View Full Version : Legal or decreminalized???

11-03-2005, 04:52 PM
I mean, is it better to legalize it and then big corporate compagnies put chemicals stuff in it so we get addicted (or maybe not but...) or to decriminalize it like in amsterdam so there is still that legal thrill about it, and you can only purchase it, grown by real pot lovers, in coffe shops like??? :confused:

11-03-2005, 05:03 PM
by the way, i'm not an expert "anylizer"(neither in english!!!) so it's comment made only to open Horizons on different possibilities...

11-07-2005, 02:03 AM
make it totally legal for all to ENJOY!!!! :rasta: :D

11-07-2005, 03:39 AM
i wana grow it so bad

11-07-2005, 03:41 AM
make it legal and tax it, treat it like ya treat tobacco. 18 and up, and throw in some laws regarding operating a vehicle while stoned.

Stoner Shadow Wolf
11-07-2005, 04:13 AM
i want it legalized enough that i cant be punished for growing, possessing, or smoking.

11-10-2005, 04:41 AM
no no taxes on my pot

11-10-2005, 05:48 PM
no no taxes on my pot

well that my friend, will unfortunately never happen!!!

11-10-2005, 06:15 PM
make it legal and tax it, treat it like ya treat tobacco. 18 and up, and throw in some laws regarding operating a vehicle while stoned.

studies suggest that cannabis can actually improve driving ability. Studies have proved cannabis users are actually more patient, less aggressive and super careful on the road.
Also, those who drive `stoned' have been shown to be less foolish on the road (they demonstrate `increased risk aversion'.) Recent studies have emphasized that alcohol is the major problem on our highways, and that illicit drugs do not even come close to being as dangerous.

As funny as it may seem, you may be safer driving `stoned', as long as you aren't `totally blasted' and seeing things -- but few users are irresponsible enough to drive in this state of mind, anyway.

11-17-2005, 06:17 AM
I have thought about this alot over the past few years and I look at it this way. The government and big buisness will always have there hand in anything that is legal as long as they can make money, shit lately it seems it's the same even if it's not legal. My take on it is this, if you could go to the store and buy a pack of joints for 20$ would you? Hell yes. If the tabaco industry can produce and sell cigarettes for 5$ a pack, and most of that is tax were I come from, than they should be able to do the same with marijuana without changeing any of there setups.
This leads us to why I say 20$ a pack. If you don't grow your own how much would end up paying for a bag that you could get 20 joints out of, I'll tell you it's more than 20$ where I live. So you ask where the other 15$ goes, to the government of course. That's the only way they will ever concider legalization, money in their pockets. Plus think about how fast our country could get out of debt.
The best part of this plan is it should be treated just like alcohal. If you can make your own beer legally that you would also be able to grow your own grass. The best part, they could use the byproduct to produce clothing, paper, ect., ect.
I know a lot of people out there won't agree with me but it's the best shot I see of us being able to smoke our grass without getting any shit from the man.
peace, redeyed

11-17-2005, 07:01 AM
I dont see how a big company could corner the market, since most people would grow their own stuff. And Add to the fact there isnt farmers growing it for a big company to take over. All that would happen is people that been shipping it into the Us would do it via FedEx instead of hiding it away in some car

11-19-2005, 06:38 AM
It's simple, because as americans we are all some what lazy, it's easier to have someone else do the work. Not only that but it would be cheaper to buy in the store than growing yourself. Do you think you could grow your own tobacco and make it into a usable substance cheaper than lets say Philip Morris, I don't think so.
The only people who would be growing are the people like us who want good quality marijuana, not the stuff Uncle Sam is going to give us. Hey, either way we all benifit, well maybe not the dealers but normal stoners like us and of course the good old U.S.A.
peace, redeyed