View Full Version : Supernatural experience?

09-25-2005, 07:38 AM
The other night I was drinking at a friend's house. Her house is about 200 years old, and her family always talks about the ghost of maid that used to live there. Well, the other night I was laying down in a guest bedroom. All of a sudden I heard super-quick footsteps come towards my room and someone open the door. I got really cold and began to shiver. I was terrified and couldn't open my eyes to look and see what it was. This all happened the night after my friend got in his accident and passed away.

The next day I thought maybe it could've been a cat or dog or something, but the knobs on the doors in that house are extremely old and hard to turn and unlock. I told my friend about what happened and she said that I probably had an experience with their ghost.

Before this, I didn't believe in ghosts; I didn't even believe in God or an afterlife, but now...

I really wish I would've opened my eyes because I would love to know for sure. Especially, if somehow it was my friend.

stoner spirit
09-25-2005, 04:04 PM
Ah... yes, spirits do have ways of messing with the living.

beachguy in thongs
09-25-2005, 06:07 PM
Yeah, I was described something like that by someone who was living by themself.
Except it was comforting. She's not Catholic, nor religious at all, but she felt her dead-grandfather lay down in bed with her and she felt, well, she won't talk about that (something like, everything's gonna be alright). But, she was living alone at nursing school and no one ever came to visit her. Soon after, she met me and I came to visit (the day she came back from Christmas break) and slept with her in the bed for six months, until she left nursing school and came to Virginia Beach.

She's un-religious to the point where she says her mother and step-father only go to Church to be seen at Church. And she never lies.

stoner spirit
09-26-2005, 08:58 PM
Spirits of family members would do something to get your attention, other than other spirits. There are some spirits that are evil, or mischievious, and they will try to mess with you in any way. They can mess with the lights, other electronic things, open, shut, slam, and lock doors in and around the place, manipulate or throw things off walls, such as picture fraims, and make various noises. Some spirits might even attack you, pull your feet, hair, or the sheets on your bed, knock on doors and walls, whisper, scream, or call out your name. How do I know this?, because half, if not almost all of this stuff has happened to me before. Not just once or twice, it happens almost every day.

beachguy in thongs
09-26-2005, 09:03 PM
Yeah, I know of that, I just got hit in the temple. NO SHIT.

09-27-2005, 03:17 AM
Spirits of family members would do something to get your attention, other than other spirits. There are some spirits that are evil, or mischievious, and they will try to mess with you in any way. They can mess with the lights, other electronic things, open, shut, slam, and lock doors in and around the place, manipulate or throw things off walls, such as picture fraims, and make various noises. Some spirits might even attack you, pull your feet, hair, or the sheets on your bed, knock on doors and walls, whisper, scream, or call out your name. How do I know this?, because half, if not almost all of this stuff has happened to me before. Not just once or twice, it happens almost every day.

On a daily basis? I never get scared, and that night I was completely TERRRIFIED. I could never handle that situation everyday.