View Full Version : Aurora: antique capitol of Oregon

Stoner Shadow Wolf
10-28-2005, 05:29 AM
and the fruggin VOID!!! :mad:

for the longest time, we couldnt even get dominoes to deliver! oh well...

online... i never meet oregonians! ir's a pain in the butt! it's not fair!

this is like the promised land to me... lol an Oregonian section of a forum! :dance:

so anyways... how close are y'all to Aurora? im about a mile outside lol

10-30-2005, 03:04 AM
Hi there Wolffie!

We share your rural pain...only one phone company here--a monopoly!
Here is a hint on our locale:

Cum und haf a gut time!

Stoner Shadow Wolf
10-30-2005, 04:26 AM
you didnt just say hubbard did you? :eek:

11-13-2005, 07:49 PM
Stoner, you are familiar with that sprawling metropolis? I think I may have played Dr. with a city official long long ago....:o

However, you missed the clue it would seem....here's more:

The tiny hamlet of St. Benedict is within shouting distance....and I swear you can smell skunk near an old cemetery!

Can you polka? :dance:


Stoner Shadow Wolf
11-26-2005, 06:14 PM
i dont know the hamlet you speak of... and im so sorry for the late reply, they dont mark new posts in this forum >=(

umm... well... there's a cemetary right across from the trailor park where my mom's house is (im at my dad's now FYI)...

but i dunno about any hamlets, or st. bennedicts :P

polka? um... no.

04-24-2006, 08:53 PM
Stoner I think it is Oregon city or Mount Angel, I grew up outside of Molalla.

Stoner Shadow Wolf
02-16-2007, 01:33 AM
Stoner I think it is Oregon city or Mount Angel, I grew up outside of Molalla.

lol im not picking up on the "clues"...

Opie Yutts
11-17-2007, 01:43 AM
I don't get it either. Not to long ago I used to drive through Aurora twice per day.

Stoner Shadow Wolf
09-07-2008, 07:12 PM
oh hey im still subscribing to this thread! XD haha i had completely forgotten about it! lol

09-09-2008, 02:18 AM
oh hey the oregon stuff rises up again!!! hello there!!

Stoner Shadow Wolf
09-09-2008, 02:27 AM
oh hey the oregon stuff rises up again!!! hello there!!

hey i was wondering how long it would take for you to sprout up around here again...

how's it going man?

09-09-2008, 02:46 AM
hey SS are you back in Oregon?
or did you get married and have 3 kids now?

Stoner Shadow Wolf
09-09-2008, 02:50 AM
hey SS are you back in Oregon?
or did you get married and have 3 kids now?

ROFL i havent been out of state long enough to have thee kids with one person!....... and i've only been with her so yeah... no. lol

yeah, im back in god's country (the beautiful pacific northwest) turns out things werent as great as she claimed them to be between us and things swiftly eroded since december...

of course she never gave much indication that she was losing interest in me fast until February...! but oh well im glad im out of that crap.... she was nuts lol

not that i dont like nuts, i lvoe it, but she was not the good kind haha.

09-25-2008, 04:23 AM
SSW: Interesting thread, I didn't get any of it. Nice that you are taking your time to figure out the clues!!! I have a friend in Lincoln City, but I will have to get a map out to find where Aurora is! Must have been thru there once, at least!

Glad you are back, where did you go (since I wasn't here then)? No place like home, ehh? I have only lived outside of Calif. for a couple years when I was a very young kid, Phoenix of all places! From hot to hottest--temp. wise!

I cannot imagine leaving any place from N. Calif. to Seattle! Nice growing country! At least you came back with Godspeed! Take care, PR :jointsmile:

Stoner Shadow Wolf
09-25-2008, 04:32 AM
oh my... i could never live in such a hot climate again! NC was unbearable in the summer! four or five A/C's in the house and STILL too hot to sleep at night!

I am glad i am home. this is where i belong.... maybe Orcas Island, up in washington :D

How's North Cali for ya? i've been through there once, VERY nice! especcially compared to mid-to-south cali...! haha a fried lives in the Sierra mountains (did i spell that right?) in south cali, and we visited her family one christmas a few years back... i could never live in such a dry, brown, sunscorched environment!

GOTTA have my mountains, crisp air, and EVERGREEN trees!

GOD I missed Oregon! went camping a week ago out in the middle of nowhere, near Detroit lake! it was such a relief for me, helpped me unwind tremendously!

it's been over 5 years since i've been campping too! this was a well overdue vacation.

09-25-2008, 05:40 AM
Actually, I am in S. Cal and spend as much time in North. Cali as possible! Not the past several years, but in the near future, I hope! Just hate the heat! But, been here all my life! dumb! When I was really young, it was great, to the ocean every week-end. But that is kinda old now and too crowded. gotta get to the woods and lakes!

I live in, what was, a forest and wooded area until '94 when the fire came thru and took out all the trees, etc. No re-forestation. No paved streets either, except the one I live on!:thumbsup:

I still like the peace an quiet. The nice little & big critters that are wild and roam everywhere! Not enough water though!

5 yrs ago I was in Lincoln City when it was well over 100 degrees that week. A fluk!

Just love feeling closer to the heavens!!:jointsmile:

Any new clues???

N.C. is pretty hot then? ick! Guess it doesn't matter what the weather is if you are happy where you are! :)I have decided I will not trade that for anyone! Well, I don't think I ever met the right person though! So, I should never say never! ;)

Sierra's, are usually pretty nice! I think maybe you went the wrong time of year or a weird weather month! Sierra's are so beautiful! And good fishing & hiking. Bet you were slightly south of there. Everywhere in Calif we have some hot days though!:(

I spent some time in Vancouver, WA 4 yrs ago: used the heater in Sept. and it really wasn't cold to anyone. I am too use to the heat, I guess! I sure hope not. I love the snow! In fact, I live less than 2 miles from a ski resort. But, it gets hot here! When the snow melts, I have a little creek running through a portion of my parcel. Too hot to grow outdoors easily! That has become my passion!:jointsmile: pr

My PC told me the board was busy and shut down. I am shocked to see my post made it! pr

Stoner Shadow Wolf
09-25-2008, 07:10 AM
yeah that friend lives just on the south side of the Sierra's there were no trees, no lakes, no rivers, it was DRY. she lives about parallel with LA... so yeah... shitty side of the mountain so to speak.

My sister's been to big bear lake and said many good things about it though! (i dont remember if that's in the Sierras or not though, forgive me! :P)

haha im glad your post made it through man!

yeah... i gotta tell ya... it's not actually tremendously more hot in NC than it is here, only by maybe 10-20 degrees, give or take, but it is certainly muggier! man the humidity is what kills ya! i almost had heat stroke on the first day out there! i got so sluggish and worn out so fast... and it didnt help that i was working at the flea market that day; cooking pork skins in a deep fryer is not the coolest place in the hut we were working out of.

it didnt fully hit me till after work and the after-work dinner at a sweet mexican restaurant... i ordered the chorizo, (i dont know how it's spelled...) and YUM i loved it... but the heat had gotten to me by then and made it difficult to enjoy the meal and i felt so ill so nauseous...

but the next time i ordered the chorizo, it was awesome :P

so the heat aside, how did you like Lincoln city? not my favorite place on the Oregon beaches, but it's not all that bad... Pacific city is MUCH better though :thumbsup: especially if the cape is empty! Cape Kiwanda is amazing! climb to the top every time i visit :cool: the view up there is sweet as well.

oh god, over 14 years and still no trees?!? :eek: i don think i could handle that so well...!

P.S. sorry for responding to everything in such a haphazard order, i've been distracted :P :D im sure it's still readable :thumbsup: