View Full Version : Best Book to buy!

King Collie
06-29-2004, 11:22 AM
hey i would just like to know what is the best bewbie indoor growersbook?
i see there are numerous book from ed rosenthal is one beter then the other ?
and where can i buy this book online cause i would have to buy it online no stoner books in my country.

06-29-2004, 02:39 PM
Indoor Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes is a great book, but Ed has some excellent books as well. Try these Ed Roshenthal books. I have them all so I'll give a brief explanation of each. His Easy Marijuana Gardening is nice and small(only 75 pages) but it keeps everything as simple as possible, it pretty much covers basic organic and hydro setups and growing. The clear color pictures on every page are the great thing about it. Very easy to read and understand. Definately writen for people who don't want to do much reading. Then there is his Marijuana Grower's Handbook this goes into a lot more depth and is mostly a text book, but still has some colored pics, but they are mostly black and white, with some sketches. This book will teach anyone about growing, about cannabis plant, advanced techniques, etc. There is pretty much nothing this book doesn't cover. It was my first book, and it is still the book I refer to the most. Definately has the most grow info. Also there is The Best of ASK ED: Your Marijuana Questions Answered this book is great, but not as a grow book, but as a reference book to accomany other books. What it is, is a collection of the FAQs, strange, informative, all sorts of questions from readers in the 20 years that Ed had his Ask Ed column in High Times magazine. There are so many topics covered from growing to legal that I couldn't even try to list them, but the book is a must, as I haven't seen another book out there with this much info(410 pages). I don't have his Book of Big Buds, because after picking up the Cannabible and the Cannabible2, Ed's big bud book doesn't really measure up. Have fun selecting a book. If you roll up to your local Barnes and Noble or Borders books you can check out the wide selection of grow books in the garden section for yourself. :)

06-30-2004, 07:59 PM
There must be a reason that The Cannabis Grow Bible is the #1 on amazon...

06-30-2004, 08:08 PM
There must be a reason that The Cannabis Grow Bible is the #1 on amazon...

Have you ever taken a look at it? It is like the National Geographic of cannabis!!! Wonderfully informative, and with mouth watering pictures and descriptions of the worlds finest strains. It's about time someone documented the multitude of different buds out there. Jason King :) has one of the greatest jobs. lol