
This has lead me to believe that our lives are merely here for us to appreciate imperfection (as you said, darkfire). I don't believe what we do has any affect on what occurs in the after life. People live their lives based on their experiences and whos to judge one persons experience from another.

Humans arnt perfect, our societies are continually flawed by the greed and power lust of those megalomaniacs. Human weakness is very obvious at the moment as we are still run by our own instincts. Animals have no need for the morals we've created, they merely "be". If anything, this makes them more enlightened than the majority of humans...

my friend, we are perfect. u dont realize something.

we arent done yet. our time here isnt done. animals existed a long time before us, and they finished what they wanted to accomplish. they are now at peace with the materialistic world as much as their intelligence can take them.

but my friend, we areperfect in the way that we can do anything. we can do anything we want to do. we can go anywhere say anything.

we can see god if want to who cares we can do it.

can we have complete peace on earth? yes, and its coming, its just that we are so smart its taking longer, but it comes.

our souls are naturally peaceful. we will aquire this peace on earth just as animals have.

we first practiced as being an animal and aquiring peace, now we are humans and have a larger task.

01-23-2006, 01:56 AM
I disagree with your theory that we are above animals. The only thing seperating us from animals is higher awareness and intelligence. This is a superiority complex you need to let go of like a lot of other people on this planet. An animal has a soul, a human has a soul. Just because the human has the higher intelligence doesnt mean he's a special preference of god.
This has lead me to believe that our lives are merely here for us to appreciate imperfection (as you said, darkfire). I don't believe what we do has any affect on what occurs in the after life. People live their lives based on their experiences and whos to judge one persons experience from another.

Humans arnt perfect, our societies are continually flawed by the greed and power lust of those megalomaniacs. Human weakness is very obvious at the moment as we are still run by our own instincts. Animals have no need for the morals we've created, they merely "be". If anything, this makes them more enlightened than the majority of humans...

my friend ive already told you.

this earth is full of human hate suffering pain and more.

but what have i said?? all of this is required

this all has to happen.

but all this greed hate and what not is doing something good for us.

u dont realize it, much of mankind besides me doent realize it, but we are learning more and more of the material world.

we will be able to give anyone anything very soon, because us ourselves, each of us will have what we want most.

we will become masters of this realiity. we will not only know about the spiritualy world, we will know of the material one.

currently we know very little of the materialistic world so there will be suffereing.

01-23-2006, 02:02 AM
dude, thats sad. y would u say this? enlightenment..... do u know what it is?


enlightenment.... is universal. what is it? its realizing the truth.

the truth? wtf is truth? it is factual. factual isnt different for everyone.

every great person who has achieved full enlightenment realizes pretty much the same thing as everyone else.

that he has a soul, it is infinately knowing because it is a part of a infinately knowing and infinately aware god. all people who are enlightened are people who got a glimpse of what the truth and fact of everything is.

You have some clue to what enlightenment is, but you need to work on some things. I agree with some of your points, but I agree with just as many. That is the thing when it comes to true enlightenment. Everyone experiences it in different ways and they all come to different realizations. You're trying to make other understand your realizations and that won't work, they have to discover it for themselves. You are pointing them in the right direction when you say to meditate, but stop making yourself out to be some prophetic genius who knows all, because you don't. I have seen things you will never comprehend, not because you are incapable of comprehension but because we are different people with different morals and different backrounds. You'd think someone who seemed so enlightened would realize this...

01-23-2006, 02:05 AM
That brings us to the question of reincarnation then :).

you see, people dont care for animals because their mission is already complete. they already have peace on earth.

us humans are still realizing the material world for our higher intellect needs.
With any creature on this planet, it's goal is to survive and reproduce. It's goal is to help the survival of it's own DNA. Animals go about this a lot diferently from humans as they can't act out on their instincts as much as humans can. This is because humans have higher intelligence and higher capabilities making them more susceptable for survival.
There may be a point in time where we realise the materialistic world (that's to say there is a finite amount of physical knowledge in this universe) but it's only due to our survival instincts. We continually advance in technology because existance is a competition and competition always brings out the best. This is why we will continue to advance until there is something preventing that (whether it be cataclysmic destruction or the limit in knowledge).

01-23-2006, 02:23 AM
listien, us humans love material.

but, u dont realize that we will reach a point when we will be able to create material worlds for ourselves!

yup, our brain is material, so we can do anything we want to it.

sounds weird and creepy, but it will be a full proof unavoidable reality.

and im not trying to force any ideas of mine, its just that many of these ideas will come to anyone, they just come from looking within your soul.

we all have the same infinite knowledgable soul, so when we look into it we will see a very simular truth.

01-23-2006, 02:25 AM
humans have the great power to know, yet so many of us know so little.

so because we are so ignorant, many bad things happen in this world that could be avoided, but so many religions and all will cloud the brain and wont allow us to all come to the same realization found within us.

01-23-2006, 02:39 AM
but all this greed hate and what not is doing something good for us.
As strange as this sounds I actually agree with you in this statement. People learn from experiences and the more we experience the more we learn. Imo, as humans we learn more from what we deem negative because it makes us think more critically. It has been my opinion for a while that we are becoming a more open minded civilisation. With the worlds experiences comes a new wave of understanding where future generations don't make the same mistakes as their predescesors(sp?).

Garden Knowm
01-23-2006, 02:40 AM


RAARRRRRRRRR - you bubble butt.. you never talk this much in the chat room...


Is you wish to be to be reborn let yourself die

To get a glimmer of ENLIGHTENMENT.....To become aware of this very momemet... WHERE NO UNDERSTANDING EXHISTS and "god" IS....

One must die....... unto oneself... and simply realize "I"

BUT, as one speaks about,

"seeing the future", "you and I", "understadning the workings" , "us and them", "power and wisdom", "facts and fiction"

one only distances themself from NOW... and becomes more than "I"

I know the future
I know how it works
I know blah blah
let me explain to you...
that is sad.... etc...

all of these types of statemnets build a wall (a fake identity, an ego) that seperates oneself from ...
love, god, now, life, enlightenment.... ahahahah LOVE

these are all stemments that makes onself more than "I"......
being more than "I" ............. is simply being trapped in ones thoughts..


01-23-2006, 02:43 AM


RAARRRRRRRRR - you bubble butt.. you never talk this much in the chat room...


Is you wish to be to be reborn let yourself die

To get a glimmer of ENLIGHTENMENT.....To become aware of this very momemet... WHERE NO UNDERSTANDING EXHISTS and "god" IS....

One must die....... unto oneself... and simply realize "I"

BUT, as one speaks about seeing the future. "you and I", "understadning the workings" , "us and them", "power and wisdom", "facts and fiction" one only distances themself from NOW... and becomes more than "I"

I know the future
I know how it works
I know blah blah
let me explain to you...
that is sad.... etc...

all of these types of statemnets buil a wall that seperates oneself from ...

these are all stemments that makes onself mor than "I"......
being more than "I" ............. is simply being trapped in ones thoughts..

Well said, I love you man :D

01-23-2006, 02:51 AM


RAARRRRRRRRR - you bubble butt.. you never talk this much in the chat room...


Is you wish to be to be reborn let yourself die

To get a glimmer of ENLIGHTENMENT.....To become aware of this very momemet... WHERE NO UNDERSTANDING EXHISTS and "god" IS....

One must die....... unto oneself... and simply realize "I"

BUT, as one speaks about,

"seeing the future", "you and I", "understadning the workings" , "us and them", "power and wisdom", "facts and fiction"

one only distances themself from NOW... and becomes more than "I"

I know the future
I know how it works
I know blah blah
let me explain to you...
that is sad.... etc...

all of these types of statemnets build a wall (a fake identity, an ego) that seperates oneself from ...
love, god, now, life, enlightenment.... ahahahah LOVE

these are all stemments that makes onself more than "I"......
being more than "I" ............. is simply being trapped in ones thoughts..


u dont have to die, u can meditate.

but what ur point?
this is all true and all....

01-23-2006, 05:16 AM
obviously if you believe in god and spirits you are not completely liberated from the influences of other humans thoughts, since i can pretty much garauntee you didnt come up with 'god' and 'spirits' on your own.

01-23-2006, 05:29 AM
You do need to seek something even though u are already all knowing! You see, as a human, you have a all knowing life force, but it is merged with a very limmited knowing brain.

why did god create us this way? because when we are just a spirit alone, we are so great and perfect, we cant even enjoy how great we are. there is no happy, no sad no good or evil. just perfect all knowing and understanding.

you see, when you realize the true power of your soul when you are a human, you not only does ur jaw drop to the ground as to how significant u are by not only being a material human body, but also a part of something infinately greater.

people in this world rarely use their soul like it should be used. if you do research, you will see all of the great people of our past, such as buddah and other peace bringers, who had all of the answers to any problem anyone could possibly have.

if you know how, you can unlock the hinderances over your soul permanantly, thus becoming a god walking on earth. of course this rarely happens, but it can be achieved temporarily.

why would u say that you wouldnt change if you realized your soul? if you realize your soul while living in life, your life usually changes completely. most people have a very fast glimpse of their soul from high meditation, and they experience "enlightenment." yes this word has true meaning to it.
this is the whole point of life my friend, we dont live for any othe rreason besides being able to realize things, realize pain happyness emmotions.... when ur a soul things are quite boring cuz ur already all of this... u are one with the universe ur soul is in, but the material universe is a different place.

Also whats the difference between the materialistic and the spiritual, spiritual is experience? and material is things in the physical world?
what kind of question is this? you didnt know that the soul doesnt exist in the same plain of reality as your physical body? you see, material knowledge is knowledge such as knowing science or math or literature, because it all applies to the logical universe that we see now.
spiritual knowledge is the knowledge from meditating and the knowledge of what your soul is and where it came from and what its purposes is. also its about god.

Then you say that researching and temples are no way too go, then use meditation methods (from buddhism) that you read about but are yet to try as a gateway to finding inner peace, so research isn't the way to go? but reading about a technique founded by another man is?

my friend, if you are truely looking for the truth of answers to ur spiritual questions, you wont find the answers in books or anything else, but you might find a more hollow explanation, but you need to EXPERIENCE it for the full explanation to the truth of who you are and why you are.
buddah never looked into any books, he just was frustrated, and one day sat under a tree and looked within himself, because he was smart and knew that thats the only place answers will be found.

Drugs and alcohol effect every animal with the equipment to react with them, not jus the godly humans, giv a horse a tranquilizer it will fall down, how do you explain that?

boy, what the hell r u talking about? all animals and humans have brains! y the fuck wouldnt they feel the effects?

seriously, look inside yourself, just for a second, and this will come to you easy.

do you think that we are just plain lucky that these resources we have on earth are here?
what if there was only food and water on this planet, cuz that is possible!
but god gave us the tools we need, in order to make and create what ever our minds want us to and giving us the ability to always make the world better in effect.

please be greatful, god gave this one planet the resources not only for you to exist healthfully, but with anything you could ever want with your infinite knowledge.

you get all the material you want, you are satisfied, because god gave it all to you, but u want more!
what else do u want? chances are you will feel that even after u get all the material u want, there is still osmething missing in your life.

so what did god do to remedy this? he made your body the perfect tool to meditate. he gave you the human body, the one body that can actually sit in a lotus position, the most perfect body on this planet for meditating.

you might think that all of this is just because of maybe natural selection and what not, but trust me, we could have easily looked and become completely different beings than we are.

do they all also have the tools to reach enlightenment, could a cow actually have full knowledge of the universe, in the terms that you are describing them?

kid wtf is wrong with you? all living things have souls!!! how can u not realize that! of freaking course any animal can reach enlightenment, but of course it wont, why? cuz they arent ready yet.

the human, what is it? the final destination of evolution on this planet. the perfect creature god wanted to have as a end product of him making this universe.

we are perfect, animals are inperfect. animals have little intelligence in so many ways u cant even comprehend it! they dont have the knowledge to unhinder their brain from their soul! only the smartest humans can do that!

but, some animals use their soul in ways that are truely godly. some animals can do things that they dont even realize is astounding.

look at the whole animal kingdom and how many things all the animals are capable of doing, and ull see that animals can do things beyond our imagination.

but is it beyond mine? hell no, im a person who realizes that a soul has infinite possiblilities.

animals cant sit in a lotus form, they cant do many othe rthings with their bodies so they will never meditate. but that doesnt even matter, their brains hinder them from this human only ability.

hey if u arent greatful for whats on this planet, and you dont believe that god purposely made the bing bang or whatever in a perfect way that this would be the end result, then i can only pity you.

i mean wtf is ur problem? do you not believe in a god? is that why u think he hasnt done all this for u? havent u read about all the great yogis and rishis all over the world who have been able to meditate to point of detatching their soul from their bodies and became one with god again?

you would never imagine how balanced things are and have to be on this planet, in order for complete peace to be possible.

complete peace is possible on this planet, that alone u should be greatful for.

this universe has been scientifically proven to have began at one point in time. obviously there was a initial cause before the effect of the big bang or whatever started things. this cause was god, and he made this material universe with all the possibilities his children would ever want to explore, and he knew this fromt the start, because
god is all knowing and was able to know all that is happening that has happend and that will happen.

Damn Dark

king kong bong
01-23-2006, 05:48 AM
but, eventually, man will realize all of the materialistic knowledge there is, he will know how to create anything material, including things like human brains, we will be able to enlarge the human brain because we understand it so well, we will make our human brains as limmitless as our souls are, and we will bring world peace.

i think i might know what you are talkin bout here. are you sayin that by some sort of subconscious thinking that we can produce material things with our thoughts? cuz i have done that a few times. its just hard to control.

Garden Knowm
01-23-2006, 06:03 AM
"What's your point"

I am pointing at the moon and you are staring at my hand...


Maybe it is a messgae? Maybe one can not get the message because one is looking for the point...

If you only look at BOOBs you will miss all the great asses.
A thief in the park only sees wallets and purses.


The opposite of birth is death...
The opposite of LIFE...
Life has no opposite..


"What's your point"

Is the mind speaking.
99.9% of the humans are at a point in their evolution that they have given awareness to the mind... thus forgetting that they are awareness... and now they "believe" they are the mind..

it is as proposterous as one using their computer so much that they begin to think the are their computer...

If one wishes to test ones "I" dentity, sit still, in a non reactionary state... BECOME I AM

No itchinng, no scratching, no answering cell phone.. just stillness.. awareness..
and one may get a glimplse of "I"....

it is the mind that says things like
"what's your point"

the mind works to find meaning and to get end reult...
none of this IS.... ENLIGHTENMENT


I thank you FIRE for bringing such a lovley topic to the message board.

01-23-2006, 09:25 AM
if everyone was able to understand this, the world would be such a better place.

word needs to be spread that knowledge is the key to everything.