View Full Version : Political Correctness Part 1

07-19-2004, 12:49 PM
Mr. Danny Calhoun
Somerset, Kentucky

It has been pointed out to me that I use the term " Political Correctness" often and several people have asked what I mean by it.

There are those in our country, estimated to be less than 15% of our population, the Politically Correct Advocates, usually Ultra Liberals and those who refer to themselves as "Enlightened" and the "Educational Elite." For some unknown reason they feel that they are much wiser than the rest of us. They feel that if left alone to lead our own lives we are not capable of making the right decisions. These groups love to use words like "diversity, equality and tolerance." These ideologies in reality should probably be embraced by all of us. Most intelligent people in our country will readily admit that we are a very diverse nation and that every citizen has, and should have, the absolute right to "equal" treatment and opportunity, regardless of their race, sex, religion or national origin. Please notice I said "equal" not "special."

These groups fall into the far left of the political spectrum. Their ideologies when first looked at often make sense. They claim to represent those in our society "without a voice." They claim to want to ensure equality of human rights, opportunities, religious beliefs and political beliefs to ensure a "level playing field" for everyone. One other thing they all have in common is an underlying contempt for Democracy, patriotism, our free enterprise system, basic moral values, the concept of "family," traditions, prevailing main stream religious values and a support of Socialism.

The problem arises when you actually get down to the methods they advocate to ensure their view of equality and their methods of obtaining it.

We are all individuals. We all live our lives based on our life experiences, economic status, education level, religious values, family values and the character traits we developed as a result. We all have differing opinions on different subjects. We all have the right, or should have; to live our lives as free thinking individuals, as long as our actions are legal, moral, non-perverse and contribute to society as a whole. We should have the absolute right, within the above guidelines, to live our lives, as we see fit, as long as it's not harmful to others. We should have the absolute right to worship as we see fit, associate with whom we chose, live where we want and all the other freedoms we are guaranteed and blessed with. To me the most important of those freedoms is free will. I should have the freedom and right to think and have feelings and be able to express my feelings on any subject I may encounter in my life. I don't need or want the "thought police" telling me how I should think, feel or express my opinion. On any given subject I may disagree with others and they may disagree with me. Isn't that what "diversity, tolerance and equal rights is really about?

I am told that I should be "tolerant" of others. I agree and try to practice tolerance. I am tolerant of others religious values (or lack of), customs, political ideologies, and thoughts which differ from mine. However, I do not always totally agree with all their ideologies and lifestyles. The PC advocates would take that right away from me. They would say that I must agree 100 percent with their opinions on any subject. If not then I am wrong. So much for tolerance.

These proponents of "political correction" would deprive me of my right to think and feel as I chose. They tell me that I must not only accept but also embrace life styles and ideologies which I find perverse, or that I feel are destructive and harmful to the values and mores of our country. They tell me who I must hire to work for me, who I can rent my property to, who I should welcome into my home, who is allowed to attend my colleges, how I should feel about certain people,, the correct words to express my feelings, how and when to worship and worst of all, how I should think.

They can't be satisfied with equal treatment. They demand special rights for certain classes of people.

Do you think it doesn't affect you?
Ask yourself, can your children pray, celebrate Easter or Christmas in school? Can they recite the Pledge of Allegiance the way it is written? Are they not permitted to discuss Christianity but required to learn about the Muslim Religion and made up customs such as Kwanzaa? Are they forbidden to use the word "GOD ?" Seem minor or even funny to you? Look around you and see how it's already affecting you. When you get a notice from school to sign does the place where you sign say "Mother-Father" or "Parent 1-Parent 2 ?" Will your children be able to make "Father and Mothers Day" cards this year? Will they be allowed to pass out Christmas cards or even say "Merry Christmas" to their classmates? Will your children be in school on Veterans Day but not on lesser holidays? Will your children be out of school for a "Christmas Break" or will it be a "Winter Break ?" Will your children be allowed to wear a T-shirt stating "God Bless America" to school ?" Will the school menu be adjusted to cater to certain religions? Will your child's History Book go into great detail about how we dropped Atomic Bombs on Japan and not how the Japanese attacked us and the unspeakable atrocities they committed during the war? How many more examples of PC can you find in your everyday life? The blame all goes to Political Correctness, and it's just starting.

Please know that I am in no way blaming the teachers or even the School Boards. They are just as helpless as we are, in most cases.

There are so many more examples of how PC has affected our lives and in next weeks article I will try to list some of the major ones. Suffice to say that it negatively affects us in all endeavors of our lives.

Why does such a small group have the power to change and control so much of our everyday lives? Simple, because for the last 40 years we've allowed them to. Politicians are so scared to stand up to them and be known as "Politically Incorrect" that they have just rolled over and given them free reign. During this time students attending our colleges have been taught that PC is the correct way to live. Many of these students are now teaching and starting in Elementary School continuing the cycle. The textbooks students read, movies, TV programs, the music our young people listen to, have all been influenced by PC.

It's only going to get worse. The influence and power of the PC advocates becomes greater everyday. You may not realize just how much it is influencing your life everyday, but it is. Look around you.

DISCLAIMER: I realize that I will take a lot of heat because of my articles this week and next week. I realize I'll touch a few nerves. However, as always I'm just expressing my opinion. I also know that my opinion will be opposed to the prevailing Politically Correct opinions. Please remember, I have the absolute right to express my opinion, just as you do. To those who will surely respond to my articles by using the tried and proven PC buzz words "hatred" and "fear" please note that I disagree with and am repulsed by certain "life style choices." However, I do not "hate" those who live those "life styles." As far as "fear," I only fear what those who advocate these "life styles" and other PC beliefs are doing to the values and mores of our country. I fear their agenda to destroy the concepts of decency, religious freedom, pride in our country, patriotism, and concept of family, which our country are based on. In short I truly fear what their beliefs will do to the future of our country.

If you oppose my right to state my opinions then you are advocating that the First Amendment should not apply to me. The word "Hypocrisy" comes to mind.

But then, that's just my opinion. If you object with Danny's opinion and would like to write a rebuttal, we would be interested in seeing it. But, bear in mind, our policy is that in order to be printed, your objection must be honest, forthright and factual. Contain no profanity and violate neither the word of God or the Constitution of the USA.

Return of the redi
07-19-2004, 06:51 PM
Good post Torog! It's something that has expanded through fear and intolerance, not to mention agressive social engineering. It's another example of political double speak!
Preach ultra tolerance, while being ultra intolerant.
Preach equal rights and equal treatment, while giving special rights and special treatment to minorities.
Preach importance of cultural identity, while obliterating all aspects of white culture.

Meanwhile, all this is a sign to Muslims and others to come and 'dominate' our land. We're handing it to them on a plate. I'm not saying that it's definately on the agenda, but if it was, this would be the perfect time to put their plans into action.

07-20-2004, 11:53 AM
Good post Torog! It's something that has expanded through fear and intolerance, not to mention agressive social engineering. It's another example of political double speak!
Preach ultra tolerance, while being ultra intolerant.
Preach equal rights and equal treatment, while giving special rights and special treatment to minorities.
Preach importance of cultural identity, while obliterating all aspects of white culture.

Meanwhile, all this is a sign to Muslims and others to come and 'dominate' our land. We're handing it to them on a plate. I'm not saying that it's definately on the agenda, but if it was, this would be the perfect time to put their plans into action.
Well I'll be daggumed redi,I agree with your whole reply !

Have a good one ...Torog

09-11-2004, 12:21 AM
Torog you might like Bill o'Reilly. I think he's a little full of himself but he is like the republican version of "the enlightend."

09-11-2004, 08:48 AM
They would say that I must agree 100 percent with their opinions on any subject. If not then I am wrong. So much for tolerance.

By "They" did you mean christians or republicans?

09-11-2004, 10:30 AM
I agree with Redi to some extent. PC pushers are using Orwellian concepts in order create a utopia that will never exist. PC is to the left as ultra-nationalistic patriotism is to the right. Both ignore the truth in order see the world the way they want to. They have more in common with each other than they would admit to.

06-30-2006, 02:09 PM
I live there

06-30-2006, 03:03 PM
Hi Torog, I agree. I try talking about affirmative action and how I don't see it doing anything but making some dependent from birth but I get called that label name (racist) when I do try to discuss it,no one cares..and I also believe we are the last Christian Generation..Christians ARE the minority..its much more cool these days to hate and be a non believer..and yes I have asked why some don't have faith and its usually a bunch of bs. Thats my sharing on pc'ism. Some on here though come from the years that the Pledge of Allegience is not even spoke in school though correct?