View Full Version : Does fertalizer increase THC?

06-17-2004, 09:23 PM
Does putting different fertazicers create thc or increase thc in plants? :confused:

06-17-2004, 11:36 PM
A Cannabis plant will always produce THC .
The healthier the plant the more THC & CBD the plant will produce.
So yes putting the right ferts and as many as she can stand will give you more bang for your buck. :)

06-18-2004, 05:48 AM
as a nurse, seems bad to be smoking something with as much "right ferts and as many as she can stand" in it. isn't organic the way to go?

06-18-2004, 07:57 AM
towards the end near harvest,the plant will use what little nutrients remain,then depending on what system you use to grow( hydro or soil) they are just given plain water for the remaining week or two then flushed for a day or a few days or longer before their harvested,that will leach out most of the chems in the plants system, including organics....bonbon