View Full Version : Friends

01-20-2006, 04:56 AM
Im really kinda sad and in a very shitty mood because 3 of my really good friends are moving and i will rarely see them anymore. It just kinda sucks because every morning the only reason why i even wake up for school is to hang out with these people and they grow on you. I know i will find other people to replace them but it still is shitty. if anybody else has experienced this which im sure most of you have is there anything that helped thake your mind off the shitty.

01-20-2006, 05:05 AM
I feel ya. I wouldn't have survived in the city if it wasn't for my friend Abdul, and sadly he moved from NYC to Virginia a few months ago. It was an adjustment, and I had to chill with other people for the most part, but the good thing is he visits almost every big holiday so I actually am up to date on his life and shit, you never really lose the connection as long as they visit. I'm sure your friends will be, and hey if they don't whats stopping you from?

01-20-2006, 05:06 AM
Im really kinda sad and in a very shitty mood because 3 of my really good friends are moving and i will rarely see them anymore. It just kinda sucks because every morning the only reason why i even wake up for school is to hang out with these people and they grow on you. I know i will find other people to replace them but it still is shitty. if anybody else has experienced this which im sure most of you have is there anything that helped thake your mind off the shitty.
Maybe make some "new" kids feel welcome at your school. Transfers are tough..sorry for you though..just try to make some good out of it.

01-20-2006, 05:12 AM
put your self in their shoes from what i see their losing a good friend so make the last time you see them the best time major party man thats what will make it happen

01-20-2006, 07:36 AM
get a girlfriend

01-21-2006, 06:43 AM
I have a girlfriend but that dosent make up for losing 3 friends ive known my whole life

Little Miss Blinky
01-21-2006, 10:01 AM
I have 3 main girly friends who I dont see often enough
and 1 main close friend who I see alot :thumbsup:



mr pink06
01-23-2006, 10:58 AM
friends are the SINGLE most important thing in my life, without them i dont think i would have survived last year! thanks everyone i owe ya big!!!! :)