View Full Version : How to sell or buy

01-21-2006, 09:40 PM
It has been so long since I had to purchase mj that I do not know how it is done now. I always liked a sample but was around people who grew. When I got from the streets there was no choice and the product did not weigh out. How do you do it? How do you make a connection that is safe on both sides. If you are a buyer how do you know it is not LEO and if a seller how do you know that the buyer is not LEO or DEA in the USA?

01-21-2006, 09:42 PM
Buy from your own kind, sell to your own kind. That's the easiest way to avoid LEO situations, I think.

Note: By "own kind" I mean someone your age that looks like you and looks like they hang around the same scene as you. I'm not trying to promote any type of "hate". Thank you.

01-21-2006, 09:43 PM
You ask them if they're plus would you ever make a contact with the first guy that offers you weed cause what if its a sting some things are too good to be true so in my mind i always think to myself the chance you take your going to get fucked over no matter what in some way but i guess its hard to judge cops cause some are pretty well undercover

01-21-2006, 09:51 PM
Buy from your own kind, sell to your own kind. That's the easiest way to avoid LEO situations, I think.

Note: By "own kind" I mean someone your age that looks like you and looks like they hang around the same scene as you. I'm not trying to promote any type of "hate". Thank you.

Exactly. :thumbsup:

01-21-2006, 11:07 PM
Not many cops waste their time on people looking to buy less than an oz of cannabis.

01-21-2006, 11:31 PM
How can the person who has the sacred herb know if the person on the other end who is looking is safe? Can we ask them if they are LEO or the DEA? Is there any questions that can be asked?

01-21-2006, 11:57 PM
Don't you wish there was some sort of special magic word that clued you in that LEO or DEA would never understand? They just find a way to take away all our liberties, whether it be through monitoring what we purchase or (legal or not) tapping phone lines. I mean, you would think that as a citizen of supposed free will, we would be able to make such a basic choice as to what we wanted to ingest, without putting other people's liberties at stake! I can't even begin to get into how much it burns me up everyday thinking about all that could be avoided in society if these damn drug laws did not exist. I mean, if they're so goddamn worried about making drug sellers not profit from selling, why don't they just legalize everything and sell it themselves if that's really the issue? You CANNOT control public morality, especially not by illegalizing something that has been deemed decriminal by other parts of the world. Hello Gov't, have you ever heard of Amsterdam, or Stockholm, or even Canada for that matter? Of course, you know they'd probably take marijuana and add some shit like Nicotine to it to get us hooked.

Sorry for the rant, but I'm sure so many of you feel this bitter anger. I just wish there was a way to really fight to change it all, to turn back the clock before 1937.
