View Full Version : please explain step by step this Firecrackers thing

10-26-2005, 04:45 AM
please explain this Firecracker :confused: thing? step by step please. :dance:ingredients and amounts of mid's or high's. THANKS im hungry. :D

10-27-2005, 08:05 PM
Ill lay it down once for you. If u cant follow this....damn.

what u need

2 crackers - preferably grahm.
plastic spoon
plastic plate
peanut butter - preferably highest fat content brand.
kind bud.

preheat the oven to 355 degrees.

Take 1 gram of some quality bud. F mids or schwag. You should only want the best for yourself anyway. Grind up you bud as fine as you can. Electric coffee grinders work well for that.

Put a spoon full of peanut butter on a plastic plate.
Knead your fine pieces of bud into the peanut butter.
U can add peanut butter as needed, but just have enough so all the weed is covered in peanut butter. Dont flood the bitch.

Scrape it all into the middle of the plate and sandwich the peanut butter in between your grahm crackers.

throw it in the preheated oved. for 25 minutes.

eat it.

allow it to kick in usually 30 min to over an hour -depending on your metabolism.

tell your friends.

10-27-2005, 11:48 PM
Ill lay it down once for you. If u cant follow this....damn.

what u need

2 crackers - preferably grahm.
plastic spoon
plastic plate
peanut butter - preferably highest fat content brand.
kind bud.

preheat the oven to 355 degrees.

Take 1 gram of some quality bud. F mids or schwag. You should only want the best for yourself anyway. Grind up you bud as fine as you can. Electric coffee grinders work well for that.

Put a spoon full of peanut butter on a plastic plate.
Knead your fine pieces of bud into the peanut butter.
U can add peanut butter as needed, but just have enough so all the weed is covered in peanut butter. Dont flood the bitch.

Scrape it all into the middle of the plate and sandwich the peanut butter in between your grahm crackers.

throw it in the preheated oved. for 25 minutes.

eat it.

allow it to kick in usually 30 min to over an hour -depending on your metabolism.

tell your friends.I GOT IT :thumbsup: AND MAKING IT NOW THANKS

Wicked 56711
11-07-2005, 07:41 PM
Oh man, the only time Ive made one of these I was baked beyond belief. It was SO awesome! I plan to do it again very soon! Actually I think Im going to make one and munch on it when I go to this party Saturday night... :dance:

02-18-2007, 04:07 AM
Dude, i made 3 today and im baked as hell... Seriously, these are definitely the best. way better than smoking. ah yeah

02-21-2007, 06:00 PM
And u guys are sure these are just as good as smoking it, or do u get less bang fo0r your buck??? I mean I guess the thc is still entering ur system but it doesnt seem as effective

Grade A
02-21-2007, 08:10 PM
I'm just about to devulge in some peanute butter/pot sandwiches. I put about a gram in them. I used teddy organic peanut butter and mixed the finely ground herb up and put it between two whole wheat english muffins. The last five minutes I baked them open faced.

I cooked them for 20 minutes on 325.

I'll let you all know how they come out.

Grade A
02-21-2007, 08:36 PM
And u guys are sure these are just as good as smoking it, or do u get less bang fo0r your buck??? I mean I guess the thc is still entering ur system but it doesnt seem as effective

In my opinion, eating is much better than smoking it. It's a different high (more body oriented) and lasts 3 or 4 times as long.

02-21-2007, 08:38 PM
wouldnt that kinda heat melt the peanut butter?

02-21-2007, 09:37 PM
wouldnt that kinda heat melt the peanut butter?

That's why you wrap it in tinfoil so it doesn't go anywhere. :)

Use organic PB people. :) Jiffy brands will not work. Find a PB that is high in fats and trans fats to get the best results.

02-22-2007, 04:43 AM
And u guys are sure these are just as good as smoking it, or do u get less bang fo0r your buck??? I mean I guess the thc is still entering ur system but it doesnt seem as effective

As much as 50% of the thc in bud is burned away before you even inhale it. Since your not burning the bud in the oven, only activating the THC you get better bang for your pot.

02-22-2007, 03:12 PM
isn't 355 degrees a bit high?

I used 320-325 for 20 or so minutes..

I'm fcking making some right now.. :D

02-23-2007, 07:24 PM
these last firecrackers did not work for me.. and I made it twice.. baked on 320 or so for 20 minutes, used 'natural creamy skippy peanut butter' and all............................... 2 grams wasted...

02-23-2007, 07:48 PM
Jiffy/Skippy brand will work. I do it all the time. The recipe is 325 for 20-25 minutes.

I use saltine crackers. I wouldn't say the high is better than smoking, but it's a lot longer. It's a body stone more than a cerebral high.

02-28-2007, 02:45 AM
Thats cool I like all kinds of highs Ill try some bud brownies when my plant flowers and I dry the buds.